Working Mom's of young children how do you do it? (not a rehtorical question)

How do you manage getting your family fed, stay on point with your diet, keep work demands under control, spend quality time with your children, spend quality time with your husband, clean house, AND make time for working out.

By young children I mean kids that aren't self sufficient. Kids that can't feed themselves or dress themselves. Not that being a mother of older children is any easier but it's different in that you don't have to sit at the table and shovel food in your child's mouth. LOL

What do your days look like? How often do you work out? How long is each workout? How much sleep do you get daily?


  • SammiLilyBug
    SammiLilyBug Posts: 11 Member
    edited August 2017
    Including the children in everything. lol that's the only way for me! My little one goes on walks with me in her stroller or car and follows me around the house as I clean. As for staying under my goal... fortunately is easier when you are the one cooking which is my case! I just make meals that are within my limits. My husband loves to cook with me too, so we all kind of do that as a family. It is daunting some days because the house work gets out of hand, but we don't sweat the small stuff here. Lol

    As for sleep... about 6-7 hours
    Workout/walk atleast once a day sometimes 2.
  • French_Peasant
    French_Peasant Posts: 1,639 Member
    Notably, I didn't set my mind to lose weight till my "babies" were 6 and 9, so they were older.

    I really wish that I had had the MFP tool earlier because there is so much that you can do with kids that counts as both quality time AND a workout. Just running around with them, playing tag, playing at the playground, strapping them on and carrying them in a baby bjorn or a back pack, pushing them in a stroller, graduating to a jogging stroller, pulling them in a trailer behind your bike, general roughhousing with them, airplane rides, horsey rides, lifting them into the air, push-ups with them sitting on your back...there are all kinds of things you can do for a "mommy bootcamp"!

    My husband was always the one towing them on our bike rides, and now I look back at that and say, DANG IT! That should have been me!

    I also recently read this thought-provoking article about how important it is to roughhouse with your kids:

  • alondrakayy
    alondrakayy Posts: 304 Member
    Honestly, I wouldn't be able to do all that I do in a day without my husband.

    I have a 4 year old child, soon to be 5, and a lot of things help. She attends a daycare where they feed her meals so I don't have to pack lunch for her. We pay more each week and it's totally worth it.

    I only cook for myself. My husband cooks for himself. It works because I don't have to cook meals that I don't enjoy and my husband doesn't have to wait on me to get home to eat.

    My gym does not provide childcare so I have to go to the gym either before or after my husband's Jujitsu classes. But now that my child is starting to attend sports.. I can see where this may begin to be a tad bit harder on us and our flexibility.

    I focus on one thing each week when it comes to cleaning the house. Each day I make sure the floors and the kitchen is clean but maybe Monday I'll do some laundry and fold, Tuesday i'll deep clean the bathroom, Wednesday I'll clean the bedroom, and so on. My daughter can now pick up her own toys so this helps a lot!

    Quality time with the husband is saved for the weekend!

    I try my very best to spend as much time with my daughter each day as I can. Once the day is officially done and there's nothing left to do it's pretty much bed time so I make sure to read 2-4 books with her, pray, and then talk about her day.

    I work out 4-5x a week, each workout is about 1-1.5hrs long, and I sleep about 6-8 hrs a day.
  • chornak05
    chornak05 Posts: 135 Member
    I have 3 kids (5, 3 and 9 months)
    Like alondrakayy, I would not be able to keep it together without all of my husband's help, so I think that's huge.
    Also, I think most people waste a ton more time than they think they do. Checking facebook, watching tv etc is a huge time drain.

    I wake up at 5am daily. 4 days/week, I go to the gym and do a 1 hour work out. I'm back home by about 6:30 with enough time to take a quick shower and get ready for work. On the days I don't go to the gym, I do laundry, prep food or clean up until my kids wake up (between 6 and 6:30)

    My husband and I both leave for work at 7:30am.

    When we get home, one of us makes dinner while the other helps the kids put away their daycare stuff and clean up a bit and then we eat as a family. We're done eating around 6 and spend family time until around 7. Then, one of us gets the kids ready for and into bed and the other cleans up from dinner and packs lunches for the next day. We switch up nightly so that we both can do the bedtime routine with the kids. It's lights out for the kids between 7:45 and 8. My husband and I probably spend the next 30 minutes or so tying up loose ends and then we spend time together watching tv or talking until we go to bed at 10.

    Is it always organized or works out perfectly? No. But we're huge routine people so it works well.
  • tjones0411
    tjones0411 Posts: 179 Member
    I have two young kids and work full time. I am at the gym most mornings by 5am, when my husband and the kids are still asleep. I get home at 6:45am and get myself showered and ready for work. I then wake up the kids and get their day started, fed, dressed. We're out the door by 8:15 for school.

    Once work is done, my husband picks the kids up and I come home and start dinner. We eat, do homework/family time, bath and bed for the kids by 8:30pm. I normally hang in until 9:30-10pm and go to bed myself to start all over the next day.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited August 2017
    tmoneyag99 wrote: »
    How do you manage getting your family fed, stay on point with your diet, keep work demands under control, spend quality time with your children, spend quality time with your husband, clean house, AND make time for working out.

