A quick way to figure out your ideal weight!



  • MoonIite
    MoonIite Posts: 341 Member
    Mine say 85 lbs.... I'm short, 5'1", but weighing that little is ridiculous.
  • jvinmill
    jvinmill Posts: 279 Member
    Thanks for this! Super interesting!! Ideally I think I'd like to be somewhere between my ideal weight and lean body mass :)
  • clarech
    clarech Posts: 157 Member
    Mine says I should be 115lb!!!! I don't want to look like skelletor
  • spareparts79
    spareparts79 Posts: 36 Member

    Here is a formula to use to figure lean body mass, then you can use that to figure ideal body weight. The hand calculations seem to be fairly accurate for men, not sure on the female side of this website.
  • melibea
    melibea Posts: 228
    Some people posting here think lean body mass is the suggested ideal weight, but it's not! You have to add the desired body fat percent to that to get the ideal weight. I got 112 from the OP formula and 110 from the website mentioned above. It's pretty close to my own idea of my ideal weight :) I'm currently 25% body fat and would like to be around 20%.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Some people posting here think lean body mass is the suggested ideal weight, but it's not! You have to add the desired body fat percent to that to get the ideal weight. I got 112 from the OP formula and 110 from the website mentioned above. It's pretty close to my own idea of my ideal weight :) I'm currently 25% body fat and would like to be around 20%.

    I'm one of the people who read my results wrong. Makes more sense now. :)
  • MoonIite
    MoonIite Posts: 341 Member
    I included the calculation and got 108 lb. That is a lot more realistic.
  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    This link will calculate your lean body mass and tell you what your ideal lean weight should be...

    "According to your measurements - weight of 182 pounds and height of 5' 2", your lean body mass is estimated to be 105.00 . Since the ideal body fat percentage for women is 22%, your ideal lean body weight is 86.07 pounds. Remember these are guidelines; your physician should help you determine the ideal weight and body fat for you."

    That says my ideal body weight is 86.07 lbs. I do NOT trust that calculator. lol

    Yea. Mine said 101.8 NO WAY!!!
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Yeah that site said I should be 112 pounds and I am 5’9". No thank you. (ETA: I realize the site is not calculating the final step correctly - ie, it basically says your lean body weight should be your final weight. The calculator is still crazy wrong for people who don't know the formula though!!!)

    So... OP, maybe lean body mass is the way to go. But it doesn't really seem like it's easy to calculate at home. Even the livestrong site doesn't seem entirely correct...closer, but not correct.

    Personally, I think using body fat percentage is a good way to go, if you have access to the tools. Otherwise, I like searching the threads here for posts where people post their goal weights for your gender/height. (ie, I found a post with all 5’9" women saying their individual goal weights.) It can definitely help figure out what is a healthy range for you to aim for, and give an idea about good final weights for different frame sizes, etc.
  • Imilie
    Imilie Posts: 2
    After doing all the calculations and using the chart suggested, I came up with my ideal body weight for 20% to be just over 120 pounds. I'm Female, 5'3 and current weight is 134. I have been about 120 lbs before through the use of hard exercise 5 days a week, lean dieting, and I did look pretty fit for my body style. I think this calculator is fairly accurate if you are willing to put in the effort to concentrate on gaining that lean mass. Still, it's always going to be easier for men than women, but not impossible!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    This link will calculate your lean body mass and tell you what your ideal lean weight should be...

    Yeah, this link told me I need to lose 20 pounds of LEAN BODY MASS. What? Totally not an accurate site.
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    I messed around with the calculator until I put in the weight that resulted in the lean mass of the current weight to match the ideal. For a 5'6 woman the ideal weight is 137lbs. This sounds healthy, but one would have to take the frame of the person into consideration. I am 5' 6.5 and know that anything under 155 makes me look quite ill. At 155 I am pretty much cut with a few curves...and haven't seen that point for about 10 years now!
  • Msladynita
    Msladynita Posts: 11
    cool stuff thanks!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I used my starting weight & measurements to calculate my original lean body mass, and got 132 for my ideal weight. And that's right around where I am and my BF is supposedly around 20% now.

    I have lost a little lean body mass while losing, but only about 5 out of 29.5#. I imagine that's normal.
  • ciege77
    ciege77 Posts: 60
    I know I'm not the first to say that the BMI is complete bollox.

    Is that why the government and WHO and virtually every medical authority use BMI? It specifically doesn't claim to be accurate for athletes that have higher levels of muscle mass, but is based off mortality rates of overweight categories. 5-10lbs over a healthy weight can significantly raise your risk of health issues related to obesity and overweight.

    Bottom line: you know when you're overweight or when you're carrying lean muscle. BMI applies to the VAST MAJORITY.
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    This link will calculate your lean body mass and tell you what your ideal lean weight should be...

    "According to your measurements - weight of 182 pounds and height of 5' 2", your lean body mass is estimated to be 105.00 . Since the ideal body fat percentage for women is 22%, your ideal lean body weight is 86.07 pounds. Remember these are guidelines; your physician should help you determine the ideal weight and body fat for you."

    That says my ideal body weight is 86.07 lbs. I do NOT trust that calculator. lol

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    OK mine...


    "According to your measurements - weight of 201 pounds and height of 5' 10", your lean body mass is estimated to be 129.20. Since the ideal body fat percentage for women is 22%, your ideal lean body weight is 117.69 pounds."

    My current profile pic shows me at 161lbs, which is roughly what I am aiming to get back to; when I entered 161 into the calculator, I got...

    "According to your measurements - weight of 161 pounds and height of 5' 10", your lean body mass is estimated to be 117.18."

    Which seems not so far out! :smile: Of course, I know there's a bit more to it than a simple calculator but even so, it's not a bad starting point!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    This link will calculate your lean body mass and tell you what your ideal lean weight should be...

    According to that one, I have to gain a half pound of muscle to be "ideal." I'm ok with that! :laugh:
  • Bsp120167
    Bsp120167 Posts: 68 Member
    I have been a Zone guy for a long time and their website has the best bodyfat tools I have ever found. You have to register to use it but it is free.

  • Bsp120167
    Bsp120167 Posts: 68 Member
    Interesting enough the zonediet tools say the ideal male is about 15% bodyfat and ideal female is 22%. Guess I still have a lot of work to do ;-)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Okay so I found a fairly accurate link to determine BODY FAT percentage.


    Once you find your your BF% then take that percentage and multiply it with your current weight.
    This will tell you how many pounds of fat you are.
    Then subtract that poundage from your current weight to find out your LEAN BODY MASS.
    Then plug in the formula I gave you and it should give you a fairly accurate weight that you desire based on the % you want to be.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    I messed around with the calculator until I put in the weight that resulted in the lean mass of the current weight to match the ideal. For a 5'6 woman the ideal weight is 137lbs. This sounds healthy, but one would have to take the frame of the person into consideration. I am 5' 6.5 and know that anything under 155 makes me look quite ill. At 155 I am pretty much cut with a few curves...and haven't seen that point for about 10 years now!
    If it's body fat % you're talking about, frame doesn't matter too much. When people think they look too gaunt at a low body fat percentage, it's because their lean body mass is also low, in most cases meaning they could probably use more lean muscle on their frame. Pile that body fat % on top of that and they would look better.