Hello My Friend!!

I'm excited and nervous all at the same time . I'm 31 and over weight. For the longest I keep say Hell Everyone is Over Weight These Days, Until my 5 year old daughter asked me how I got TWO tummies... Feelings were crushed and many tears drop but then I pulled it together and said no need to cry Do Something About It !


  • rashell167
    rashell167 Posts: 23 Member
    Yes! It's a terrible feeling, my niece asked me why I was so fat... not in a mean way she was legitimately curious but it still kinda hurts! We can definitely do something about it! I am down 13lbs so far and ready to keep going! If your ready it will happen. Feel free to add me as a friend!! Good luck
  • Neitrael
    Neitrael Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! I was once explaining to my daughter why it was important to eat healthy and she told me "or else I'll get a big tummy like you". I know how you feel. I'm new to this app and starting a weight loss journey. Looking to lose 60-70 lbs. Feel free to add me as well!