    By young children I mean kids that aren't self sufficient. Kids that can't feed themselves or dress themselves. Not that being a mother of older children is any easier but it's different in that you don't have to sit at the table and shovel food in your child's mouth. LOL

    What do your days look like? How often do you work out? How long is each workout? How much sleep do you get daily?

    We have two boys 7 & 5 and both of us work full time. For one thing, we share domestic responsibilities...during the week I cook on Monday and Wednesday, she cooks on Tuesday and Thursday...I do most of the cooking on weekends as well.

    As exercise goes, my wife runs on Tuesday and Thursday AM and on Saturday and Sunday. She lifts on Fridays after work. While my wife is running, I'm at home getting the kids up and fed and ready for school...on Fridays, I'm the one that picks the kids up from school while wife is at the gym.

    I cycle on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday and lift on Tuesday evening which is one of the reasons she's on cooking duty on Tuesday. Basically we just alternate exercise days during the week while also alternating domestic responsibilities. We have our time in the evenings once the kids have gone to bed.

    ETA: we really emphasize activity on weekends. My weekday rides and her weekday runs are shorter as we are more limited on time...I do longer rides on the weekend and she does longer runs...I also hit the weight room on Sunday and we go to the rock climbing gym every couple weeks or so...we're on the move come the weekend...
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I'm a single mom, co-parent with their dad, and we have 3 kids together. Ages are 7, 5 and 4. The 5yo has Autism so has special challenges. I work full-time, but I'm lucky that I work 1 mile from my house so an easy commute. I get up, get them ready and their dad gets them while I work/they go to school. I'm able to come home over lunch to eat leftovers and not eat out. I get home around 4:45pm and we pack up and head to the gym. My gym has a great kid care area that my kids love to go to so it's fun for them too. Hour at the gym and we are back home, making a quick dinner/eating leftovers, homework, playing then some nights baths/showers, reading then bed. I try and workout at the gym 3 nights a week then again on Saturday and Sunday. Off days we play outside so still try to be active. Biggest thing for me is I only cook twice during the week and eat on that the other nights/days. It's usually crockpot meals, casseroles, shredded chicken for easy quesadillas/nachos/tacos/salad toppings/etc., or it's frozen meals. My kids eat those things about half the time, then the other half they ask for a sandwhich/frozen something in the freezer which is easy. Always pair it with fresh fruit or a salad. I get about 6 hours of sleep every night.
  • JennJ323
    JennJ323 Posts: 646 Member
    edited August 2017
    I have a daughter who will be 2 at the end of the month. I work full time, Mon-Fri 9-5. By the time I get home it's around 5:30, I start dinner and we're usually done with that around 6:30. While I prep/cook dinner she hangs out with me in the kitchen (husband is home from work around 6). We hang out and play til 7:30, then her and I go for our nightly walk.. usually 30-40 minutes. When we get home it's bath, pj time, milk and bed for her. By the time she's finally out it's around 9pm. That's when I can either clean up the house, or watch tv with my husband or do whatever else I need to do..

    The only exercise I get is our nightly walks & I walk each day on my lunch break. I prep all my meals (breakfast & lunch) on the weekend so I don't have to worry about that each day, the only meals I'm packing daily are her lunches for the following day. I go to bed around 11pm and am up the next day at 7am.

    It's hard and I feel like I'm always going 100mph.. but that's how are life is right now and I just keep chugging along. I'm down 25lb since December, I make sure my healthy eating and walking (exercise) is a priority.
  • DianaGabriela2013
    DianaGabriela2013 Posts: 108 Member
    edited August 2017
    I have 4 kids, 6 and under. The youngest ones being 3 months old and 1.5 yrs old.

    Not much time to exercise so its all about the diet for me. I've lost about a pound a week by eating healthy and keeping calories to 1200-1380 consistently. Works for me. I walk during my 30 minute lunch break at work.

    At home after cooking and eating we put the two babies to sleep and then spend time with the older kids. Sometimes husband plays a card game in the kitchen while I clean up and pack lunches, sometimes I read to them while husband washes dishes, sometimes the kids and I dance, sometimes they play legos or color. Depends what they want to do. Come 9:30ish the older kids go to bed and husband and I spend 30minutes-1 hour to ourselves. Sometimes I am not done in the kitchen so I have to go back and finish prepping lunches or cleaning up. But my goal is to finish up so we all head upstairs to our bedrooms at the same time.

    Currently I'm getting about 7 (interrupted) hours of sleep. Once the baby is sleeping through the night I MIGHT start getting up early to do a home exercise video.
  • igarcia13
    igarcia13 Posts: 59 Member
    Been a stay at home mom for 3 years and I'm still trying to figure it out lol this is what has worked out for me:
    Schedule? No way! Doesn't work for me. Routine? Yes! Routine is what has helped me figure out this mommy stuff.

