Looking for Whole Food, Plant-Based Friends on MFP



  • msjac23
    msjac23 Posts: 140 Member
    After watching a program on Netflix called "What is Health". I have not been able to eat meat, chicken, or fish, as I get sick thinking about what they were doing to the animals. Therefore, I'm trying to eat vegetarian, but worry about get full and eating right. I am also trying to lose weight. Could use some support and help.
  • HeliumIsNoble
    HeliumIsNoble Posts: 1,213 Member
    Anyone who wants may add me. I'm not whole foods based, but I am surely plant-based! I have followed an almost entirely vegan diet for a long time now, and the only animal product I eat is honey.
  • mtnman2415
    mtnman2415 Posts: 11 Member
    edited August 2017
    I would like to be your friend as well. I haven't figured out how to do that yet and couldn't find it in the help. How does that work? Thanks Dennis
  • Desdamona16
    Desdamona16 Posts: 4 Member
    Add me:) I'm WFPB and loving it:)
  • hannamarie0098
    hannamarie0098 Posts: 85 Member
    I'm vegan and looking to include more whole foods into my diet so would be up for swapping recipes and tips etc :)
  • snibbets1
    snibbets1 Posts: 9 Member
    Im just getting started on a plant based diet. Please add me! I could use the support also!
  • KaroshiQueen
    KaroshiQueen Posts: 213 Member
    I'm a vegetarian trying to transition to vegan by the end of the year. Feel free to add me!
  • bonniebrownhair
    bonniebrownhair Posts: 12 Member
    This is pretty much exactly me! I had experimented with eating vegan/WFPB in the past (anywhere from a couple weeks to a few months), and I always felt great. At the beginning of April, I decided that I'm going to do this permanently, and I've been eating almost 100% WFPB ever since. (I haven't fully phased out cooking oils.)

    I'm doing this mainly for health reasons (diabetes and cancer run in my family), but there are so many other benefits, too. It's less expensive, it's yummier, it's kinder to animals, and it's better for the environment.
  • bonniebrownhair
    bonniebrownhair Posts: 12 Member
    jlynn1991 wrote: »
    Hi! I've been a vegetarian for over 7 years just recently decided I wanted to lean more towards vegan (at least most days). But being a poor college student thats basically just rice and beans so far.

    I ate primarily rice and beans/lentils for the first month. Add some veggies and fruits, and it's an extremely healthy and satifying diet.

    Have you found that eating vegan is less expensive than eating omni food? I feel like I spend less on groceries (as long as I'm not buying the processed vegan stuff -- like cheese substitutes, fake meats, vegan cookies, etc.).
  • jtyack
    jtyack Posts: 5 Member
    edited August 2017
    I would be interested in sharing vegan and "real" food recipes. I have been dairy-free for quite a while now.
  • jlynn1991
    jlynn1991 Posts: 50 Member
    jlynn1991 wrote: »
    Hi! I've been a vegetarian for over 7 years just recently decided I wanted to lean more towards vegan (at least most days). But being a poor college student thats basically just rice and beans so far.

    I ate primarily rice and beans/lentils for the first month. Add some veggies and fruits, and it's an extremely healthy and satifying diet.

    Have you found that eating vegan is less expensive than eating omni food? I feel like I spend less on groceries (as long as I'm not buying the processed vegan stuff -- like cheese substitutes, fake meats, vegan cookies, etc.).

    Thanks. I've been trying a lot more recipes with rice and beans, its just everything I like is full of carbs! And I'm not very creative at flavor profiles. I've been doing a lot of pinterest searching.
  • missy6744
    missy6744 Posts: 12 Member
    I have been vegetarian for about a year but have decided I am ready to make the switch to Vegan. Would love to connect with others on the same path.
  • Hichiko
    Hichiko Posts: 97 Member
    -raises hand- Flexatarian, if that counts. Most of my meals are plant-based, but I allow meat when, say, out at a restaurant or on the odd occasion the bosses buy for our clinic. I'd love more plant-based/whole grain eaters in my support group. <3
  • Hichiko
    Hichiko Posts: 97 Member
    jlynn1991 wrote: »
    Hi! I've been a vegetarian for over 7 years just recently decided I wanted to lean more towards vegan (at least most days). But being a poor college student thats basically just rice and beans so far.

    I ate primarily rice and beans/lentils for the first month. Add some veggies and fruits, and it's an extremely healthy and satifying diet.

    Have you found that eating vegan is less expensive than eating omni food? I feel like I spend less on groceries (as long as I'm not buying the processed vegan stuff -- like cheese substitutes, fake meats, vegan cookies, etc.).

    I'd argue that even when I'm buying things like Morningstar, I'm still coming out cheaper than when I bought a lot of meat. Beef is stupidly expensive, and the leaner meats aren't much better.
  • bonniebrownhair
    bonniebrownhair Posts: 12 Member
    jlynn1991 wrote: »
    jlynn1991 wrote: »
    Hi! I've been a vegetarian for over 7 years just recently decided I wanted to lean more towards vegan (at least most days). But being a poor college student thats basically just rice and beans so far.

    I ate primarily rice and beans/lentils for the first month. Add some veggies and fruits, and it's an extremely healthy and satifying diet.

    Have you found that eating vegan is less expensive than eating omni food? I feel like I spend less on groceries (as long as I'm not buying the processed vegan stuff -- like cheese substitutes, fake meats, vegan cookies, etc.).

    Thanks. I've been trying a lot more recipes with rice and beans, its just everything I like is full of carbs! And I'm not very creative at flavor profiles. I've been doing a lot of pinterest searching.

    I've read that's it's okay to eat higher carb if you're eating WFPB. I'm not too upset if my macros don't line up with what MyFitnessPal says they're supposed to. If you feel like you need to lower your carbs and increase your protein, tofu is inexpensive. Protein smoothies are also yummy, but they can be a bit more pricey.
  • katelaurel390
    katelaurel390 Posts: 88 Member
    Hi everyone! I was vegetarian for about 7 years, with times of eating fully vegan on and off.. But last November I committed to going fully vegan and now I'm quickly approaching 1 full year!!

    Feel free to add me :)
  • kayjsg
    kayjsg Posts: 1 Member
    Please feel free to add/friend me. I am new to mfp, and transitioning to plant based with my daughters (17 & 21)
  • SanfordRoberts
    SanfordRoberts Posts: 25 Member
    fairly new vegan. I changed to the lifestyle to support my 18 year old daughter-who is a very passionate vegan (but kind of a junk food vegan) I decided to turn the kitchen into a vegan 'paradise' so there is always something to eat! (and many healthy things to eat)
    What's funny is that I was committed to trying it out for a couple of weeks, but it has now been almost two months.
    Please add me as a friend-I am interested in more discussion
  • jw17695
    jw17695 Posts: 438 Member
    Feel free to add me too. :)
  • Patsycervantes
    Patsycervantes Posts: 15 Member
    I've been a vegetarian for 24 years. I am 30 right now. Im ovo-lacto vegetarian. If you would like to be friends, Im down. I just redownloaded the app and need some friends.
    Congratulations on your new life your change!