Thinking about starting a fruit based diet in the form of smoothies.



  • alondrakayy
    alondrakayy Posts: 304 Member
    You seem set in your ways. Good luck!
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    How would you get the protein and fat that your body needs?

    Protein powder

    And the fat? The lycopene? B12? Thiamin? Niacin? Vit D?


    Why stick to such an unhealthy diet that contains zero of the above mentioned vitamins?

    Add in veggies, the full colour of the rainbow and add in some fats, cheese is a good source as is oily fish.
  • aeloine
    aeloine Posts: 2,163 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    Ice cream is also delicious and refreshing after long walks in the heat. Why not a milkshake diet?

    Because a milkshake has like 1000 calories and is fattening and a smoothie has like 300 and no fat.

    Okay, so I drink a smoothie daily. 1 apple, 1 banana, 0.5 cup strawberries, 0.3 cups Greek yogurt, some spinach (weigh your fruit!!). 350 calories. It's also 55g of sugar and around 80g of carbs. I do it to get me through the afternoon slump and to power my work outs. 3 of these would only put you at 1,050 calories but 165g of sugar and 240g of carbs.

    Basically, you would be hungry and would keep sugar crashing (feeling like crap).

    A protein powder would add SOME protein but bump up sugar and carbs even more. Your nutrition would be out of whack.

    You'd also poop a lot. Lots of fiber.

    It's not sustainable. Do a "cleanse" if you really want to, but 40 pounds would take MONTHS of feeling like crap every couple of hours.

    Then you'd binge to make up for the missed calories and nutrients, which would make you mentally feel like crap.
  • HarlemNY17
    HarlemNY17 Posts: 135 Member
    Hi, I want to do a diet of fruit only mainly in the form of smoothies, I want to lose about 40 pounds, I would like some insight from people who are also eating mainly fruit, I decided to do this mainly because I drank a fresh fruit smoothie mixed with yogurt yesterday and it was delicious and refreshing especially after I took a long walk in the heat. So I decided I'm going to do this, I'm going to buy a blender and just drink fruit and yogurt smoothies until I lose my 40 pounds.

    You can still have a smoothie everyday and eat other things. Drinking only smoothies won't make you lose weight any faster.
  • ISweat4This
    ISweat4This Posts: 653 Member
    It's a short term solution, once you start eating again the weight will start creeping back.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    Hi, I want to do a diet of fruit only mainly in the form of smoothies, I want to lose about 40 pounds, I would like some insight from people who are also eating mainly fruit, I decided to do this mainly because I drank a fresh fruit smoothie mixed with yogurt yesterday and it was delicious and refreshing especially after I took a long walk in the heat. So I decided I'm going to do this, I'm going to buy a blender and just drink fruit and yogurt smoothies until I lose my 40 pounds.

    You're better off learning to eat healthy then any gimmick. Otherwise you might gain all that weight back.
  • WatchJoshLift
    WatchJoshLift Posts: 520 Member
    aeloine wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    Ice cream is also delicious and refreshing after long walks in the heat. Why not a milkshake diet?

    Because a milkshake has like 1000 calories and is fattening and a smoothie has like 300 and no fat.

    Okay, so I drink a smoothie daily. 1 apple, 1 banana, 0.5 cup strawberries, 0.3 cups Greek yogurt, some spinach (weigh your fruit!!). 350 calories. It's also 55g of sugar and around 80g of carbs. I do it to get me through the afternoon slump and to power my work outs. 3 of these would only put you at 1,050 calories but 165g of sugar and 240g of carbs.

    Basically, you would be hungry and would keep sugar crashing (feeling like crap).

    A protein powder would add SOME protein but bump up sugar and carbs even more. Your nutrition would be out of whack.

    You'd also poop a lot. Lots of fiber.

    It's not sustainable. Do a "cleanse" if you really want to, but 40 pounds would take MONTHS of feeling like crap every couple of hours.

    Then you'd binge to make up for the missed calories and nutrients, which would make you mentally feel like crap.

  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Words totally fail me ... I just can't... why on earth would you wish to jeopardize your health when you can lose weight eating a balanced and solid diet?
  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    Why not just expand it a bit and go plant-based if you like fruit so much? At least then you'll have a better nutritional profile and some grains like oats and quinoa.
  • boredloser
    boredloser Posts: 119 Member
    Like others have said, it's not a good idea. Your body needs other nutrients like protein, fats etc from other sources. Fruit is also full of sugar. Everything in moderation, mix it up a little! Maybe have a smoothie as a snack or as part of a breakfast?
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    I keep promising one of these days I'm going to add a packet of xanthan gum to my smoothie and make green ice cream. It's got 23 grams of fat in it so it's mo betta if it's ice cream.