    Sit with a pen an paper and think about making a routine where you dedicate time to working out, cleaning, and quality time with you kids. I've tried many MANY different routines until I have finally have one that works for my family. When it comes to working out, this is what I do to sneak workouts in my day:
    - Walk to the park and play with kids at the park
    - Pinterest has some park workout routines
    - Walk / jog around playground while kids play
    - Put on your favorite music and dance while cleaning your house
    - Workout as soon as your kids take a nap
    - Download the 7 minute workout app. A short workout is better than none
    - Wake up earlier and go for a walk/jog/ or workout to YouTube videos
    - After bedtime, workout to YouTube videos
  • newheavensearth
    newheavensearth Posts: 870 Member
    When my kids were little I exercised at 4 am before they woke up (still do). I meal prepped and shopped for the week on Sunday with them in tow. I also took them to an occasional Weight Watchers meeting on weekends, and they got a trip to the toy or bookstore afterwards. Saturday was spent at the park or YMCA. They swam while I was in the fitness room or in karate, or we did Mommy and Me classes. All of this was done while working full time and going to school at night full time. And of course hubby was a big help watching them while I was at school. I used the school gym before classes if time allowed.
  • mamma_adventure
    mamma_adventure Posts: 235 Member
    Wow, you are all amazing <3
    Single, working mum of 3 (4 year old and twins who will be 3 in a few weeks).
    I try to walk when I can with the kids.
    I try not to eat their left-overs.
    Hoping to start some home workout videos soon...we're in a new house so bedtime routine is a bit later than I'd like just now.
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    I'm a SAHM who solo parents much of the time because my husband works away. I cook and shop with my 4, 3 and 2 year olds in tow, we walk everywhere. I run at 3AM 6 days a week on my ultramarathon programming. I clean, etc. after my kids have gone to bed and prep against running in the morning, usually in bed around midnight.
  • whisker1984
    whisker1984 Posts: 26 Member
    edited August 2017
    I'd just like to point out that managing one's life as a mom and full-time employee is *ucking ridiculous. People love to give advice that starts to sound like a recipe for a mental breakdown: "It's easy, just stand on your head and juggle while reciting the alphabet backwards, and make sure you never get more than 3 hours of sleep." Modern life has set expectations for women (and moms especially) that are totally crazy! /end rant still have to do it. You still have to exercise and eat well. And, truthfully, doing so makes the rest of it EASIER. You'll have more energy and improved quality of sleep.

    Workout videos were useful for me when my son was younger (there's TONS free on YouTube nowadays). Joining a gym with childcare is great and can be pretty cheap, honestly. Having a partner who will take the kids for an hour or so a day is ideal. Nowadays, I wait until my son goes to bed around 9 PM and head to the gym.

    Keep on truckin'! <3
  • Wiggymommy
    Wiggymommy Posts: 106 Member
    Single mom of 2 and I work Mon- Fri 8 to 430 (half hour lunch). I do lunch prep on sundays and eat a quick breakfast (eggs or overnight oats) dinner is always easy chicken, fish or turkey with some sides (veggies) I get home about 530. Have dinner done by 6 or so. I work out at home with the smart tv and my 4 and 6 year old will sometimes join me. They think its fun! Then it's bed time and I clean a little and usually have about 30 min to an hour of just me time. It wasn't always that easy. It took time to get used to the go-go-go lifestyle and it can be challenging but I think its mostly personality because I thrive on those sorts of challenges.
  • VeronicaA76
    VeronicaA76 Posts: 1,116 Member
    edited August 2017
    1. I give them two choices for dinner: what I cook or don't eat. (Sounds cruel, but saves sanity and in the long run, you need to take care of yourself in order to take care of other - namely your children)
    2. Cook. When you do the cooking, you know the meals are healthy. If someone complains, see #1. Or tell them, then you make dinner.
    3. Weird mom workout plan.... to include:
    Adductor/abductor lifts while cooking
    Body weight squats putting away dishes, toys, laundry
    Stiff leg deadlifts: toddler toys & husband's dirty laundry that somehow always miss the hamper
    Board game planks: play on the floor and while it's thier turn, do a plank.
    Standing in line calf raises
    Jogging to the mail box/running in place going through the mail.

    Hope this helps.
  • neverthejess
    neverthejess Posts: 5 Member
    I work full time 7-4. I try to squeeze in walking at work when the weather permits. In an ideal week, I meal prep Sunday for my breakfast (energy balls from Pinterest) and some combo of rice/noodles and veggies for lunch. When weather permits my husband and I take our son on a walk in the neighborhood in the evenings. I go to the gym when he is asleep. If life is particularly chaotic I will take him to the gym childcare while I squeeze in a work out. I have to be flexible but still try to prioritize my health and remind myself that I will always be my sons mother and my husbands wife and twenty years form now they will be glad I took care of myself. And I would want my son to make his health a priority when he grows up and is a parent as well. So that alleviates some of my guilt about taking time for myself.
  • Momepro
    Momepro Posts: 1,509 Member
    Depend on my husband for alot. He divides cleaning, and first one home cooks dinner. Don't worry to much about having a perfect house. And use my phones day planner religiously.