Losing weight on meds



  • laurabadams
    laurabadams Posts: 201 Member
    edited August 2017
    Edited - my comment seems irrelevant now that I see this post is almost 2 weeks old.

    OP, I hope you've found your sweet spot again for weight loss. Best of luck.
  • ElizabethLovesFood
    ElizabethLovesFood Posts: 54 Member
    Just FYI: Lithium damaged my thyroid and made me have hypothyroidism. I lost about 20 lbs after starting thyroid medication in a short amount of time! Also I went into menopause in my early 20's (I'm 32 now). It's hard to get the #s to go down on the scale now, but if anyone takes lithium I suggest you make sure your doc is running a thyroid panel at each blood draw! Ask for a copy of results! (This is important as if it's slightly off alot of times they will tell you it's normal) I haven't met anyone on here that has issues like me & takes psych meds. (I take 4 plus thyroid pill) (3 of 5 of my meds cause weight gain!) I usually keep this stuff to my myself and dont talk about it so I'm not judged. Nice to see I'm not alone & positive vibes sent to you all!