1 day in MFP and already blew it at lunch

Well I WAS feeling good about restarting MFP. Today I messed up at lunch. I have no calories left for dinner. Ugh! How have you handled a situation like this?


  • RedSierra
    RedSierra Posts: 253 Member
    Log everything and consider the logging a success. Eat a normal dinner and do the best you can tomorrow.
  • kokonani
    kokonani Posts: 507 Member
    Eat a smaller dinner. Or no dinner, if you can. Just a salad with some lean protein, then do a bit of excersise. Learn to balance it out, it will happen again.. we all do it sometimes. It's not a big deal.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    It's a learning journey. It's ok to make mistakes, as long as you realize what they are, and strive to do better tomorrow. Maybe get a walk in before dinner, or stick with lower calorie foods like plain veggies for dinner.
  • bazookajoe123
    bazookajoe123 Posts: 8 Member
    Don't worry. Just eat a healthy dinner and do some extra cardio. I'm staring at the pizza I made for my daughter. And I'm literally having a conversation w myself about eating it lol.
  • R4U1R0DR1GU3Z
    R4U1R0DR1GU3Z Posts: 81 Member
    The first few days are the hardest, this is not so bad. Get through the following days no matter what.
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    Is it possible that you've set your weight loss/calorie goal too aggressively?

    I've eaten all my calories by lunch on several occasions, but then I'm not really hungry again at dinner. I'm hungry by bedtime, but I'm generally a little hungry at bedtime regardless.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    No problem. It's only one day and we're all here to learn where we can make better choices and some changes.
    Look over your diary and see where you could have made a tweak or two to bring your calories down and still be satisfied with your meal.
    It's a learning process and takes time. Today you can learn something to try out tomorrow.

    Also, remember that you would have to eat 500 calories over your calorie limit to reach Maintenance (assuming a 1lb/wk goal). You can still remain under maintenance. That's a win on a day like today.
  • BananaJoanna
    BananaJoanna Posts: 25 Member
    Since this is an angle no one has mentioned: Was the lunch a special occasion? A restaurant you have been dying to try? Forget about it. Consider the tracking a success. My rule for special occasions is that I enjoy the food, even if it's higher calories than I would normally eat. To me, if I am going to order a boring salad at a place that specializes in pizza, I might as well have made my own lunch and not bothered. So, I eat the pizza and enjoy it, but maybe have a smaller pizza or just one slice. And I will do this maybe twice a month, instead of twice a week. And I will have something light for supper, instead of more pizza. This isn't a diet. This is the first day of the rest of your life. You need to live it. You are on track. You've got this.
  • Heather4448
    Heather4448 Posts: 908 Member
    Honestly logging your intake makes you a winner!
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    MrsKeith94 wrote: »
    Well I WAS feeling good about restarting MFP. Today I messed up at lunch. I have no calories left for dinner. Ugh! How have you handled a situation like this?

    I know it's a bit late to help for today, but my today was also blown by lunch. Some generous soul brought too many bagels to work. The way I handled it was I used my home time to do enough cardio work to burn off all the bagels.
  • boredloser
    boredloser Posts: 119 Member
    Just get back on track tomorrow and don't sweat one day. :)
  • AnaA78
    AnaA78 Posts: 85 Member
    It's ok doll, tonrw is a new day. Lil steps, you just have to teach yourself, calorie count, use a food scale, but all in time. Don't stop you'll get it.