So many questions


How do you all get and stay motivated to work out? I always give up
How do you eat healthy if you don't like salads and are picky with food?
How do you eat healthy when you don't have the money to afford healthy food?

Looking for friends and people to help motivate me and I will do the same. Add me and shoot me a message.


  • kayleigh88marie
    kayleigh88marie Posts: 5 Member
    I am back for the 4th time
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,715 Member
    Motivation is internal. If you really WANT to do something, you COMMIT to it. If you're not willing to commit, then you lack motivation. You have to figure out why that is.

    Eating "healthy" is so subjective. You know how you eat "healthy"? You ensure that you meet your macro/micronutrient values each day and don't exceed your calorie intake. How you eat to meet them is a choice. Some do it with salads, some with rice and vegetables, some with meat and potatoes, etc.

    And you don't need to buy food that puts you in the poor house. Weight loss still comes down to CICO. Find a budget you can do and still lose weight.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Motivation to work out - Do you work? Why do you go to work? I'll bet anything it's not because you're motivated to go to work, you go because you need the money and its a fact of life that to have what you want, you have to do it, right? Treat exercise the same. If you want the body you want, it's not something you need to be motivated to do, it's something you just have to.

    Eat the foods you like, within your calorie goals, making the most nutritious choices possible the bulk of the time. I haven't eaten a salad since summer - losing weight doesn't have to be rabbit food.

    Eating healthy also doesn't have to be expensive. That really is a bit of a myth. There's a couple threads around about how cheap it is to eat healthy, I'll see if I can dig one up.
  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    1. I didn't do purposeful exercise while I lost the majority of my weight. I walk now but that's more for physical therapy after surgery than it is for fitness. I like walking so I hope to keep doing it.

    2. I built my new way of eating from my old way of eating. I have smaller portions of high-calorie items, larger portions of low-calorie items, and I've found satisfying substitutions for many calorie-dense things. I aim for 80% of my calories from nutrient-dense foods and 20% from treats.

    3. I spend less money now on food than I did before. Frozen dinners, oatmeal, and frozen veggies are cheaper than eating out 1-3 times per day.

    As for friends, I can't help you there but good luck on your quest.
  • stickersticker
    stickersticker Posts: 140 Member
    I like my diet and I like my swimming plan. It's not so hard to be motivated.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Check out Eric berg or intermittent fasting videos on YouTube

    What has that got to do with any of the questions?
  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member

    How do you all get and stay motivated to work out? I always give up. : If you work out because you hate your body and want to change it and make it a chore, then it can be easy to give up. Try to mix up your routine. Group classes, new activities, hiking, anything that helps you forget you're exercising. Or, try and approach it from a 'get fit' standpoint. Thats what has helped me maintain my weight and get in shape for the long run.
    How do you eat healthy if you don't like salads and are picky with food? I balance my nutrition to make sure I get everything I need, and what I like too. Sometimes that means experimenting with new things to see if I like them. Try steamed veggies, adding veggies to an omelete, little changes. As long as you cover all your nutritional bases you're good.
    How do you eat healthy when you don't have the money to afford healthy food? Healthy food doesn't need to be that organic/natural aisle in the store. (aka whole foods) broccoli and cauliflower, as well as carrots, bananas, and apples are actually quite affordable in most regions. Bags of frozen chicken breasts can be too.

    Good luck!
  • OldHobo
    OldHobo Posts: 647 Member
    1. How do you all get and stay motivated to work out? I always give up
    2. How do you eat healthy if you don't like salads and are picky with food?
    3. How do you eat healthy when you don't have the money to afford healthy food?
    Looking for friends and people to help motivate me and I will do the same. Add me and shoot me a message.
    I don't have much on 1 except don't quit.
    Picky is an adjective used to justify childish eating habits. Decide that you have outgrown them. At least just stop using the word.
    Generally speaking, home-cooked meals made from ingredients purchased in the grocery produce, meat, and dairy aisles are healthier and less expensive than the alternatives.

    This might sound harsh. I don't mean it to be. Good luck on achieving all your goals.
  • kayleigh88marie
    kayleigh88marie Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you everyone for the responses. I know my questions sound stupid, but they were things that keep crossing my mind and trying to figure out why I never saw results before.
  • npane
    npane Posts: 22 Member
    Healthy foods do not have to be expensive! Do you know how to cook? If not I would advise that you learn! Experiment. Plenty of produce can be found at farmers markets,the dollar stores and even the clearance area at your neighborhood Kroger,Albertsons etc. You don't have to eat salads to be healthy. Good luck to you
  • kayleigh88marie
    kayleigh88marie Posts: 5 Member
    Yes I know how to cook very well. It's just a matter of feeling my 3 kids who are picky eaters.
  • girlgeeklula
    girlgeeklula Posts: 85 Member
    I've found something I enjoy doing for working out. I've always low-key enjoyed running (especially when I had a canine partner) and found that I'm just competitive enough that races can provide a good focus for me.

    I don't eat traditionally healthy. I eat what I enjoy in moderation, which sometimes includes salads and veggies and other times nothing but "junk". If I'm craving something, I'll find a way to fit it in.

