How do you handle the feeling of wanting to give up the diet?

How do you all handle those days where you are just miserable mentally with eating healthy? It's only been a day since I started eating properly but I feel already like I want to throw in the towel, but I know I need to stay the course and lose the weight.

Is it possible I just need an incentive to keep going? Like I knit/crochet, so when I reach the halfway point of my weight loss reward myself with a yarn I've been really wanting?


  • kolson111322
    kolson111322 Posts: 34 Member
    What is the healthy diet you have started? What is eating properly, in your opinion?

    I personally never want to give up my diet, because that's just what I eat, and I have to eat, and I enjoy what I eat. It makes me feel great and I look forward to every meal.

    Just portion control, eating healthier with more of the right things than the junk foods (I'm using Jenny Craig for 2 weeks to help with that). There's nothing wrong with the food. So far, everything I've eaten is good and I've enjoyed it and I'm getting enough food. My brain is just doing the double-talking thing and I'm not sure how to handle that.
  • tabletop_joe
    tabletop_joe Posts: 455 Member
    Write a list of Pros & Cons. If the Pros outweigh the Cons, keep going knowing that your decision was made rationally. The same is true if the Cons win out. It's important to make these decisions dispassionately because dieting can be hard on the mind and emotions.
  • DebLaBounty
    DebLaBounty Posts: 1,172 Member
    Don't wait too long to buy the yarn! Set up some mini-goals for yourself. One might be: log everything you eat for one week. Give yourself a reward. Or, lose 5 pounds. Reward. Walk 20 minutes every day for a week. Reward. You should definitely get that yarn within a month, regardless. You can't snack on greasy food when you're knitting, so it will be a good purchase. Your ultimate long-term reward will be all the weight you've lost and the healthier body you have, and probably a good dose of improved confidence because of your successes. Just be sure to reward yourself a lot along the way, it will keep you motivated to reach your goal.
  • kristen8000
    kristen8000 Posts: 747 Member
    My motivation is I know if I keep at it, I'll see results. If I give up, I'll either stay the same or get fatter.

    Also I don't do anything crazy that makes me miserable. It's all about balance. But I do believe a little sacrifice is needed to accomplish anything worth having in life.
  • Goober1142
    Goober1142 Posts: 219 Member
    The first day is always the hardest, if you can hang on for the first four days it gets much easier after that. I also eat at specific times and if I'm hungry in between it's coffee or tea or water. Have to get rid of the junk food in your house too, that's a big one. Just wait until you see how great you feel and that number on the scale goes down, that's great motivation. Do whatever you have to for four days, sleep a lot if possible. Your body will get used to less food, just give it time and stay focused.