Has anyone on here been obese all their life and lost all the weight and kept it off?

okohjacinda Posts: 329 Member
edited August 2017 in Motivation and Support
I ask because ever since I was little I have been obese. At 5, I was 105...at 13, 240 and at 18, 283. Since my senior year of high school I have been trying to lose all the weight but sabotaging myself every time I lose a good amount. The last time I lost a good bit of weight was last year and I got to onederland at 192 but I was so unhappy with how I looked that I shut down and gained it all back in 8 months.

So now I am back on the losing weight wagon, determined to not only lose all the weight but to keep it off for good. My motivation has changed from mostly vanity reasons to health and longevity reasons (which it should have been from the start but when you're young you think you're invincible) with seeing my mom and grandmother sick and me also becoming sick and I am only 25. It's now really a do or die deal for me.

So how did you do it? What keeps you from going backwards? How has life changed since you lost all of the weight and do people treat you differently?

Also please put stats: HW/SW/CW/Start date and finish date and how long have you maintained.


  • natajane
    natajane Posts: 295 Member
    I've not lost all my weight yet, but my mind has totally changed recently and I've severed my attachment to food and my self sabotaging which has been going on 14 years. I really recommend reading Jon Gabriel's book with an open mind. I was a bit skeptical, seemed a bit airy fairy to me to begin with - but all along it was my mindset that wasn't working for me, and his book just impacted my brain in a strange unconscious way and allowed me to let go.
  • okohjacinda
    okohjacinda Posts: 329 Member
    Thanks everyone for sharing and I will keep everything you all said in mind as I face my own battle with weight loss and how to overcome it.
  • okohjacinda
    okohjacinda Posts: 329 Member
    natajane wrote: »
    I've not lost all my weight yet, but my mind has totally changed recently and I've severed my attachment to food and my self sabotaging which has been going on 14 years. I really recommend reading Jon Gabriel's book with an open mind. I was a bit skeptical, seemed a bit airy fairy to me to begin with - but all along it was my mindset that wasn't working for me, and his book just impacted my brain in a strange unconscious way and allowed me to let go.

    I love reading new books especially inspirational books so I will definitely check it out! Thanks!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,915 Member
    Not me, but I have a peer (trainer) that did. She started off at 280lbs at 5'5" and is now down to 160lbs. She is muscular and physically fit, but she has to train harder than I do and eat much less than I do (in proportion) to maintain her weight and shape.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • VeronicaA76
    VeronicaA76 Posts: 1,116 Member
    I was always chubby. Then about 10 years ago I went from overweight to obese. I am now down to 180lbs and about 28% body fat... Been losing slowly but steadily for two and a half years.
  • GlassAngyl
    GlassAngyl Posts: 478 Member
    Barring all medical conditions, I will always believe that it's child abuse to allow a child that young to gain that much weight.. 105 at 5! 230 at 13!! It's a parents responsibility to protect their children from all harm.. this includes protecting their health! SS should called in such situations.. I don't mean for "overweight" as kids weights can fluctuate before a growth spurt.. I mean for out right obesity..
    If I sound cruel, it's because I still hold resentment towards my own mother for not protecting me and trying to "be my friend" and give me what I wanted to make me happy.. I have struggled with weight since I was 12 thanks to my mothers "remedy" for every situation that arised.. Bad day? Cookies, cake, and ice cream will fix it! Sick? Cookies, cake, and ice cream will fix it! Good grades? ... you get the idea. Remedy for being over weight? Tony little..
    I'm obese.. my kids are not. I may have poor self control over my own fate but I full control over my kids futures and I will protect them from the same fate that I suffered from..
  • okohjacinda
    okohjacinda Posts: 329 Member
    GlassAngyl wrote: »
    Barring all medical conditions, I will always believe that it's child abuse to allow a child that young to gain that much weight.. 105 at 5! 230 at 13!! It's a parents responsibility to protect their children from all harm.. this includes protecting their health! SS should called in such situations.. I don't mean for "overweight" as kids weights can fluctuate before a growth spurt.. I mean for out right obesity..
    If I sound cruel, it's because I still hold resentment towards my own mother for not protecting me and trying to "be my friend" and give me what I wanted to make me happy.. I have struggled with weight since I was 12 thanks to my mothers "remedy" for every situation that arised.. Bad day? Cookies, cake, and ice cream will fix it! Sick? Cookies, cake, and ice cream will fix it! Good grades? ... you get the idea. Remedy for being over weight? Tony little..
    I'm obese.. my kids are not. I may have poor self control over my own fate but I full control over my kids futures and I will protect them from the same fate that I suffered from..

    No I understand. I feel the same way about my mom sometimes but I blame it more on environment than my mom. My mom being a single mother worked a lot so she wasn't there to monitor my eating all the time.

