Anti-depressants & weight gain



  • Veganvibesss
    Veganvibesss Posts: 123 Member
    edited August 2017
    It doesn't cause much of a weight gain but depression causes you to not want to do things which does cause weight gain so maybe these aren't working or to low of a dose? I've been on anti depressants since I was a kid (I know very rare, I was really bad) and it doesn't cause weight gain more then like 10 -20 pounds. Anti depressants do however make you hungrier and you eat more so you gain more. So try and control your calories and excersize. I'm on antidepressants still and have went from 220 to 163.. I use to pretend it was just the anti depressants causing weight gain but it was my habits. It's a slower process but do able. Weigh EVERYTHING you put in your mouth chances are your eating alot more then you think, also make sure your excersizing regularly and not breezing through them. Good luck
  • 2DUNNY
    2DUNNY Posts: 101 Member
    2DUNNY wrote: »
    1musicgrl wrote: »
    I agree that it can be done even on medications with a side effect of weight gain. Like was said above, it increases your appetite, but you still have control over the food you put in your mouth and how much you work out. It can be hard as hell! Trust me, I know. I'm on three psychiatric meds plus have a medical condition that makes it hard to lose. But I don't use that as excuses. I've fought so hard these last two years to get this weight off. I didn't lose it fast and I wanted to give up many times. But I pushed through it and now have lost 67 lbs and 12 dress sizes. It's hard as hell for me and a constant fight. But it can be done! Power to you!! You got this!!

    This may seem pedantic, but I think it's important to note that these meds do not directly cause weight gain. It's not like someone will gain weight just by taking them. In order to gain the weight, they have to start eating in a caloric excess which, as you noted, is something that *is* within their control. Yes, the drugs may increase appetite in some people but that, in and of itself, doesn't make them gain weight. ;)
    this is not true for everyone. it's just not. EVERYONE is different. i gained SO MUCH weight when on seroquel when i was exercising and eating the same low-calorie diet i had been eating when i was losing, BEFORE the sero. i now take a lower dose of sero, and i am losing. sometimes those meds are nasty little buggers.

    she was talking about the med OP is on, which is proven not to directly cause weight gain. calm down lol

    well if it can happen with one med, it can happen with another. i just wanted her to know that in some cases, the med itself can cause you to gain weight. i'm calm :flowerforyou:
  • 2DUNNY
    2DUNNY Posts: 101 Member
    2DUNNY wrote: »
    2DUNNY wrote: »
    1musicgrl wrote: »
    I agree that it can be done even on medications with a side effect of weight gain. Like was said above, it increases your appetite, but you still have control over the food you put in your mouth and how much you work out. It can be hard as hell! Trust me, I know. I'm on three psychiatric meds plus have a medical condition that makes it hard to lose. But I don't use that as excuses. I've fought so hard these last two years to get this weight off. I didn't lose it fast and I wanted to give up many times. But I pushed through it and now have lost 67 lbs and 12 dress sizes. It's hard as hell for me and a constant fight. But it can be done! Power to you!! You got this!!

    This may seem pedantic, but I think it's important to note that these meds do not directly cause weight gain. It's not like someone will gain weight just by taking them. In order to gain the weight, they have to start eating in a caloric excess which, as you noted, is something that *is* within their control. Yes, the drugs may increase appetite in some people but that, in and of itself, doesn't make them gain weight. ;)
    this is not true for everyone. it's just not. EVERYONE is different. i gained SO MUCH weight when on seroquel when i was exercising and eating the same low-calorie diet i had been eating when i was losing, BEFORE the sero. i now take a lower dose of sero, and i am losing. sometimes those meds are nasty little buggers.

    she was talking about the med OP is on, which is proven not to directly cause weight gain. calm down lol

    well if it can happen with one med, it can happen with another. i just wanted her to know that in some cases, the med itself can cause you to gain weight. i'm calm :flowerforyou:

    right, some meds do, these don't. Giving the OP the wrong advice is bad and could cause them to give up their meds. This is a much worse outcome than some weight gain.

    which is why i said to speak to her dr. not telling her to quit.
  • Mles10868
    Mles10868 Posts: 11 Member
    I love my Wellbutrin. Do you seek talk therapy too? cause thats also important.
  • SkyBlackFitness
    SkyBlackFitness Posts: 3 Member
    You could try lexapro. I've not gained or lost weight while taking it.
  • PhoenixWithoutAshes1
    Mles10868 wrote: »
    I love my Wellbutrin. Do you seek talk therapy too? cause thats also important.

    I've spent probably a total of a year in the past 8 years "on the couch" talking to a counselor. I usually turn to that when there is a major trigger in my life, such as the loss of my Dad. I find it most helpful during those times.
  • Polo265
    Polo265 Posts: 287 Member
    edited August 2017
    2DUNNY wrote: »
    2DUNNY wrote: »
    2DUNNY wrote: »
    1musicgrl wrote: »
    I agree that it can be done even on medications with a side effect of weight gain. Like was said above, it increases your appetite, but you still have control over the food you put in your mouth and how much you work out. It can be hard as hell! Trust me, I know. I'm on three psychiatric meds plus have a medical condition that makes it hard to lose. But I don't use that as excuses. I've fought so hard these last two years to get this weight off. I didn't lose it fast and I wanted to give up many times. But I pushed through it and now have lost 67 lbs and 12 dress sizes. It's hard as hell for me and a constant fight. But it can be done! Power to you!! You got this!!

