I hate Plateau's

I cant seem to get under 220 lbs! I stick to my diet, still exercising. Very frustrating, any advice?


  • Meelisv
    Meelisv Posts: 235 Member
    edited August 2017
    Youre either eating more than you think or burning less calories excercising than you think.
    Log everything precisely. Use digital food scale and weigh EVERYTHING.
  • finkikin5450
    finkikin5450 Posts: 32 Member
    I do weigh everything.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    I do weigh everything.

    So, you use a food scale to weigh everything that isn't a liquid, in grams, even single serve pre-packaged foods, butter, peanut butter, mayo, bread slices, deli meats, soup, protein bars/powder? Do you weigh meats, grains, vegetables in their raw state?

    Do you choose the correct database entries? There are a lot of incorrect entries in there. Scanning and green check mark entries are not necessarily accurate either.

    Are you logging cooking oils/butter? Condiments? Beverages?

    Have you changed the batteries in your food scale and body scale? Do you weigh at the same time under the same conditions every time? Is your scale in a level hard surface each time you weigh?

    How long has it been since you haven't lost? How long have you been trying to lose weight?

    What sort of exercise do you do? Have you increased or started anything new?

    How many calories are you consuming? Age/goal weight/height?
  • finkikin5450
    finkikin5450 Posts: 32 Member
    Yes, I do weigh everything but liquids. Im 37, 220 to 222 lbs, 6 foot and my goal is 205 lbs. My calories per day is set at 1500 and i rarely eat all 1500 per day.
  • finkikin5450
    finkikin5450 Posts: 32 Member
    Also, I started MFP on May 17 2017 and I was 265 lbs if this helps...
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    How long has it been since you've lost?
  • tayusuki
    tayusuki Posts: 194 Member
    I second a diet break!! I recommend not crashing and eating a bunch of junk food unless you do that now within your calories.

    Try eating at maintenance for a few days and then come back to your defecit. It's takes a while but our bodies can get used to the lower caloric intake, which this is supposed to prevent c:
  • finkikin5450
    finkikin5450 Posts: 32 Member
    How long has it been since you've lost?

    About a week and a half
  • finkikin5450
    finkikin5450 Posts: 32 Member
    I take that back, 1 week, Maybe Im just over reacting because i have lost every week since starting.
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    edited August 2017
    I take that back, 1 week, Maybe Im just over reacting because i have lost every week since starting.

    You've probably been in a huge deficit given how much you lost - now that you weigh so much less, it's going to take longer for the weight to come off unless you reduce your calories even more, but I'm going to guess that's probably not the best way to go. Just be patient - chances are you're still in a deficit and your body is just being a little stubborn for whatever reason.

    ETA: You still may want to look into a diet break. Here's an article I found really interesting: http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/the-full-diet-break.html/
  • finkikin5450
    finkikin5450 Posts: 32 Member
    Good article
  • RunStart34
    RunStart34 Posts: 164 Member
    Also, you might want to change your exercise routine. I sometimes noticed when i was losing regularly and haven't after 2 weeks that something is throwing me off. Are you sleeping the hours you need, are you not stress, change exercises, maybe your retaining water because of too much sodium, or gaining muscle. There are so many factors that you need to check.
  • bennettinfinity
    bennettinfinity Posts: 865 Member
    Yes, I do weigh everything but liquids. Im 37, 220 to 222 lbs, 6 foot and my goal is 205 lbs. My calories per day is set at 1500 and i rarely eat all 1500 per day.

    Have you reset your profile to adjust to your lower weight or are you still eating at the levels from when you were 265? I hit a similar 'plateau' when I was down about that much and didn't realize that my daily calories needed to be adjusted down as I lost - once I made the adjustment, the weight started coming off again.
  • theledger5
    theledger5 Posts: 63 Member
    Crikey- I regularly go 2-3 weeks with no loss and then 'whoosh' I lose 2-3lbs! Over a month that's 0.5lb a week roughly. For me that's normal, everyone is different, look at your loss over a month and not a week.
  • SeikoMonster
    SeikoMonster Posts: 105 Member
    Great news for everybody who hate plateaus! They don't eixist!
    Hate to break it to you. Yes they do exist.
    I religiously log everything and keep the exact same workout routine. For a period of 20 days I yoyoed around the same weight when I should have lost (by doing the proven math that has worked over the past 8 months) around 10 pounds.
    No reason or rhyme to it. Just literally stopped losing weight with again, no changes.
    Then yesterday and today it seems to have kicked back into weight loss, again with changing absolutely nothing in my eating or routine in any way. I eat the exact same three meals every day, and have for the past 8 months other than one meal a month.