
I always get started and see little to no progress .. So i just give up , I really am just seeking motivations from other individuals. I am almost 300 pounds and my life is at risk . So please , a little comment or anything can make my day


  • crumbliss2010
    crumbliss2010 Posts: 42 Member
    Just push yourself through it! At first it's going to be hard of course, but then your body will get use to it and you will see results! I wish you the best of luck on your journey
  • tamme123
    tamme123 Posts: 3 Member
    Maybe it would help to write your goals down and why you have those goals. Read this to yourself every morning and or before each meal. For me, it's planning that helps. But it can be overwhelming to eat healthy and stay within the calories. ( I also have food sensitivities to soy, which is in a lot of foods.) So simplifying your meals might make it easier. ( I recently invested in 310 shakes for this purpose, and found some good shake recipes for variety, (they are soy free!) and I have been enjoying them for breakfast and lunch and then I look forward to a small snack in between, and a good meal that I can cook for the evening within the calories I have left. Which usually is a lot. You just have to find out what your weaknesses and strengths are and plan for them. And for me, the two most important things are asking God to guide me and give me strength and finding one or two people that will encourage you me. I recently decided if I want to be healthier and see any improvements I have to remind myself that the main purpose for food is to fuel the body and not for entertainment or to deal with my emotions. I hope that helps. I will pray for you!
  • Rosie3660
    Rosie3660 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm new at this so my advice might not be worth anything but I'm trying to focus on how I feel after eating properly more than number on the scale. I don't even have a scale and don't know if I'll get one. I have taken my measurements and intend to use them as an indicator.

    Today, I had a piece of baked Red Salmon flavored with fresh basil and parsley with zuchnni drizzled with 1 TBL of olive oil for 3 pieces of fish for lunch. I was very surprised how good it tasted and the strong hit of protein carried me through the whole day. It took time to make a real meal but I want to give myself that kind of time. Overeating has given me terrible GERD and generally feeling lousy. I am motivated to continue because one meal made me feel better. You are worth it.
  • nequelnaules15
    nequelnaules15 Posts: 12 Member
    Just push yourself through it! At first it's going to be hard of course, but then your body will get use to it and you will see results! I wish you the best of luck on your journey

    Thank you so much ❤
  • nequelnaules15
    nequelnaules15 Posts: 12 Member
    tamme123 wrote: »
    Maybe it would help to write your goals down and why you have those goals. Read this to yourself every morning and or before each meal. For me, it's planning that helps. But it can be overwhelming to eat healthy and stay within the calories. ( I also have food sensitivities to soy, which is in a lot of foods.) So simplifying your meals might make it easier. ( I recently invested in 310 shakes for this purpose, and found some good shake recipes for variety, (they are soy free!) and I have been enjoying them for breakfast and lunch and then I look forward to a small snack in between, and a good meal that I can cook for the evening within the calories I have left. Which usually is a lot. You just have to find out what your weaknesses and strengths are and plan for them. And for me, the two most important things are asking God to guide me and give me strength and finding one or two people that will encourage you me. I recently decided if I want to be healthier and see any improvements I have to remind myself that the main purpose for food is to fuel the body and not for entertainment or to deal with my emotions. I hope that helps. I will pray for you!

    This is very inspiring and I'll look further into the shakes instead of my snacking and Thanks so much . Praying has helped me in so many ways and I'll soon try fasting ❤ Much love
  • nequelnaules15
    nequelnaules15 Posts: 12 Member
    Rosie3660 wrote: »
    I'm new at this so my advice might not be worth anything but I'm trying to focus on how I feel after eating properly more than number on the scale. I don't even have a scale and don't know if I'll get one. I have taken my measurements and intend to use them as an indicator.

    Today, I had a piece of baked Red Salmon flavored with fresh basil and parsley with zuchnni drizzled with 1 TBL of olive oil for 3 pieces of fish for lunch. I was very surprised how good it tasted and the strong hit of protein carried me through the whole day. It took time to make a real meal but I want to give myself that kind of time. Overeating has given me terrible GERD and generally feeling lousy. I am motivated to continue because one meal made me feel better. You are worth it.

