Knee pain - Advice

Hi all,

First time poster here, I'm looking for advice on my knees! I've been exercising on and off over the years not anything too serious. I'm now 32. For the last year I've upped my exercise regimen, I mainly do weights previously did the likes of fat burn etc. I workout 4-5 times mixing upper body/lower body and I walk my dog everyday. Recently I've started to develop sore knees, nothing that I've felt I needed to take pain relief for but it's just always there when I work out on lower body, I feel it's getting worse. Any advice? I've had time off, applied heat/ice :) thanks in advance


  • misnomer1
    misnomer1 Posts: 646 Member
    could be incorrect squatting form. need more details about the exercises that you do.
  • karamcnaught198
    karamcnaught198 Posts: 3 Member

    I do squats, leg press, deadlifts, lunges, glute bridges to name a few. I go to a boot camp class where we mix weights with some cardio, box jumps, Bulgarian splits, running etc
  • misnomer1
    misnomer1 Posts: 646 Member
    edited August 2017
    sorry i cant help more, but its one of the above exercises that youre doing wrongly that is putting undue stress on your knees. running/jumping on hard surfaces could also be the issue. knee pain due to incorrect squatting
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 549 Member
    Some compression knee sleeves may help you out some. I agree with misnomer that it's got to be form related on one or a couple of those exercises. For example something about my build prevents me from doing lunges without pain in my knee, so I cut them out and just make up for it elsewhere. That said if you get some good compression sleeves I have noticed they help in squats and presses.
  • SSGKunze
    SSGKunze Posts: 21 Member
    Wrap your knee up nice and tight that should help. Also try taking a Advil after breakfast and dinner for a week see how you feel towards the end of that week. You exercise hard and it can cause inflammation stuff like Naproxen will reduce it after a few days. It takes a couple days to kick in but it works we had issues like this all the time in the Army and that's always what they told us to do.
  • athena61
    athena61 Posts: 54 Member
    Chiming in here. Over the years I felt that my left knee and was causing me pain. It was slowly getting worse. I lift weights three times a week and do pay careful attention to my form. I also cycle 2 to 4 times a week, and walk my dog 2 to 4 miles per day. I would take a Advil just to minimize or eliminate the pain.

    I started to do some research on the best shoes for knee pain and one that was recommended was by New Balance (I believe in the 800 series. It has a rollbar in the sole). Anyway, I purchased a pair and within a week my knee pain is 99% gone. Shoes specifically for knee pain made all the difference in the world for me. Good luck.
  • GaryRuns
    GaryRuns Posts: 508 Member
    Ice soon after you exercise, then heat the next day after you've recovered. Ibuprofen if you do find you need some over-the-counter relief.

    Also, fewer Snapchat filters might help. ;)
  • karamcnaught198
    karamcnaught198 Posts: 3 Member
    edited August 2017
    Thanks for all the really helpful replies!
    I will definitely try out all the suggestions and focus on my form more !
    I will still keep my Snapchat filters lol :wink:
  • sfcrocker
    sfcrocker Posts: 163 Member
    I don't know what state you live in, but I'm in CA and when my knees act up I buy cannabis lotion and it works amazingly well. It doesn't get you high or anything, just works its way into your knees (or shoulder, or wherever you rub it) and takes away the pain. If you're in a state where it's legal, I'd highly recommend it but if not it's probably not worth the legal risk. I don't use it every day and don't know whether it would start to lose effectiveness after awhile or not.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    quad stretching, in my case the rectus femoris especially. it's kind of subtle to get right actually, and it can make me see stars, but it makes so much difference to my own personal form of knee pain.

    strikes me t hat you're doing a hell of a lot of stuff that can be quad dominant, so possibly this will help you as well. even deadlifts, i've found . . . there's a way of doing them that get your quads too into it :tongue: it's not all that easy to do, but i figured it out.

    also, knees are tricky so if nothing you try seems to be helping for long, it's probably worth paying a physio. there are so many different kinds and causes of pain in the knees.
  • Goober1142
    Goober1142 Posts: 219 Member
    Wrap your knees, it really helps. Also I had bad knee pain, could hardly walk up the stairs, started a new rules program with step ups and Bulgarian split squats and it must have worked some muscle or tendons because now, three years later, no pain ever. And I'm an old lady with lots of horse related injuries in my past. I do the deadlifts and squats too but the step ups help my knees I think. If your knees hurt too much take some weight off.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Don't start treatment without first getting a proper diagnosis!!
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    Proper shoes and proper form are mandatory to avoid knee pain
  • xcazax
    xcazax Posts: 43 Member
    I have had dodgy knees for years (tends to be when I build up running distances). Had to go to the doctor at one point as it was so bad. He suggested doing weights to help it. Felt totally clueless at the time as to what moves I should be doing. I am thinking about booking a session with a personal trainer to see if they have any advice. Maybe they could also help you x