Looking for friends who are committed

Hello MFPers.

I would like to preface this post by saying, I have met some really amazing and inspiring people on this site. They continue to motivate me and make me smile day after day. With that said, I have also made a lot of friends who have bailed. I don't think less of them for this. This happened to me my first couple tries. For some, it has to get worse before it can get better. However, I am here to stay. I log on every day (hit 110 days today), and I rarely miss a day of exercising/logging food. I am looking for friends who are in the same boat. If you are committed to this journey and are determined to make changes in your life, then I would love your friendship and support. I promise to do my best to encourage you along your journey. If you are new, welcome. I would love to be your friend also. Just know that this isn't easy, fast, or without its days where you may want to give up. Please friend me if you're strong willed, dedicated, and driven because I am! :happy:



  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    looking for those that are committed or that need to be committed?"
  • amy_p
    amy_p Posts: 82
    I've been here 284 days :-)

    I'm also going to school to get my bachelors in Nutrition Science.

    I also have no plans of leaving here, probably ever. I see this as something I will be doing for the rest of my life. It's really hard when people drop off of here for no reason. I had someone on my friends list delete their account without saying anything. It's a bummer.

    Feel free to add me! I'm not going anywhere!!
  • ccckwalk
    ccckwalk Posts: 262
    We all need strong inspiring, motivated and committed people on here! I would love for you to add me and we can encourage eachother to meet our goals! ~Corina
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    im here every day, and i log everything everyday..add me if you like, anyone..if you aren't the poster of the topic, let me know this is where you added me from..best of luck to you all
  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    Welcome abroad! I have been on this site for 225 days and have lost 135 pounds. Yes like you i log in everyday and i like to encouarged people along the way. Can we do this? Yes we can!
    S.W 350 H.W 369
    C. W 215
    G.W 150
    I wish you the best, but you don't need it!
  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    been here for over 505 days...yeehaww!
  • i am in......i would love to be your friend ..... determined, strong willed but not perfect...i am in this for life because i know if i am not i will be in a lot worse place than now......:laugh: :laugh:
  • KSHorne
    KSHorne Posts: 38 Member
    I may not have been her as long as other MFPers, but ever since I started, I've logged in every day. Feel free to add me and let's all feel the burn together!
  • DRetel
    DRetel Posts: 136 Member
    I'm new here, but I'm here to stay! I'd love to have some new friends to cheer me on, and cheer them too!
  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    Like you looking for the same people just to commit to something that will help them. I have been on this site for 225 day and have lost 135 pounds
    S.W 350
    C.W 215
    G.W 150
  • beedo30
    beedo30 Posts: 186
    Like you looking for the same people just to commit to something that will help them. I have been on this site for 225 day and have lost 135 pounds
    S.W 350
    C.W 215
    G.W 150
    WOW, good JOB!
  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    Well i have been on this site 225 days and have lost 135 pounds. I guess you can say i'am it for the long haul.
    S.W 350
    C.W 215
    G.W 150
  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    172 pounds awesome weight loss. I'am inspired. I have lost 135 , but my goal is to lose 200 total.
  • Mkin
    Mkin Posts: 43
    Since joining this site I have logged in every single day!! I have a lot of weight to lose and will certainly be on here for a very long time!!
    Feel free to be friend me, I'm looking at losing 50+ kgs so it is going to be a long road ahead of me.

    Marion x
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    i hit 85 days earlier this week. i am also in need of committed and supportive friends. feel free to add me...i am in it for the long haul!!
  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    Over 500 plus day love it> I wish you best on this journey. I have been on this site for 225 days and have lost 135 pounds. I believe in this and it works
  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    Excellent in logging. I think it is very beneficial when you are on this journey! Lost 135 pounds so far and still counting!
  • Msvalsworld
    Msvalsworld Posts: 53 Member
    I am committed I am making changes one day at a time
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    You all are rockstars! I'm working on getting back to each of you. :heart: