Equestrians? Looking for friends... again!

After almost 4 years of not missing a single day logging... I lost my phone in a river and missed logging.... then... I let it go for like 3 months! So sad to be a NewBie again!

Looking to hopefully reconnect with some of my old MFP supportive peeps - and find new friends - I'm an avid equestrian and am hoping to connect with others to share goals, success stories, and even those down in the dumps moments to help each other through - please add me!


  • artanis50
    artanis50 Posts: 96 Member
    I used to ride for years .... from when I was 9 until my 20s. Was on the equestrian team at my college and lucky enough to buy a horse when I graduated. Then adult-hood set in and I had to sell her. I was always in the best shape of my life when I was riding and at the barn every day. I haven't ridden in years because I've gotten so fat and I'm embarrassed to try to find anywhere to ride. It's one of my goals - when I reach my goal weight - to see if I can afford to do a half lease or something. I miss it so much!!!
  • artanis50
    artanis50 Posts: 96 Member
    The good 'ol days ..... 3c3rr1dsalgn.jpg
  • miozzo77
    miozzo77 Posts: 7 Member
    I think riding again is a great goal to have once you get to where you want to be but in the meantime you should absolutely not be embarrassed, athletes can come in all shapes and sizes and of course everything is going to be a hell of a lot harder while we have extra weight on us but this really no better day to start then today! Just being around the horses is so motivating for me but I know that my horse can feel it when I pack on the extra pounds as her back is so sensitive which makes me feel really bad... She didn't do very well competing this year and I kind of blame myself and my weekend I know she has a much harder time caring me I want next year to be our year!
  • artanis50
    artanis50 Posts: 96 Member
    What kind of competition? Jumpers were always my favorite
  • miozzo77
    miozzo77 Posts: 7 Member
    artanis50 wrote: »
    What kind of competition? Jumpers were always my favorite

    We do low level eventing right now and she loves it!! Sooner than later we are probably going to have to switch to dressage, she has really bad side bine, which is rare for such a light breed, and it causes pain. I have her on special shoes getting done every 4 weeks plus coffin joint injections every year and Adequan every six months - I'll keep her going as long as I can afford it, or until she tells me she's done with jumping. But for right now we are sticking to low jumps to save her footsies and just getting out there and having fun!
  • miozzo77
    miozzo77 Posts: 7 Member
    *side bone not bine lol
  • artanis50
    artanis50 Posts: 96 Member
    Whoa! Eventing always scared the crap out of me. Good for you. At least if you crash into a jump on the jumpers course it would come down. You crash into a huge tree log it 'ain't going anywhere! Lol
  • miozzo77
    miozzo77 Posts: 7 Member
    That's why I don't do anything over beginner novice I'm a wimp!! They are getting a little better with the cross country fences being able to break - but I agree, the technicality and difficult questions on course have raised some serious safety concerns....i get worried but try to remind myself that horses can literally walk over a 2'6" fence, generally we just have to stay out if their way which is so hard especially when I'm not fit and can't do trip my body well!!
  • artanis50
    artanis50 Posts: 96 Member
    Haha! That's so true! My horse knew what she was doing and if I couldn't spot the distance she didn't care. Hold the hell on because we are leaving!!!