bodybuilding perfection

Just downloaded mfp 2 days ago and my goal is to gain a few more pounds and converted into lean muscle. I recently started to get more serious on hitting the gym harder and eating clean. I'm looking fwd for a better physique body.


  • jjohnny5055
    jjohnny5055 Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you for your feedback.
    I am doing a lifting program. I am preping most of my meals for the last month and I've seen a good result for a very short time. I think is bcuz i hv been a gym lifter for the past 3yrs but was not consistent due to work.
  • jjohnny5055
    jjohnny5055 Posts: 15 Member
    But any good advice is always appreciated. ;)
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Also - there is no such thing as lean muscle unless you are ordering some meat at the butcher.

    There is Lean Body Mass (LBM) which is everything in body NOT fat - water, muscle, bones, organs, ect.
    Perhaps that is the confusion - but drink 16 ozs of water and you just gained 1 lb of LBM.

    I'm guessing you mean gain weight, but hopefully not much fat. No conversion going on.
    Your body will decide where the fat is laid down - usually belly first, so a little bit perhaps not a problem for muscles on arms and back and legs.
    But eat in surplus and no lifting - fat gain. Won't convert later.

    But your plan is good if you are going to eat in surplus.
  • jjohnny5055
    jjohnny5055 Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you ..& yes LBM :)
  • jjohnny5055
    jjohnny5055 Posts: 15 Member
    I've gained a few pounds already but don't think is belly it's getting leaner and looking good. Not that i was or hv been an overweight person. ...I'm just striving for a better looking physique body.
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,139 Member
    I've gained a few pounds already but don't think is belly it's getting leaner and looking good. Not that i was or hv been an overweight person. ...I'm just striving for a better looking physique body.

    if you have gained say three pounds, then you more than likely gained 1.5 pounds of muscle and 1.5 pounds of fat. this is assuming a 50/50 ratio of muscle to fat gain, and would assume that your training and nutrition are spot on..if not, then you would have gained more fat and less muscle...
  • jjohnny5055
    jjohnny5055 Posts: 15 Member
    Sounds about right...50/50
    so far I'm gaining strength and lean muscle...
  • jjohnny5055
    jjohnny5055 Posts: 15 Member
    Pics..don't know how to post them. .unless i put them in my profile..
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Awesome! What lifting program are you using?
  • jjohnny5055
    jjohnny5055 Posts: 15 Member
    I have several lifting programs.
    My own which was intermediate.
    Now i hv 2 different wrk out programs that i hv implemented for the past month and so far the results are great. Of course that my meals are way better then before.
  • jjohnny5055
    jjohnny5055 Posts: 15 Member
    wrkout programs are intermediate to advance. ..hardcore ..edgy ;)
    Chest, triceps, back, biceps, shoulder, trapzz..
    Legs..calves...sit ups...ect.. changing them and keeping up wt macros..ect.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    You'll make some real progress if you undertake a well formulated, progressive lifting programme and not some thrown together bro-split.
  • jjohnny5055
    jjohnny5055 Posts: 15 Member
    Agree, but is not some thrown together Wrk out.
    My basic to intermediate was kinda like thrown together. But not the adv...
    Few of my buddies are body builders and I'm getting more serious now into body building.
  • jjohnny5055
    jjohnny5055 Posts: 15 Member
    Got it. I mentioned those basic workouts bcuz i did not hv the time to write them in detail.
    If u want more info on my program in general, just sent me your email & I'll b gladly to sent it. Can't disclose my personal info in regards my profession.
    Thanks for all the comments & feed back, it's always well taken.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    Got it. I mentioned those basic workouts bcuz i did not hv the time to write them in detail.
    If u want more info on my program in general, just sent me your email & I'll b gladly to sent it. Can't disclose my personal info in regards my profession.
    Thanks for all the comments & feed back, it's always well taken.

    Are you a spy?