Do you find cheat days to have a positive or negative impact

ilovefood9998 Posts: 24 Member
edited August 2017 in Health and Weight Loss
I have currently been dieting since June and I have gone from 196 pounds to 182 pounds in the last 3 months. I still have 25 pounds to go. My diet consists of completely removing all snacks from my diet and I stick to one meal a day which generally consists of around 1200 calories. I always associate relaxing with having a movie day and binge eating and since I have not been able to eat any snacks in a long time I thought It would be fine to treat myself to candy and have a movie day. I ended up going overboard and bought 3000 calories worth of candy. The snacks have not yet been eaten and I can't find the ability to just eat them without a care. I keep thinking about the calories. If i want I can eat the candy but only up to my allowance of 1200 calories but then as a result of doing that I would not be able to have my proper meal. Its as if snacks have become a deterrent as I wont be able to have my evening meal. Cheat days are now horrible to me. I get rewarded with the snacks yet will end up hungrier and will miss out on a proper meal. All the candy is still in my drawer and I just want to throw it all away. I feel like I have 3 options. I can 'simply' throw it all away and feel guilty about my waste of money. I could eat it all in one go so it is then gone but then feel extra guilty and possibly gain a pound in the process. Or I could eat up to my calorie allowance of candy gain no weight but feel hungry and unhealthy. What is everyone elses opinion on cheat days. I just find them much more problematic and stressful.


  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    I don't have regular cheat days, but I have had days like a wedding last week where I allow myself to just indulge in the fun.
    In the short run, I felt bloated and tired for about three days after and had a terrible low at the gym.
    In the little longer run, I gained all my strength in the gym back and some after five days and today got really nice results on the scale (taking them with a grain of salt, but as I am stressed at work I take every reason for a smile I can get currently).
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,069 Member
    edited August 2017
    I try to avoid a "cheat day" that involves just eating with abandon, but I do have maintenance days, particularly around my TOM when a maintenance day saves me from going all out carb crazy. I have had a couple of days where I have gone above maintenance, but over the week that they have happened I've still been in a deficit.

    I have had one *kitten*-it day in 9 months where I gave no thought whatsoever to calorie control (it was just this Sunday) but when I look back at it now I realise I still made much better choices than I would have a year ago - My *kitten* it day basically was Cereal, a veggie packed Sunday Roast, some cake and an Irish delicacy - the crisp sandwich.

    I do tend to agree with @kommodevaran about reviewing your calorie allowance, it could be too low for sustainability, if you have yourself set to a 2lb per week loss in MFP, consider dropping it down to 1lb per week.

    With the candy that you have, I personally would take the majority of it into work or drop it into a food bank but keep a few bits to factor a treat in now and again.
  • Dr_Fishbowl
    Dr_Fishbowl Posts: 42 Member
    edited August 2017
    You only eat once a day all the time? Is that in the morning mid day or night? In any case I dropped a hundred pounds with a "cheat meal" once a week, I found it kept me motivated to do well through out the week. My cheat meal would come early in the day, like 10 to 11 o-clock and would consist of 1500 or 2000 calories, and I wouldn't be hungry for the rest of the day. I question using candy for such a thing, as i'm not sure how filling it would be and would be concerned about the massive tummy ache I would incur...not to mention the cavities. My mercury filled teeth quiver and chatter in horror at the the thought of 3000 calories worth of candy!
  • Jonesuna64
    Jonesuna64 Posts: 233 Member
    I prefer cheat meal, rather than a whole day. It just feels better to only have 1 "decadent" meal, rather than a whole day :)
  • Old_Cat_Lady
    Old_Cat_Lady Posts: 1,193 Member
    It did not work for me. A greasy hamburger should not be a reward. Keeps the mindset that dieting is "yucky".
  • jame0529
    jame0529 Posts: 30 Member
    I think what matters most is that you find something that is sustainable for you. If you're completely depriving yourself of the things you enjoy, then you'll never be able to maintain. I enjoy my weekends and go over my calories quite often, but then am diligent throughout the week. If I turned down social events and drinking/eating out with my friends because it didn't stick within my calorie goal, I would never be able to stick to any type of plan. So whether you want to call it a cheat day or enjoying your life, you need to find what works for you! Good luck!
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    I have currently been dieting since June and I have gone from 196 pounds to 182 pounds in the last 3 months. I still have 25 pounds to go. My diet consists of completely removing all snacks from my diet and I stick to one meal a day which generally consists of around 1200 calories. I always associate relaxing with having a movie day and binge eating and since I have not been able to eat any snacks in a long time I thought It would be fine to treat myself to candy and have a movie day. I ended up going overboard and bought 3000 calories worth of candy. The snacks have not yet been eaten and I can't find the ability to just eat them without a care. I keep thinking about the calories. If i want I can eat the candy but only up to my allowance of 1200 calories but then as a result of doing that I would not be able to have my proper meal. Its as if snacks have become a deterrent as I wont be able to have my evening meal. Cheat days are now horrible to me. I get rewarded with the snacks yet will end up hungrier and will miss out on a proper meal. All the candy is still in my drawer and I just want to throw it all away. I feel like I have 3 options. I can 'simply' throw it all away and feel guilty about my waste of money. I could eat it all in one go so it is then gone but then feel extra guilty and possibly gain a pound in the process. Or I could eat up to my calorie allowance of candy gain no weight but feel hungry and unhealthy. What is everyone elses opinion on cheat days. I just find them much more problematic and stressful.