    Oooooo sounds delicious , you can do this and thanks for believing that i can . I will for sure try that recipe . Best of luck ❤
  • DebLaBounty
    DebLaBounty Posts: 1,172 Member
    Keep in mind that it takes a while to see progress, so don't give up! It's especially difficult because you're seeing yourself every day, and the changes are so subtle you just can't really judge what's going on for quite a while. I wasn't able to see any change at all until I'd lost quite a bit of weight. The real indicator for me is that I am now able to breathe while wearing jeans.
  • nequelnaules15
    nequelnaules15 Posts: 12 Member
    Keep in mind that it takes a while to see progress, so don't give up! It's especially difficult because you're seeing yourself every day, and the changes are so subtle you just can't really judge what's going on for quite a while. I wasn't able to see any change at all until I'd lost quite a bit of weight. The real indicator for me is that I am now able to breathe while wearing jeans.

    Thank you wonderful person ❤
  • amandacalories
    amandacalories Posts: 107 Member
    I find looking at the success stories to be very motivating. There's no reason you can't do it too you just have to set your mind to it. Most of the people on there have lost weight slow and steady and it's nice to know that people who have ACTUALLY done it had their weeks where their weight went up or whatever it may be. My mantra is that we control our own destiny and my destiny is to be a skinny girl (;
  • ISweat4This
    ISweat4This Posts: 653 Member
    Take it one day at a time and be patient.
  • nequelnaules15
    nequelnaules15 Posts: 12 Member
    I find looking at the success stories to be very motivating. There's no reason you can't do it too you just have to set your mind to it. Most of the people on there have lost weight slow and steady and it's nice to know that people who have ACTUALLY done it had their weeks where their weight went up or whatever it may be. My mantra is that we control our own destiny and my destiny is to be a skinny girl (;

    Destiny huh ? I may need to take a few looks at success stories .. Thanks ❤
  • nequelnaules15
    nequelnaules15 Posts: 12 Member
    Take it one day at a time and be patient.

    Trying but Thanks ❤
  • mandy220750
    mandy220750 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi, I started at 312 pounds.

    Over a year in I am 60+ pounds down

    Motivation is difficult.

    I lost all motivation for 5 months.

    But it can be regained and you can restart.

    If you have a bad day, week or even month, put it behind you and restart again.

    Easy, no it's not. But keep going.

    My advise don't set a target weight.

    You will know when you are comfortable and happy with your size.

    Forget weight charts.

    I will know know when I feel the size I want to be, it may be over the desired chart weight but I will be healthy and happy.

    Good luck

  • nequelnaules15
    nequelnaules15 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, I started at 312 pounds.

    Over a year in I am 60+ pounds down

    Motivation is difficult.

    I lost all motivation for 5 months.

    But it can be regained and you can restart.

    If you have a bad day, week or even month, put it behind you and restart again.

    Easy, no it's not. But keep going.

    My advise don't set a target weight.

    You will know when you are comfortable and happy with your size.

    Forget weight charts.

    I will know know when I feel the size I want to be, it may be over the desired chart weight but I will be healthy and happy.

    Good luck

    That was so inspirational . Thank you so much ❤ i will keep moving forward.
  • Rickster1967
    Rickster1967 Posts: 485 Member
    My number one advice is to realise that to reach your target, in a sustainable way, is going to take considerable time. I'm going for around 130 to 140lb loss and I'm losing about 2lb per week. That tells me it will be December 2018 before I get there. I am committed to continuing the process til target, MFP is the best thing that happened to me - 29 of 500 day streak logged.

    Join in with me and let's do this
  • depeel1
    depeel1 Posts: 2 Member
    Echoing some of the advice you've already gotten. Take it one day at a time. You can do anything for one day, right. The next day you do it again. Sometimes looking at the entire journey can be too hard. Each morning ask for God's help (if you believe in God) to get through that day. Do that the next day too. I was about 320 in February 2016 and now I'm about 150. I've lost and regained in the past and kept having the feeling it would happen again. I've been about this weight for about 8 months. I'm trying to change that negative mindset with a more positive one. I have a post-it on the bathroom mirror that says "I can! I will!" I eat the same meals pretty often. I find that the more I dwell on food, the harder to stay in control. I used to watch a lot of Food Network and now rarely do. Realize that you will have slips, but just get back to it. It's just a slip and you can fix it. I feel I haven't kept my weight off long enough to be an expert on this, but so far so good. You can do this! Believe in yourself!