    This may seem pedantic, but I think it's important to note that these meds do not directly cause weight gain. It's not like someone will gain weight just by taking them. In order to gain the weight, they have to start eating in a caloric excess which, as you noted, is something that *is* within their control. Yes, the drugs may increase appetite in some people but that, in and of itself, doesn't make them gain weight. ;)
    this is not true for everyone. it's just not. EVERYONE is different. i gained SO MUCH weight when on seroquel when i was exercising and eating the same low-calorie diet i had been eating when i was losing, BEFORE the sero. i now take a lower dose of sero, and i am losing. sometimes those meds are nasty little buggers.

    she was talking about the med OP is on, which is proven not to directly cause weight gain. calm down lol

    well if it can happen with one med, it can happen with another. i just wanted her to know that in some cases, the med itself can cause you to gain weight. i'm calm :flowerforyou:

    right, some meds do, these don't. Giving the OP the wrong advice is bad and could cause them to give up their meds. This is a much worse outcome than some weight gain.

    which is why i said to speak to her dr. not telling her to quit.

    Exactly! Talk to Dr. Dr. can switch meds out if he deems this might be an issue.
  • whitpauly
    whitpauly Posts: 1,483 Member
    I was on Zoloft for two years,gained 50 lbs in 3 months with NO changes in eating habits or exercise, so I'm tired of people saying that meds can't directly cause weight gain when its in fact one of the side effects listed and it does happen to some! My brother takes Zoloft and is still skinny as a rail,,everyone is different
  • klowieislyfe1
    klowieislyfe1 Posts: 46 Member
    I recently dipped into the world of psych meds, and after getting prescribed some things known to cause weight gain, I checked in with my psychiatrist and told him I wanted something that wasn't going to have that effect because it was a big deal to me. He was able to work with that and write a new prescription that fit my needs. Maybe just communicate a little to whoever wrote your prescription, there are lots of different medications on the market and not all of them have the same side effects.
  • crackpotbaby
    crackpotbaby Posts: 1,297 Member
    edited August 2017
    whitpauly wrote: »
    I was on Zoloft for two years,gained 50 lbs in 3 months with NO changes in eating habits or exercise, so I'm tired of people saying that meds can't directly cause weight gain when its in fact one of the side effects listed and it does happen to some! My brother takes Zoloft and is still skinny as a rail,,everyone is different

    As a teenager on Zoloft I went from stable healthy weight eating 3 large meals and snacks to gaining about 5-7kg while homeless, walking all day and eating a toasted sandwich from the food van once a day if I was lucky.

    Stopped taking Zoloft as I could no longer afford the prescription and my parents had cut me off from their account at the chemist and lost all the weight I had gained, and then some.

    You should have seen the weight I gained from antipsychotics!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    I don't remember what I didn't like about Paxil. Tried a whole slew of antidepressants before I found Welbutrin, which I love. I take the SR, and like that it is a little speedy. The non-sustained release was too speedy for me, and the XR didn't agree with me.
  • whitpauly
    whitpauly Posts: 1,483 Member
    lizery wrote: »
    whitpauly wrote: »
    I was on Zoloft for two years,gained 50 lbs in 3 months with NO changes in eating habits or exercise, so I'm tired of people saying that meds can't directly cause weight gain when its in fact one of the side effects listed and it does happen to some! My brother takes Zoloft and is still skinny as a rail,,everyone is different

    As a teenager on Zoloft I went from stable healthy weight eating 3 large meals and snacks to gaining about 5-7kg while homeless, walking all day and eating a toasted sandwich from the food van once a day if I was lucky.

    Stopped taking Zoloft as I could no longer afford the prescription and my parents had cut me off from their account at the chemist and lost all the weight I had gained, and then some.

    You should have seen the weight I gained from antipsychotics!

    As soon as I dropped the Zoloft the weight was gone within a few months,it was crazy
  • KerriAnn136
    KerriAnn136 Posts: 7 Member
    I was on Wellbutrin 450 and Prozac 60 and gained 60lbs... I did anywhere from 5-12 workouts per week and followed a low calorie diet.. I worked with trainers and nutritionists and could not stop from gaining.. the meds did something to my metabolism. I hate when people say it matters what you put in your mouth.. Wellbutrin was supposed to be a weight neutral drug.. when I went into the forums most people on it long term had gained 40-60 lbs.. I've been off for 2 months now and I'm still stuck, in fact I've gained another 8 since stopping. Getting ready to start trintellix so we shall see what happens.
  • Kullerva
    Kullerva Posts: 1,114 Member
    I was on lithium as a kid (yes, they still do that, and no, I wasn't hearing *those* voices) and put on 10 lb. I was about twelve (maybe thirteen?) and when I noticed the problem I stopped taking them. I hid most of the pills under the mattress. Unsurprisingly, around the same time, my non-existent psychosis magically disappeared. Some psychiatrists are *kitten*.
  • zmz87
    zmz87 Posts: 9 Member
    There is a book I am reading about the serotonin diet. It is a diet to help you balance your cravings for carbs while on antidepressants. Look up the serotonin diet book. It actually is sensible. And teaches portions.
  • camiyo
    camiyo Posts: 10 Member
    So I was on paxil for 3months went from 142lbs to 161lbs. That's while doing 1200 calorie. Working out daily and eating well trying to lose. I truly believe there is no way to lose weight on paxil. I have some other friends in same boat on it. Well good news! I am 5 days off paxil. I was on 10mg cut down to 5mg then 2.5mg and cold turkey from 2.5 mg. First 3 days were hell but I made it through and now feel great! I will let you know if I start losing weight now that I'm off it.