Exercises suggestions please


I am pretty new to MFP having finally got to the point where I realise faddy diets are not going to provide long term benefits and sustainable weight loss. I think I have my head around the eating side of things, but what I have never really known anything about is productive exercise.

What I would really love to do is join a gym and consult a PT but at the moment it is just not financially viable. Hopefully in a few months I can get straightened out and do that but I don't want to wait that long to get moving more!

Does anybody have any suggestions of types of work outs I could look up?

I can't run well - I have a minor disability that means I have no strength in one ankle, the brace I wear keeps it fixed in position which results in painful knee/hip if I run much. Walking I can do but obviously it takes a lot longer out of the day to do anything significant! That's fine, I like it, but I know it isn't going to be doing much as far as toning and building strength goes. But the ankle/foot also makes it pretty difficult to follow any home work outs requiring running on the spot, jumping etc.


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    there's a sticky with lifting routine suggestions around here somewhere, but given your ankle limitations, you may want to check with a physio.
  • smh_cliff
    smh_cliff Posts: 146 Member
    Thanks I will check it out.

    It is a pain - I would love to be able to afford to consult someone for a personalised plan to work around it! I've let it be an excuse for too long.
  • CyclingRoadie6
    CyclingRoadie6 Posts: 59 Member
    Have you considered trying HIIT workouts? It would help strengthen those muscles by using body weight, and it of course incorporates the cardio side of things as well. There are a million apps out there that could be good, and you can do them for free at home. It would be a good start, and then when the time comes when you want to join that gym, you'll be ready to go.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Have you considered trying HIIT workouts? It would help strengthen those muscles by using body weight, and it of course incorporates the cardio side of things as well. There are a million apps out there that could be good, and you can do them for free at home. It would be a good start, and then when the time comes when you want to join that gym, you'll be ready to go.

    Horrible advice to give. She's new to working out with a HUGE limitation in her ankle and you suggest HIIT?
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,145 Member
    smh_cliff wrote: »
    I can't run well - I have a minor disability that means I have no strength in one ankle, the brace I wear keeps it fixed in position which results in painful knee/hip if I run much. Walking I can do but obviously it takes a lot longer out of the day to do anything significant! That's fine, I like it, but I know it isn't going to be doing much as far as toning and building strength goes. But the ankle/foot also makes it pretty difficult to follow any home work outs requiring running on the spot, jumping etc.

    Are you able to do things like riding a bicycle or swimming or does the ankle present problems with those as well?

    Another possibility might be kayaking, but that might be a more costly option if you've got to rent a kayak.

  • susanayt97
    susanayt97 Posts: 309 Member
    Check out fitnessblender.com, and find the ones that work for your condition :)
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    edited August 2017
    What about group x at your gym? Most gyms have pretty good sculpting classes.. not much movement in terms of the feet/ankles but usually good overall body workout with light weights? Can you spin? or is that too much pressure on your foot? I would always recommend starting a good weight lifting routine... there are a ton of programs and ideas out there and a good one to start with is Strong Lifts 5x5 for women. How about a rowing machine? Can get kind of boring but you could do like five minutes on (cardio), then 10 minutes off (lifting), make up your own intervals...

    Editing because I didn't read the part where you said you're not joining a gym for a bit. So in that case.... check out some of these:


    Also... check out Bodybuilding.com a ton of great resources on that site.
  • smh_cliff
    smh_cliff Posts: 146 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    smh_cliff wrote: »
    I can't run well - I have a minor disability that means I have no strength in one ankle, the brace I wear keeps it fixed in position which results in painful knee/hip if I run much. Walking I can do but obviously it takes a lot longer out of the day to do anything significant! That's fine, I like it, but I know it isn't going to be doing much as far as toning and building strength goes. But the ankle/foot also makes it pretty difficult to follow any home work outs requiring running on the spot, jumping etc.

    Are you able to do things like riding a bicycle or swimming or does the ankle present problems with those as well?

    Another possibility might be kayaking, but that might be a more costly option if you've got to rent a kayak.

    I think there might still be a bike lurking in my exes garage now you say that! That's an idea. Just need to see if I can get it back..
    I can swim, but with bad form and slow which doesn't go down well at my local pool unfortunately!
  • smh_cliff
    smh_cliff Posts: 146 Member
    Thank you for your suggestions, I will look into them!

    Just to be clearer-
    When I was born it looked like club foot, but muscles in the bottom half of my left leg didn't work apart from one, which meant that one pulled my foot into the wrong position. They told my mum I wouldn't walk, but moved that muscle into a position which straightened the foot. I can walk, considerable distances, so I really can't complain. I just can't go far without a brace on and limp. The brace fixes the ankle at 90 degrees. The only day to day difference it makes is having to drive an automatic car (not so common in the UK) as I can't use a clutch. Any movement at all comes from the knee or hip. I can go without the brace but balance isn't brilliant and the right leg takes it all if I attempt squats lol
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    smh_cliff wrote: »
    Thank you for your suggestions, I will look into them!

    Just to be clearer-
    When I was born it looked like club foot, but muscles in the bottom half of my left leg didn't work apart from one, which meant that one pulled my foot into the wrong position. They told my mum I wouldn't walk, but moved that muscle into a position which straightened the foot. I can walk, considerable distances, so I really can't complain. I just can't go far without a brace on and limp. The brace fixes the ankle at 90 degrees. The only day to day difference it makes is having to drive an automatic car (not so common in the UK) as I can't use a clutch. Any movement at all comes from the knee or hip. I can go without the brace but balance isn't brilliant and the right leg takes it all if I attempt squats lol

    Wow, you will definitely not want to do anything with that leg that requires ankle mobility, because you are going to cause yourself knee & hip pain.
  • smh_cliff
    smh_cliff Posts: 146 Member
    Yep! I can walk 7 miles or so without trouble but running not so much. And who regularly has time to walk 7 miles (and how boring without doing it in different places).