1200 cal?



  • kspirit
    kspirit Posts: 61 Member
    I am at 1400 calories but usually eat about 1500 calories. I am losing weight but it's slow. I will take slow because it's more realistic and I feel that my body likes it. I am not willing to starve myself. This is about healthy weight loss and a life style change that I feel I am learning to do. It feels great.
    I also believe it depends on your age, sex, activity level and current weight that plays a major factor on the amount of calories one needs to either maintain, lose or gain weight.
    Keep up your good work and remember to do what is best for your body and don't worry about what others are doing. We are all our own unique individual and what works for others might not be good for you.
  • msstillion79
    msstillion79 Posts: 142
    Mine is set at 1200 cause that is what my dietian said to i am 279 lbs and am a nurses aid and i mother of three well only two of them are active wonderful kids so i am active and i also have diabetes so she said with that amount of calories a day and 135 daily carbs i will reach my weight loss goal in a year and my body doesnt need that much to burn what i have stored i have to stay at that i cant go under 1200 I think everyone is differant the best thing i think is to ask ur docter or see a dietian if u can remember the food u do put in ur body is just fuel thats it just like ur car if u dont give it anything it will not move for very long . hope that helps take care :drinker: :happy:
  • There is no scientifically valid reason why 1200 calories a day should be a universal bottom limit for calorie consumption. It is a common medical recommendation but like, sadly, too many recommendations, it is not a scientific one. It is meant to be right for most people, and notably, to discourage eating disorders and crash diets that are typically unsustainable. It is certainly possible however to have a slower metabolism where 1200 calories a day does not represent a recommended 500 calorie deficit - it is even possible for 1200 calories a day to exceed some people's caloric needs if again their metabolism is unusually low and they have a sedentary lifestyle. Treating 1200 as a magic number is just a dogma and frankly misinformation.

    Similarly while eating below a certain optimal amount may lead to a reduced metabolic rate the belief that this 'starvation mode' can actually *prevent* weight loss is a complete myth. People eating at such rates continue to lose weight, and they lose weight more quickly in absolute terms than if they ate more - but with diminishing returns. The real problem is not that it will prevent weightloss but that it can prompt compensatory overeating after people stop, and that such overeating is especially damaging given the lower metabolic rate.
  • RoseBlanc
    RoseBlanc Posts: 140
    Thats because alot of people pick 2 pounds to lose per week (which is not likely realistic) and MFP will not allow someone to go below 1200 ... most people would do much better if they actually ate a little bit (or in some cases) alot more.

    I eat 2200 to 2400 calories per day :)

    How is 2lbs a week not realistic?

    Because for alot of people who choose to pick 2 pounds per week means that MFP recommends them to eat under their BMR which is really not possible. Multiple studies have shown that the slower you lose your weight, the more likely you are to maintain it. Other studies have shown that losing more than 1% of your body weight per week is not associated with prolonged weight loss.

    Thus, using those two things... that is why I think it is unrealistic unless you have alot of weight to lose.

    I eat 1200-1500, burn 222 a day, and I'm losing 2 pounds a week without trying. I'm not deprived, tired, or weak. I complete my workouts, and I don't feel hungry between meals (except in the afternoons, so a snack is always ready.)
    I don't think its unrealistic. I've always aimed for 2 pounds a week.. and I've always achieved it.
    I'm also 5'5'' and 134 currently.
    Been anywhere from 108-156.6 ... always been able to successfully, and safely lose two pounds a week. Its when I eat unhealthy foods and stop working out that I have problems lol.