how did you decide on your goal weight?

And for those who have gotten there did you change it once you hit it?


  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    I chose my goal in a quite arbitrary fashion, as I had never been slim and didn't know what I should weigh. I'm still not there yet and I'm still trying to get there.
  • lalepepper
    lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
    edited August 2017
    I have set my goal for the upper end of "normal" BMI and plan to adjust as needed once I get there. 183 is top end of normal for my height and my initial goal is 180 - I have been as low as 193 and could have stood to lose more at that point.
  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    I started off at the top end of my BMI as my goal weight and once there decided on a figure which was the middle of my BMI and the weight I was at 18. Never thought I would get that low again but I managed it.
  • rmgnow
    rmgnow Posts: 375 Member
    Wanted to get from an overweight BMI to the normal. Then after I got to normal, wanted to get to an ideal weight for my height and age.
  • MsMichelle2112
    MsMichelle2112 Posts: 25 Member
    I chose mine to get back to when I first got engaged - I was fit and liked the way I look. According to BMI, that's overweight, so I will re-assess when I hit it, but for now that is the target.

    When I was extremely sick for 4 months and hadn't really eaten in that time (not an eating disorder, just too sick and couldn't eat much without astounding pain until my operation), I was very slim. However, I was only a couple of kilos off my upper healthy range, so I don't necessarily put all my eggs in the BMI basket.
  • mandy220750
    mandy220750 Posts: 65 Member
    rmgnow wrote: »
    Wanted to get from an overweight BMI to the normal. Then after I got to normal, wanted to get to an ideal weight for my height and age.

    Me too once I get into normal BMI I will decide on the ideal weight for me

  • narspips
    narspips Posts: 48 Member
    I'm 5'3" and I started at 11 stone (154 lbs). 9 stone (126 lbs) isn't the lightest I've ever been, but I still haven't been south of 10 stone in years. So a nice 2-stone loss seemed like a good place to start.

    I suspect I will be wanting to lose more after that, maybe down to 115 lbs if I'm disciplined enough. But 126 lbs is a good initial goal for me to try and get to, to see how it looks on me. Honestly, at this point I'm excited just to even get that far :)
  • bosanbo
    bosanbo Posts: 2 Member
    I used to be very active and weighed "more" despite being a very different shape and size. My goal right now is to lose what I consider some actual extra weight (due to injury/inactivity), then focus on moving back up in the form of gains/muscle.

    Honestly, I look at pictures of my face. :/ I gain weight right under my chin, so... yeah. Very charming. It's pretty clear to me when I'm not where I want to be!
  • VeggieBarbells
    VeggieBarbells Posts: 175 Member
    I don't have a goal weight, but I defo have a goal look n' feel. Once I have those, then whatever the scale says I stay within a range of few pounds either way. Personally I think a goal weight adds a lot of stress to your life and is short sighted.

    I know when I feel good, I also know when I look good. For me at least, the scale has absolutely nothing to do with either of those. Pictures, clothes, how I look naked and the mirror are my markers.
  • While my ultimate goal is in the top end of the BMI for my height, decided to set smaller goals to begin with. I chose a number that was approximately half there to be my first goal. I am just starting my journey so we will see how this goes.
  • misnomer1
    misnomer1 Posts: 646 Member
    I used my goal body fat % to calculate goal weight
  • MysticGoalie
    MysticGoalie Posts: 328 Member
    Using the fitwatch website,

    Possible to enter your average weight, average body fat. Choosing being (fe)male.. imperial or metric first..

    Calculate and you see the minimum / maximum weight with body fat ranges you be at in Athlete, Fitness and Average Zones, or calculate your target weight by entering the desired body fat % before calculating.

    No Lower than 6% for men, or no lower than 14% for woman.

    The Athlete Zone is where the abs come shining through when wanting (six pack) appearing.. o:)

