Can't sleep

I feel like a failure, got so much on my mind.


  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    you are NOT a failure, this is a learning lesson, continue forward it will get better. Breathe deep, good thoughts, think of something you would love to do or be...let your mind escape.
  • AnaA78
    AnaA78 Posts: 85 Member
    I want to be skinny for once in my life. I've always been a fat girl. I'm just fed up
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    you're just having a bad day/night it's a marathon not a sprint, just try to "win" each day, stop beating yourself up. Find things you enjoy to help burn energy, riding a bike, roller skating, swimming. but just take it one day at a time and stop pressuring yourself, all good things come in time
  • Blessed1221
    Blessed1221 Posts: 4 Member
    edited August 2017
    3 years ago I changed positions in the office I work at. This new position is very stressful. I sleep about 2-4 hours per night during the week. I am so tired, I rarely feel like exercising.
    I made an appointment with my doctor and she gave me sleeping medication, which has helped a little.
    I used to workout 6 days a week and now I exercise about twice a month.
    I've gone from a size 4 to a size 14.
    I'm disgusted.!!!!
    I can't get motivated
    I'm so busy during the day I don't eat anything except a few pretzels. Stress and anxiety has a lot to do with this I think.
    Dinner is something small most of the time.
  • highlightshadow
    highlightshadow Posts: 116 Member
    AnaA78 wrote: »
    I feel like a failure, got so much on my mind.

    I use an app called sleepfulness (ios & android) ... there's 2 meditations that i find work best (Whole & Rhythm)
    Do they 100% work? No ... but more often than not i don't hear the end of the track.
    These are about focussing your mind on something else

  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    AnaA78 wrote: »
    I want to be skinny for once in my life. I've always been a fat girl. I'm just fed up

    being skinny wont suddenly make life amazing... working on improving your self esteem will benefit you more.
  • miimosaa
    miimosaa Posts: 17 Member
    Girl dont say that. I know what you mean, I felt the same way, but the key is NOT giving up! I tried so hard for a couple of weeks and the scale didn't move, I felt so bad about myself, but. I still did my workouts and ate healthy, after two more weeks...there it was, 6 lbs down! And I smiled so big, because even though I felt like quitting I didn't, I felt mad at myself firnsome reason and that motivated me to push harder. This takes time, you are transforming yourself, sculpting your body, love the journey, the good and the bad, is all part of it. And when you finally get where you want to be, you'll be so damn proud of yourself! Dont give up!!!!
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Keep trying -> win!
    Give up -> stay large.

    Your choice.

    Girls and scales are a dysfunctional relationship. Really. Your weight cycles up and down every month, hiding and disguising your weight loss. Stay in a calorie deficit, and after months of that the scale will finally do all its monthly cycling up and down 10 or 20 lb below where it used to be.