    Why would you want to cheat yourself?

    Cheat days are just an excuse to overeat. Never understood why people do this if they are serious about losing weight.
  • jasummers76
    jasummers76 Posts: 225 Member
    I am new here but have come down from 349 to 282. I you dieted for years restricting myself like you seem to be doing. I do not believe in not eating a candy or burger or piece of pizza. I just have come to know that I feel good and not deprived by having a piece or burger every once in awhile.
  • BarneyRubbleMD
    BarneyRubbleMD Posts: 1,092 Member
    No more cheat days (or even cheat meals) for me! As a former binge eater, my cheat meal tended to total between 5000 - 10000 calories and even having just one of those per week would really mess up my weight loss progress. Now that my Binge Eating Disorder is cured, I really don't miss those cheat meals these days and my weight loss progress is continuing to go well at about 2 lbs/week with 82 lbs lost since New Year's.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    If I cheat I don't lose weight. I am too short and old to get away with that. If I slip up then I know I won't lose another pound for a long time. Candy, ice cream etc don't cross my threshold. If I don't buy them I can't eat them. Plus, spiking my blood sugar is bad news, and the doctor got onto me for not checking my sugar often enough.
  • MarieMckenji85
    MarieMckenji85 Posts: 23 Member
    If I cheat, I can easily let it get outta hand and therefore I just avoid it. If I want something now I just have a smaller portion or account for the calories and move on for the day. :)
  • H_Ock12
    H_Ock12 Posts: 1,152 Member
    Why don't you ration the treats out? For example, try having a small portion and watching a movie after your meal each Friday (just a loose example) until the treats are gone? If you can't ration the candy, take it to work for public consumption or give it to a friend.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Completely depends on how many weekly calories you're eating. If your cheat day makes you go over = you won't lose. If you're starving yourself all week to eat more on week ends, but stay within your calories, you'll still lose.

    IMO your diet is way too restrictive and if you have to ask yourself how to make it work so much, you'd be better off rethinking the whole thing. Have a more reasonable goal and you'll be able to fit a piece of candy in your days.

    @ilovefood9998 count me as another vote for rethinking the whole thing.

    Plus with only 25 pounds to lose, set your weekly weight loss goal to a half pound per week. Those extra calories should help suppress the urge to binge.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    edited August 2017
    1 cheat day easily turns into more. I dont like to let my mind wander into cheat day territory. My focus is much beter used on fitting things i like in daily and making my diet as well rounded and satisfying as i can. "Cheating" doesnt exist, your body still takes in everything you put into it. Calling it a cheat doesnt stop that, And you only "cheat" yourself thinking that way

    That said, Were only human. For my birthday i wrote down 5 things i REALLY wanted to eat in a bigger portion, And over the week i had those 5 things 1 at a time. To me it was beter thn giving self permission for 1 day only to eat whatever i wanted, Because whatever i happened to find during that day likely wouldnt have been as worth it :p
  • rmgnow
    rmgnow Posts: 375 Member
    What is cheating?
    What is a cheat day?
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,384 Member
    I think it's much more sustainable to work little treats into your every day diet than to "go all out" with cheat meals/days.

    When I did keto, I would allow myself a cheat meal a few times a month where I would binge on thousands of calories of the carbs I so desperately missed. I would feel awful after - my stomach would be painful and bloated and I'd just lie on the couch for hours, groaning.

    It was a vicious cycle of restriction and cheat days, and it didn't feel good nor help my weight loss.

    Now I'm just focusing on calories. If I want a chocolate bar, I will log and it fit it into my calorie goal. That might mean skipping breakfast or working out longer. But if I really want that chocolate bar, I will fit it in.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I tend to have a few meals out at the weekend rather than what you would call a cheat day. I never call them that anyway. They are simply days where I am a bit more relaxed about the foods I will eat. I cannot say they are always a positive experience as sometimes the meals, especially anything bread based, leave me very bloated.