1200 calories a day

Is there anyone who is losing weight who are surviving off of 1200 calories a day and when I say surviving I mean feeling full and satisfied .Also are you dropping two pounds a week from doing this ?


  • Gibby349
    Gibby349 Posts: 119 Member
    I was climbing the walls at 1200. Good luck if you try to do it for a full week. Hide your cats.

    Explain a little more please
  • MelkaBielka
    MelkaBielka Posts: 36 Member
    edited August 2017
    I'm doing 1200 a day currently and feel great! Key for me is getting enough fibre. If I work out and I have been trying to hit my fibre goals, I sometimes cannot eat back all of my calories and end up under for the day. Focusing on 25 grams of fibre, hitting or coming close to my protein goal, drinking lots of water and exercising make 1200 calories more than enough. I eat back burned since I'm eating so low, but again, I can't always do that since I am full from fibre and fresh water. I don't lose 2 pounds a week, but my weight has been going steadily down taking into account cheat days and *kitten* eating habits for a few days at a time. For some perspective, I'm 5'7" and started at 153.8 on July 12th. As of today, I am 144.6. Its slow but steady and I am starting to feel healthy and fit. My overall health is much better and I am smaller, despite the number on the scale not changing an insane amount.
  • abungay
    abungay Posts: 85 Member
    I have been doing 1200 cals a day for over a year now, if I do heavy exercise I will let myself eat some of those calories, there are other days that I am only at 1000 calories and I am done for the day, and then there are the days that I have 500cal over. But I agree that you will get used to feeling hungry, but also your stomach srinks and you find you cannot eat as much as you use to any more. Also get in your nutrients, if you are eating junk you are going to be hungry, if you eat lots of veggies, fruit and protein you should be fine. Most importantly listen to your body, your body will let you know if you need to be eating more. I would not have stayed with 1200cal if it was making me feel sick or weak.
  • 92joann
    92joann Posts: 67 Member
    I do great on 1200 a day, but I eat back my exercise calories so today for example I'll be eating around 1700-1800, but with 1200 net calories. You need to understand a good bit about nutrition to avoid feeling hungry, at 1200 calories you really can't eat whatever and expect to feel full and lose weight, because it's too easy to go over and too easy to end up ravenous.