suggestions on weight loss plz

Hi im new here. Nd im from los angeles .. Been on since yesterday but i have been on this journey for 1 month now .. Hasn't been easy but im super motivated ...


  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    Do you use a kitchen scale to weigh everything you eat and drink? You should.
    Do you accurately log everything you eat and drink in your myfitnesspal food diary? You should.
    Do you accurately log your exercise? You should.
    Have you accurately described your activity level in the initial myfitnesspal user setup? You should already have done so.
    Are you patient? You should be.
    Are you persistent? You must be.
    Are you going to succeed? You will.
  • lalepepper
    lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
    Be honest with yourself - measure and weigh your caloric intake whenever possible
    Don't be too hard on yourself - there will always be special occasions and slip ups - no one is perfect, but if you start pretending these slip ups never happened, you are on a slippery slope.
    Try to find a physical activity you enjoy - it will make losing easier and give you increased motivation for self improvement.
    Be patient! You didn't put it on in a month, it won't come off in a month.
    Don't give fad diets any more credit than they're worth. If people are losing massive amounts of weight in a short amount of time, they're likely sacrificing massive amounts of quality of life.
    Remember that you need to be able to commit to lifestyle changes if you want your loss to stick. If its too hard or too limiting, you're going to say forget it and fall off track!
  • mjbutterfly80
    mjbutterfly80 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you both. ☺