Tips for weight loss 100+ lbs

Danielle_2886 Posts: 1 Member
Hey so being completely honest before getting pregnant with my child I was in great shape and didn't have to do anything to maintain it. Since pregnancy and the birth (she's now 2.5 yrs old) I've gained 110 lbs!! Any tips for helping to lose the weight. I've started going to the gym for a month now, not as consistent as I want to be as I'm a full time student (online), work, mom and wife. I go about 3 times a week for about 1.5 hours per session. I do 30 min cardio and the rest weights. I really don't want the droopy skin after the weight loss.


  • Old_Cat_Lady
    Old_Cat_Lady Posts: 1,193 Member
    edited August 2017
    I lost without exercise. You are busy enough being a working mom. Go get a food scale at walmart. And log every single solitary itsy bitsy bite.
    Disclaimer: I vaccummed, mopped, grocery shopped, cleaned house, washed sheets and cars, etc. That seemed like plenty.
  • Just_J_Now
    Just_J_Now Posts: 9,551 Member
    Eat less, move more. It's pretty simple. Not easy by any stretch, but simple.
  • SoulRadiation
    SoulRadiation Posts: 1,060 Member
    I started out this year pretty 290...I was actually a little heavier in January.

    My tip is to buy some good shoes and try out some walking. Get your phone...get some music or news...and make it part of your day. Get outside. Walk early AM, evening...when it's cool.

    It'll work! Do it every day.

    I'm kind of doing other stuff now more into weights and doing sports stuff but walking is great and you can do it when you're heavy. I lost over 40 pounds. Log your calories here in MFP. Be reasonable...don't do anything crazy. Stay the course...the weight will come off you can really do it!

    Logging your calories is a pain but do it. It helps. It at least makes you think about it. Good luck!

    Don't worry about your skin. Get yourself healthy and you won't regret it I promise.
  • SoulRadiation
    SoulRadiation Posts: 1,060 Member
    Get a Fitbit. Start doing step challenges.
  • jjtweb
    jjtweb Posts: 37 Member
    I started out counting calories. Found where the deficit would be. There are calculators online that can help you with it. Then I used MyFitnessPal to plan meals, I only order groceries at Walmart and pick them up so I never am tempted. For the first six months I never ate unless I cooked it. I spent a lot of time cooking new recipes of things we liked the old way. Lots of those recipes online. My husband transitioned as well and didn't even realize it. We became healthier eaters and lower consumption. At first I did dancercize to Fitness Marshall because of health issues but over time I got strong enough to go to the gym. While you may not exercise weight loss it does help you get healthier and it burns calories. Get a stroller that is good for walking/running and take your child to the park. I take my dogs and they love it and I enjoy it more. Learning to socially eat has been the hardest. I do good with it but it slows down my progress but doesn't stop it. I've lost 151 pounds on my own so far. It can be done just be ready for it to take time and unwavering dedication to the process. It truly needs to be a lifestyle change and not just a way to loss weight in my opinion.
  • jjtweb
    jjtweb Posts: 37 Member
    Fitbit as SoulRadiation said is a win. Even if you don't do challenges just it on wearing it and tracking me makes me feel accountable to it. Best investment ever for me. Next investment digital food scale!
  • browneyedgirl749
    browneyedgirl749 Posts: 4,984 Member
    Losing weight doesn't mean cutting out your favorite things. The comment made about eliminating liquid calories... It may work for some but I refuse to. I need my coffee with 3 tablespoons of chocolate toffee creamer. And I love beer way too much to not drink it. My best friend lost 80 lbs, and she still drank beer and coffee. It's all about moderation, and if you know you may over indulge, add a little extra cardio that day.

    This is a lifestyle change, so giving up things you love may cause you fail more often than not. What's important is that you log it... every single bite.
  • Dr_Fishbowl
    Dr_Fishbowl Posts: 42 Member
    edited August 2017
    jjtweb wrote: »
    Fitbit as SoulRadiation said is a win. Even if you don't do challenges just it on wearing it and tracking me makes me feel accountable to it. Best investment ever for me. Next investment digital food scale!

    I know people swear by Fitbits-- but they are really expensive and more or less do the same thing as a 20 dollar pedometer. I'd save that money for--- well in your case, diapers and more diapers.

    Losing weight doesn't mean cutting out your favorite things.

    I agree to a point, you should keep a few of your favorite things (like crisp apple strudel and schnitzel with noodles) but your still going to have to make cuts and if comes down to keeping a bowl of rocky road ice cream or a beer in your diet, well i'm taking the ice cream every time, but to each their own. I just don't find liquid calories satisfying enough and they add up all too quickly.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I agree with SoulRadiation when it comes to the loose skin issue. You won't regret getting healthier and dropping pounds.

    I've lost over 100 myself so I know that yeah, some of the loose skin issues happen to most people...but not all of it. For example I thought I might have an apron-type belly and I don't at all, and I was obese for 20+ years. My legs are pretty good, breasts truly didn't change all that much. It's mainly just a bit around my middle and my arms (upper) that look pretty bad now w/ loose skin, but it basically means I don't wear sleeveless stuff...was never gonna rock a crop top anyway...and still look and feel 100 times better than before in just about anything else I wear, so it's totally worth it!

    I've often heard the longer you had the weight on, the more loose skin you will have...since yours sounds like it's pretty recent, you might have far less of an issue than many people do!

    As for the weight loss part...MFP is the key, if you ask me. Logging accurately and being consistent with it, you should definitely see results. I started seeing slow, steady results and stuck with it and I'm so glad I did.
  • gcibsthom
    gcibsthom Posts: 30,138 Member
    I agree with @seltzermint555 ...MFP is the key...log and stay with it...but mainly remember that this is not a temp is a lifestyle change...and loose skin..may or may not happen...being younger your skin may snap back more easily...KEEP HYDRATED...