5'5 160lbs help!

I'm 5'5 and 160lbs and want to be 140lbs. What are some tips to lose this 20lbs as easy as possible.


  • susanayt97
    susanayt97 Posts: 309 Member
    It probably won't be easy. To do that you have to eat the amount of calories MyFitnessPal advised you (according to your goals). To do it right, you should read food labels, weigh what you're going to eat, and then log it in. For every bit of food that you eat. You can also workout, to burn some calories.
    You have to be patient and I don't think anyone finds weight loss easy, it asks for a lot of self control. But you can do it :)
  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,028 Member
    Eating at a deficit. Try setting your weight loss to 1lb a week, and see if that works out for you. Drop down to .5lb a week if that turns out to be easier. You'll have to be super precise with your tracking, you'll have less wiggle room for a deficit.
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    edited August 2017
    Easy could mean a lot of things, but what has lost me an "easy" 20 lbs so far this year was starting with my previously normal diet, and ramping my average daily intake back gradually each month. I went from somewhere in the 2500s to 2000 and am aiming for 1900 next month. The weight was slow to go initially, but I'm losing about a pound a week now and it feels great. Plus, I'm not hungry, and I've started to notice some real momentum keeping the changes rolling.

    ETA: I had more available deficit when I started than you do, so it might be more difficult, but I really do think that the gradual approach has a lot to recommend it no matter where you're starting off.
  • LaReinaDeCorazones
    LaReinaDeCorazones Posts: 274 Member
    I'm 5'5 also, it won't be as easy as if you were bigger unfortunately since you are pretty close to being within a healthy range for our height. Make sure you measure all your food, and make sure to move daily. I'd say to set your weight loss to .5 a week.
  • EsmeMary101
    EsmeMary101 Posts: 154 Member
    Go to bed early.
  • JEE2015
    JEE2015 Posts: 146 Member
    I'm 5' 6" and started at 173 pounds. I've lost 20 pounds in three months, so not too far from my goal weight of 145. Here are my tips: enter your stats into MFP and follow the program! I weigh once a day in the morning without clothes on. Enter that weight into the Happy Scale app on your phone, it will show your gradual progress and keep you from freaking out when you inevitably watch your weight go up and down. Or just do the "Check In" on MFP, then look at "Records" to see the graph of your progress. Weight fluctuations are normal, so don't beat yourself up when you gain. Could just be water weight! Buy a digital scale and weigh your food, it's hard to accurately eyeball what one ounce of cheese really looks like. I had to eliminate crackers because they're highly caloric and don't help keep me full. Scrambled eggs, half an avocado, asparagus, broccoli, apples, chicken and salmon are all on my list of things to eat. Good luck! AND BE PATIENT.

    Excellent advice on all of the points above... While I don't do the phone APP to often or have a FitBit (I'm old school LOL). If you want either of you want to add my as a friend, super!
  • 1musicgrl
    1musicgrl Posts: 135 Member
    Losing weight the right way is rarely easy. It takes a lot of hard work and determination. Eating at a healthy deficit, drinking lots of water, and working out will give you your best results. You have to be willing to put in the hard work in order to have lasting success.
  • camiyo
    camiyo Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for all the advice! I say easy, because I am frustrated. I started this 6 days ago. Been entering In app, eating right, I only drink 2 waters a day though because I never drink much I try. Waking up early before work to workout. Anyways I did my weigh in yesterday and only lost .4. I figured the extra weight would come over quicker then this.