    * Possible being at a higher target weight if gaining muscle mass on the journey reaching your goals.
  • abicuffyxx
    abicuffyxx Posts: 6 Member
    I only started eating healthier at the beginning of this year, I had no particular goal other than wanting to feel better about my body. For this reason I haven't ever massively focused on weight, more on clothes sizes and noticing clothes getting bigger. 8 months down the line and I've dropped down a couple of clothes sizes and have also found out I have a normal healthy BMI. I'm now focusing on maintaining and introducing more exercise and wouldn't mind losing a few more pounds.
    In short, I don't necessarily believe you need to set a goal weight, sometimes its better to just see what feels best!
  • OliveGirl128
    OliveGirl128 Posts: 801 Member
    I just picked a number that sounded good and once I got there I reevaluated and then adjusted. Also, in maintenance my weight fluctuates within a maintenance range of several pounds.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    My goal weight keeps changing. First I aimed for a weight I have always been comfortable with, but now my goal is more physique based.. I would love to be heavier with the same bodyfat %.
  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,447 Member
    I started aiming for overweight instead of obease then 200lbs then normal weight bmi. I am currently 2lbs from normal bmi and know once I hit that I want to go at least 10 lbs lighter since I have a bunch of fat to take off.
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I didn't have a goal weight. I chose to aim for a dress size/ measurement range.

    Also I wanted to look and feel good and I switched to maintenance once I got there.
  • Javagal2778
    Javagal2778 Posts: 74 Member
    I have a picture of myself from when I felt so good about how I could fit in clothes. That number is my goal range. I didn't get there in a healthy way, though, so I have no idea how I will look as I now workout and I'm not sacrificing health for a number on the scale. I'm willing to stop higher if I feel and look good.
  • ClaireGleek
    ClaireGleek Posts: 15 Member
    I picked a random number when I started of 10st(140lbs) because I never thought I'd actually get to that. I was 16st7lbs(231lbs) when I started, and as I had so much to lose I didn't want to be too ambitious. I am now 10st11lbs(151lbs) and have changed my goal weight to the very top of my BMI, and for my height (5"2) that will put me at 9st11lbs(137lbs), so I have another stone(14lbs) to lose and then will reassess how I look and feel from there to see if I want to lose anymore.
    You could use small goals and once you reach change it again and go from there, or do your big goal of top of your BMI and work from there. Whatever you feel comfortable with and won't cause you to lose hope. It's your journey and you should make goals that you can do.
    Good luck on your weight loss journey!
  • Polo265
    Polo265 Posts: 287 Member
    My lowest weight was about 4 years ago at 115 lbs. Some folks said I was too thin, but I liked the way my clothes fit and that my stomach was flat. Fast forward to 2017: 10 lbs slowly crept on. Then I had an injury and subsequent surgery which packed on 30+ more pounds. Anyway, rather than set my goal weight at my lowest weight 4 years ago, I set it 10 lbs more: 125. I consider it more sustainable and reasonable for my height and additionally probably healthier for my age (almost 68).
  • vonmarks
    vonmarks Posts: 12 Member
    I was at 196lbs(M, 5'8) and picked 172 because that's the last weight I remembered being at and feeling comfortable. I got to 172 and within a week I was already at 168 so I made the new goal 155. Once I got to 155 I leveled off around 160 for awhile. Made a new goal of 145 but each time I get to 155 it seems my body wants to fight me and I start pounding the grub until I'm back at 160. I do about 2 hours a day of cardio/light weights and think that at 155 I'm just burning too much fuel for my body to not want to replace it. Maybe less exercise would actually help the cut because I wouldn't feel the need to refuel so heavy.
  • MsHarryWinston
    MsHarryWinston Posts: 1,027 Member
    I'm going with my favorite weight from before, but then when I get there I'll reassess my goals as I'm doing completely different fitness at this time.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Never had one...arbitrary number is arbitrary...
  • newheavensearth
    newheavensearth Posts: 870 Member
    It's in a healthy BMI range, I wouldn't have to pay for WW anymore (free Lifetime member), doctors weren't lecturing me about it anymore, I can see a trace of muscle definition and abs, I like my dress size (4). Best of all I'm not killing myself to maintain it.
  • ZhivagosGirl
    ZhivagosGirl Posts: 161 Member
    For me I wanted to get under 200 lbs - which I haven't been since Jr. High. That will be just over a hundred pound loss at that point. Normal (healthy?) BMI is about another 20 lbs lighter than that (I'm 5'11") - I'll re-evaluate once I get to 199.
  • BecomingMoreAwesome
    BecomingMoreAwesome Posts: 151 Member
    My goal for now is the top of my healthy bmi range, but I'll reassess when I get there. I'm extremely apple shaped, and unless my stomach fat starts disappearing twice as fast, my waist will still be more than half my height even when my bmi is under 25.

    I've had a lot of mini goals. My first was 5% down (10 pounds at the time), then 10%, then to overweight bmi instead of obese. My next mini goal is 154, which is 10% above my goal weight.