    Me and my friends would go to the store everyday and get candy, chips, soda, or chocolate. I also am from the south so that played a major role as well along with genetics. Everyone on my mom's side is overweight or obese. So I don't want to really put any blame on her...my whole family is sort of ignorant to CICO and I was too up until I started researching about it in high school.

    Granted I can't blame myself completely for my obesity as a child but once I became a teenager(which was when I became aware I needed to lose some serious weight), I should have started becoming more active and watching what I ate more.

    So for me the blame when I was a child is 10% mom, 40% genetics, and 50% environment. Ignorance is bliss in the south.

    And there were many times she told me no but I would sneak and eat junk anyways so I blame myself even as a child.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    I was a healthy weight (considered slightly underweight) until I got type 1 diabetes at age 9. Treatment methods back then were not nearly as advanced as today, so I gained 20 lbs. in the first month. Within a year, I had doubled my weight. In a couple more years, I weighed triple what I did at age 9. I only continued gaining from there and got type 2 diabetes (so I had both type 1 and type 2 for most of my life) as a teenager. It wasn't until 2016 that I was finally able to get past the clinical criteria for a type 2 diagnosis. Of course, I will always have type 1 (unlike type 2, it is not caused by obesity). I still have about 10 lbs. to lose in order to reach my goal.
  • okohjacinda
    okohjacinda Posts: 329 Member
    Brand new here and 120 to lose. This thread was very encouraging! I've been overweight my whole life but this time feels different. Turned down WLS today. I just cannot do it. Too scared.

    Yes, I too have contemplated weight loss surgery so many times, but what has kept me from going that route is 1) I am broke with no insurance to cover it and 2) I am scared because I have heard so many people getting sick from it five to ten years down the line or gaining most of it back. I refuse to basically mutilate part of my body just to gain all the weight back five years down the line.

    This is the first time I am on this journey and feel totally confident that I am going to be successful in getting all of the weight off, but I am just so nervous about being able to maintain it once I lose it all. All I have ever known is being the "fat girl." It will be weird not to be that anymore.
  • okohjacinda
    okohjacinda Posts: 329 Member
    shans34 wrote: »
    I've been fat my whole life. At 10 years old my dad gave me the deal a meal by Richard Simmons for my birthday. Very unhealthy image of food. Last year I stepped on that scale at 363lbs, I knew then change needed to happen. I'm currently 273lbs, 90lbs lost and still going strong! You can do it! Mind over matter

    Wow 90lbs! Congrats on the weight loss so far! That's very inspiring!
  • okohjacinda
    okohjacinda Posts: 329 Member
    rainbow198 wrote: »
    Me! I don't have deep story. I was chubby - obese all of my life. I never dieted. I worked with my weight and accepted my size until one random day when I had enough. I was pretty healthy so to be honest I wanted to lose weight mostly for vanity.

    How did I do it? I took baby steps:

    I focused on getting fit. I dreamt of being able to do pushups on my toes or being able to walk without getting winded and sweaty. I started off walking slowly around my neighborhood. Then I was able to go further and further. That gave me motivation to clean up my diet.

    I started cooking for myself more and a lot from scratch. I was someone who ate a lot of fast food and takeout so this was something new. After trying new dishes and adding new fruits and veggies to my life I experienced a whole new way of eating that I actually enjoyed.

    The combination of exercise and eating better made some weight come off and it inspired me to keep going. As I got fitter, I tried new workouts/activities and I discovered things I enjoyed and didn't enjoy.

    During the process I learned so much about myself. What foods triggered me, my eating habits and I found ways to include foods I enjoyed but not go overboard. I did not follow any diet plans and I ate regular food. I also had to deal with my emotional eating and find ways to deal with things besides eating food.

    Researching, reading books, learning the science and physiology of fat loss and listening to health & fitness podcasts was and still is important to me. I enjoy learning and discovering new things.

    I'm proud to say that now I can do pushups on my toes and I can power walk for a long time and much, much more physically speaking.

    I lost 80+ pounds in 15 months and I have been maintaining without any regain for over 4 years. I'm the smallest I've ever been as an adult and in the best shape of my life.

    My life has totally changed and it feels like I've lived 2 completely different lives. I really love exercise and being active. When I go on vacation I use the hotel's gym and walk as much as I can instead taking transit or a taxi. I love going shopping for new clothes and workout gear. Sometimes I still ask myself "who is this girl"?

    I work hard to maintain my weight. I see so many people regain it's scary. So I will always remain humble, I put in the work everyday and I stay focused. I'm really, really happy with my weight and body, but I will never be "done".

    Wow that's very inspiring and gives me so much hope that I will be able to maintain as well once I lose all the weight. I have a lot to lose (125-130lbs) but I am more concerned about the maintenance phase than the dropping the weight phase. I have heard that that is the hardest part about weight loss. So again you have given me so much hope that it is possible by changing your lifestyle completely.

    Congrats on all the success!