Trying to get my diet right

What's up everybody this is my first time actuallytruing to lose weight I'm 29 yrs old 6ft 3inches and I weight 311 pounds. My thing is I don't have a problem dieting or exercising my issue is that I dont think I'm eating enough. Or at the right times because I work at night so my schedule isn't normal. It says I should be eating around 2500 cals a day but these days I'm lucky to make it to 1700 and even then I'm feeling fat and guilty. Please help. I just don't want to ruin my metabolism and stunt my weight loss goals


  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Forget about meal timing, it doesn't matter unless you are an elite athlete.

    Your weight loss won't be slowed by eating 1700 calories.

    How much weight are you losing each week and how long have you been losing weight for?
  • torgerm2007
    torgerm2007 Posts: 8 Member
    edited August 2017
    Not really sure just trying to be down to 240 by the beginning of December. I actually just bought a scale yesterday lol. I have been dieting and exercising for the past 3 weeks though with this being the 3rd. I've been having cheat weekends though but nothing too crazy.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Then you're effectively calorie banking which is what I do.

    If you are eating 1700 calories week days you are saving 800 calories towards your weekends.

    I log everything at weekends as well, every binge drinking girls night out, pizza the lot and track my calories over the week.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    you don't not lose weight by eating too little.

    track everything, even your cheat weekends, if you're not losing, you're not in a calorie deficit.
  • torgerm2007
    torgerm2007 Posts: 8 Member
    Then you're effectively calorie banking which is what I do.

    If you are eating 1700 calories week days you are saving 800 calories towards your weekends.

    I log everything at weekends as well, every binge drinking girls night out, pizza the lot and track my calories over the week.

    Thank you. Do with my height and weight do you think my goal of being down to 240 is possible in 3 months? It's not a make or break thing if honest be happy losing anything over 20lbs to start off. I can already feel the changes in my body I have lots more energy!
  • torgerm2007
    torgerm2007 Posts: 8 Member
    you don't not lose weight by eating too little.

    track everything, even your cheat weekends, if you're not losing, you're not in a calorie deficit.

    Thanks I was just worried about slowing down my metabolism. I've read so many different things that are so contradicting you know..
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Then you're effectively calorie banking which is what I do.

    If you are eating 1700 calories week days you are saving 800 calories towards your weekends.

    I log everything at weekends as well, every binge drinking girls night out, pizza the lot and track my calories over the week.

    Thank you. Do with my height and weight do you think my goal of being down to 240 is possible in 3 months? It's not a make or break thing if honest be happy losing anything over 20lbs to start off. I can already feel the changes in my body I have lots more energy!

    That is almost 6lb a week so it's not possible in that time frame.

    Don't set yourself a time limit just stay under your calories each week and see how well you progress.

    He/She who eats the most and still loses wins!

    The slower it comes off the more likely you are to keep it off.
  • torgerm2007
    torgerm2007 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you. I'm gonna keep at it. I don't care how long it takes. Thank you again.