Stranded on a deserted island!

2Luverly Posts: 143 Member
If you were somehow stranded on a tropical island but got to the island with only three things (only one from each category) what would you want those items be? Why?

1) Fuel (food)
2) Body (fitness/workout equipment/accessory/attire) and ...
3) Mind/Spirit (something that would keep you motivated/uplifted while alone/stranded)

1) A bottle of Hot Sauce - I figure if I'd have to eat bugs, or raw "icky" something or others ... might as well be spicy!
2) A Resistance Band - originally I was going to say a Kettlebell but then realized I could use a resistance band like a tourniquet or a bungee type cord for something if needed (multipurpose!)
3) A picture of my son - My playlist on my iPhone would be great but the battery would eventually die and be useless ... but a picture of my son would push me through any tough situation!


  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    1) A huge jar of peanut butter - couple spoonfuls can keep me satiated all day
    2) A hat - I'm not big fan of the sun
    3) A really long, good book