At what point did you start losing dress sizes

I've lost 26.5lbs currently, had lost almost 29lbs but then PMS from hell decided to gain 5 back). Currently about 219, 5"4, I've been between a UK 14 and 16 on bottom since before I started losing weight, nothing is changing on the outside. Anyone with similar stats able to tell me when they had to go clothes shopping? I try to channel ed Sheeran and tell myself "life is more than fitting in your jeans" But I'd really like to fit smaller jeans haha


  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    edited August 2017
    Sizes vary so much I don't think there's any one right answer. I've lost about 22-23 pounds and was very excited at around 20 pounds lost to fit into a smaller pair of jeans... which are exactly the same numerical size as the pair that was falling off of me after I lost the first 10 pounds. I also wear a lot of skirts and knits which fit a huge range of body types. Have you been taking measurements? That's going to be a much more consistent number to use to track your progress.
  • 92joann
    92joann Posts: 67 Member
    I feel like i will be similar, i started at 246 and got down to 217, you would think there'd be at least a bit of a difference in sizes! From what I see there's only 2inches difference between a 14 and a 16, and I've been in the middle from the start so about an inch away from a 14 and it just doesn't want to happen!
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    92joann wrote: »
    I feel like i will be similar, i started at 246 and got down to 217, you would think there'd be at least a bit of a difference in sizes! From what I see there's only 2inches difference between a 14 and a 16, and I've been in the middle from the start so about an inch away from a 14 and it just doesn't want to happen!

    Id take it as a bonus and hope it means your an hourglass like me:p We lose all over so the differences are slighter but in the end its fast and when you keep your curves its worth it to me XD
  • 92joann
    92joann Posts: 67 Member
    Oh that could be why, I do have an hourglass figure! From what I remember anyway, it's been so long lmao
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    edited August 2017
    92joann wrote: »
    Oh that could be why, I do have an hourglass figure! From what I remember anyway, it's been so long lmao

    hourglasses are great but man do they suck for weight loss, Keep trekking on i went from large to Xsmall in the final 40 or so pounds xD

    side note if your an hourglass measure your ribs and thighs thats where i lost all mine but my hips/boobs all stayed same so smaller clothes sizes didnt happen :p
  • 92joann
    92joann Posts: 67 Member
    Aw that's brilliant advice! Had no idea my shape could play a part, but devastated about the boob/hips situation haha. I'm pretty sure my boobs weigh more than a newborn baby each, who needs that lmao
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    92joann wrote: »
    Aw that's brilliant advice! Had no idea my shape could play a part, but devastated about the boob/hips situation haha. I'm pretty sure my boobs weigh more than a newborn baby each, who needs that lmao

    Youll be happy at the end when you dont have to literally roll your boobs up and stuff them into your bra xD
  • clayelliott847
    clayelliott847 Posts: 125 Member
    Ok, not dress sizes, but I have lost 20 lbs over a year and none of pants fit anymore. If I forget to wear a belt, my pants will fall down.
  • SaraydaB
    SaraydaB Posts: 120 Member
  • FeelingAlive
    FeelingAlive Posts: 117 Member
    Hourglass here too. I can see that I have lost weight in my back, but all the other places look pretty much the same after a 22lbs lost. The thighs are big and so are the arms, so no use wishing for them to disappear anytime soon lol.
  • Nykkismommy21
    Nykkismommy21 Posts: 224 Member
    I feel ya. I had always heard that every 5-6 lbs is a pant size. So here i am 13lbs down and my tops fit me alot looser yes,but im not sure how,i cant really see it, but me bottoms,though they are a bit loose, are still pretty me ch still looking the right size. You know what i mean, like theres no real sag to them lil, but then again i have always had booty for days lol so maybe that is why. But i usually live in gym type clothes for now anyway. I think what im looking for is how my sleeves, when i do wear sleeves in this hot blazing California sun ,if they are getting looser. I have always loathed my arms, so im always checking hoping they are slimming down.And they are. Juat not as fast as id like.but ialso lift 5lb dumbbells in each hand. So that's helping lwan them out too. Anyway keep doing what you're doing ,eventually all the hard work has to show its fruits right :smile:
  • Down from 237 to 132 and dropped from size 20 to 8. Initially the sizes didn't change very much - I think there is a bigger gap between the larger sizes as I took ages to get into a 16 but then very quick went to a 10.
  • lucerorojo
    lucerorojo Posts: 790 Member
    I've heard every 15 lbs. is a dress size--but this is going to depend on a person's height too.
  • MysteriousLeigh
    MysteriousLeigh Posts: 15 Member
    I'm down 49lb (currently 207) and my clothes still sort of fit. I have a lower size in my jeans (UK20) but my original ones (UK22) don't fall down when I wear them. I can just about squeeze into a UK18.

    My measurements say I should be in a 22-24 though, so idk what to think.
  • Mkneedtogetfit
    Mkneedtogetfit Posts: 93 Member
    I lost 25 kg and 2 dress sizes. I went from a tight 16 to a comfy 12
  • jdlobb
    jdlobb Posts: 1,232 Member
    Not dress, but I've worn the same brand and style of jeans for over a decade, Levi's 501s. I dropped from a 42 to a 40 after 1 month and 10 pounds. 2 months and another 15 pounds later and the 40s are about to go on the shelf and the 38s get put in play.
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    Im down 11 stone and 5 dress sizes
    I currently weigh similar to you but dresses i need a 20 to fit my boobs in without looking like a hooker ( i wear alot of wrap top dresses so i can breastfeed in em ) and size 16 leggings and cycle shorts under them

    I have sooooo many dresses that for the last 2 stone ive put on and thought "another stone and itll look right" but no they still dont fit right
  • fitjam00
    fitjam00 Posts: 9 Member
    I started over 300lbs, I would say just keep in mind that most the clothes We buy at the heavier start weights are stretchy