    If I'm strongly sticking to a budget, I plan my meals around sales for the week, find places that sell at a discount or take advantage of merchant discounts, and stick to it (not buying extras that I see, tunnel vision on my shopping list). And don't be afraid to buy house brands. They can taste just as good or better for cheaper.

    Feel free to add me. My diary is open, which is a hodgepodge between salad addict and fast food diva (though both have a strong Starbucks need).
  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,028 Member
    How do you all get and stay motivated to work out? I always give up
    How do you eat healthy if you don't like salads and are picky with food?
    How do you eat healthy when you don't have the money to afford healthy food?

    Looking for friends and people to help motivate me and I will do the same. Add me and shoot me a message.

    I stick with things I enjoy.
    Don't stick to just salads, google and experiment with recipes that sound appealing. Don't be afraid to try something new.
    Define 'healthy'. All you need to do to lose weight is eat less than you need. You don't need 'healthy' food to do that.
  • JustRobby1
    JustRobby1 Posts: 674 Member
    edited August 2017
    How do you all get and stay motivated to work out? I always give up
    How do you eat healthy if you don't like salads and are picky with food?
    How do you eat healthy when you don't have the money to afford healthy food?

    Looking for friends and people to help motivate me and I will do the same. Add me and shoot me a message.

    1) This has to come from within, and not something I, or anybody else for that matter, can provide for you. I suspect all of us have different things in our lives which provide drive and determination. Scan some profiles here and you will see lots of them. You have to find the fire inside yourself.

    2) I personally don't really eat healthy or "clean" in the traditional or accepted way. What I am mindful of is calories in vs. calories out. You would be surprised what you can squeeze into an 1800 calories budget if you are creative. To be honest, my diet is not really drastically different than when I was fat, my portions are just different and I am far more strategic. Whoever told you that you have to drastically change your diet to lose weight lied to you.

    3) I guess "expensive" is relative to your unique situation, but I would guess you have an Aldi's or something similar where you live that you can visit to pick up food on a budget. Sure, there are places like Trader Joe's. Whole Foods, etc. that cater to pretentious D-bags, but those are hardly required for weight loss;

  • rmgnow
    rmgnow Posts: 375 Member
    Picky eating is a not in my vocabulary.
    There is a great big world out there. try some of it
  • Meelisv
    Meelisv Posts: 235 Member
    edited August 2017
    How do you all get and stay motivated to work out? I always give up
    How do you eat healthy if you don't like salads and are picky with food?
    How do you eat healthy when you don't have the money to afford healthy food?

    Looking for friends and people to help motivate me and I will do the same. Add me and shoot me a message.

    Have found that old pictures of myself are very motivating ;)
    Still sometimes I gave to drag myself to gym and after some very stressful days I just can't find strength to go. In that case I'll go next day, or take a longer walk, or run a bit later in the evening.

    Thankfully I like salads. But I'm sometimes picky with food. That is one thing that can be overcome by trying to introduce new habits.

    Also "healthy food" is not expensive. It's actually quite opposite. Now that I'm mostly thinking what I'm eating I find that I spend way less money on food than I did when I bought random crap.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    katnadreau wrote: »
    I workout because on MFP it means I get to eat more food

    This is it for me. I love food, so it's a great motivator that never ceases to motivate. If I'm going to eat like a human being and still lose weight I need to be more active. I also like what running does for my mental health, so there is that. If you don't allow yourself time to talk yourself out of it, it's easier. As soon as you get the thought "I need to workout" get up and put on workout clothes.

    As for food, I'm lucky to like all kinds of nutrient dense foods. If you're picky, though, I would just eat the foods you already like that are kinder on your calories. Healthy doesn't need to mean salad and it doesn't need to mean special trendy Instagram preparations. Even the humble and cheap potato is filling and nutritious. Remember that a nutritious diet is a nutritious DIET, as in the whole net nutrition of everything you eat. You can achieve that without micromanaging individual foods to the point where it's stressful, and you can achieve that while still eating less nutritious things from time to time or in smaller quantities. Let go of the mindset that you need to eat specialized foods on a diet. You simply need to achieve a calorie deficit, and how you go about that can be highly individualized to your preferences without unnecessarily complicating things.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited August 2017
    I'm a questioner myself. These are great questions if you use them to your advantage. But they can also be "great" excuses if that's what you're looking for.
    How do you all get and stay motivated to work out? I always give up
    I don't go by "motivation" (the buzzword). Some things, things I have to do, I just do; other things, that are optional, I do what I want, when I want to. And I regularly get an urge to move, as long as I don't feel pressured. I don't do any planned exercise, but I move quite a lot on the daily, walking, dancing, playing, housework, take the stairs.
    How do you eat healthy if you don't like salads and are picky with food?
    Losing weight is about eating less, not what you eat. There are no healthy (or unhealthy) foods. A healthy diet is just about getting in everything you need every day, and over time, not too much of anything. There are so many ways to achieve this, that everybody should be able to find at least one way that suits them. And healthy eating is not restrictive, it's varied and flexible and a relaxed attitude towards food.
    How do you eat healthy when you don't have the money to afford healthy food?
    How do you eat at all if you don't have money for food?