Do you KNOW your Body Fat %? If so, I need a favor.



  • dancefit2015
    dancefit2015 Posts: 236 Member
    edited August 2017
    I have never had the bodpod done but I had my body fat tested just the other day and the first test we did was with the impedance and it said I was 36% BF. The trainer didn't think that was right and did a caliper test on me and said I was 25% BF. Maybe try having a trainer do a 7-point caliper test and see what they say. Mine told me that trainers may be about 1% off at the most while the impedance is, on average, 6-8% off because our bodies (especially women with our cycles) change sooo much all the time depending on hydration levels, when last used the bathroom, when you ate/drank last, time of the month, time of the day, etc...
  • dancefit2015
    dancefit2015 Posts: 236 Member
    You look like you have some muscle, I would agree that you look closer to 30% than 50%
    JJBCPP Posts: 21 Member
    The calculator put me at 24%. Calipers come in at 12-16% depending on the formula used. Regardless I would say you are no where close to 50%.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,996 Member
    edited August 2017
    OP: The BodPod is the LEAST accurate method of BF as compared w/DXA and hydrostatic testing.

    Statistical BF calculators just give gross estimates of BF and are also subject to wide variation based on individual differences.

    Your scheduled DXA scan will be the best test of the accuracy of the BodPod result.

    FYI, I get a DXA scan and hydro test done every 3 months and the DXA scan always gives me a BF% 3-5% higher than hydro.

    No method is error free and I have gotten a "bad" DXA result which was out of line w/prior and subsequent results. Not so w/hydro.

    However, DXA provides more data than hydro. So, I just do them both but, if anyone asks what my BF% is, I give them the hydro result. LOL!

    The "truth" is probably in the middle between them. ;)

    PS: Your calculator estimated my BF at 26% Ouch!!!

    No way I'd have the 6 pack and visible vascularity and muscularity that I have w/26%BF.

    My last DXA (3 months ago) was 13.3% and my last hydro (6 wks ago) was 8.7% so, you can see why I prefer to give out my hydro results instead of DXA.

    Next DXA scheduled for tomorrow should be lower than b4 but still higher than my last hydro. I'm expecting something around 11-12%. We'll see . . .
  • CaliMomTeach
    CaliMomTeach Posts: 745 Member
    edited August 2017
    I may be able to help. I just had a Kaiser health screening through my employer on Wednesday and they said my body fat was 24.8 %. Your calculator said 23.68%. So, at least in my case, the numbers were pretty close.
    Also, by looking at the pictures on there, I look like I am between 20 and 25 %.
  • Rusty740
    Rusty740 Posts: 749 Member
    It was actually pretty close for me, I think, but I know it's just using a pretty normal formula. For men it's going to be pretty close any way, for women, probably not close at all.

    No way you're 50% though. 35?
  • It looks accurate. I am 15% and more or less i look like thecguy with 14%
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    Seems fairly accurate for me. Gave me 13%
    Abs visible with decent vascularity.

    Probably not 50%, but I'd say 40s.
  • ex4ltrainer
    ex4ltrainer Posts: 2 Member
    I don't like those methods. I think caliper measurements are the way to go. As a trainer, that is how I measure bf on my clients. Most gyms will do a complimentary assessment. That's what I would do.
  • naomi8888
    naomi8888 Posts: 519 Member
    Hi, I did mine and it was pretty close. The online calculator gave me 19.24% and my DEXA (from about 18 months ago) gave me 18.7%. I don't think my body has changed much in the last 18 months so I'd say it's close.
  • topomapper
    topomapper Posts: 13 Member
    Hydrostatic testing is still the gold standard. If you really, really want to know, more than one method should do the trick.