samanthalynne21 Posts: 140 Member
edited September 30 in Motivation and Support
Hello! My name is samantha I am almost 23 years old....
I started at 260 lbs...the day that I decided to start changing my life was about a year and a half ago

I was about to get in line at jack in the box and I get a call from the health insurance saying " I am sorry we cant accept your kaiser application, according to your weigh 260 pounds. we wont be able to approve you since you are morbidly obese and considered a health risk" that was so hurtful BUT I was to blame...i put the things in my mouth that made me the way I was and didnt exercise.

I backed out of that drive thru and made some BIG changes.

whats your story???


  • janiecorona
    janiecorona Posts: 248
    I'm basically going to copy and paste from my profile! Lol But, at my heaviest I was a size 22, I don't even know what my weight was. Last year, I was pregnant, when I had my daughter, I weighed in at 273 pounds! Now, I'm 216 lbs (as of today!) So I've come a long way already.

    Here's my story of how I got to this point and what has made me change: Examining my life, I have come to the conclusion that my weight gain stems from my childhood and how I was treated as a child. I was an extremely thin child until my mom started forcing me to eat or else she would hit me. Needless to say, I ate and I ate it all so I wouldn't be hit. Now, I'm trying to get away from that sort of thinking. I'm an adult and need to take back control.

    During my pregnancy, I found out that my daughter's dad was a drug addict, he sold most of my possessions and left me with nothing. I had to move back in with my parents at 5 months pregnant. He went into rehab. On June 10, 2011, it was discovered that he had left the rehab of his on accord and was arrested that day for several reasons, none which were drug related however. I still haven't dealt with the underlying issues this situation has given me but I am not letting that deter me in my process. If anything, that is motivation for me to better myself.

    I do it for me and my daughter! (:
  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    Hi My name is Brandy I turned 30 in Feb. I started at 240 lbs, I have 3 kids ranging from 4-13yrs old and they need me to be healthy, between seeing pictures, my brother having heart attack at age 32 and that running in family, and my weight being more than my husbands by 15 lbs only Im 5'4 and he is 6'2, and just feeling unhappy in this one area of my life
  • AliDarling
    AliDarling Posts: 373
    My name is Ali. I am 22 years old, the wife of an amazing man, Richard, (lol his nickname won't show up Dic*y,) and the proud mother of my beautiful daughter, Pany. I had been big all my life, 200 by 12, and 14-19 I was 230. I was a size 32! I finally kicked myself into gear, and with diet and exercise, Debbie Seibers slim in 6 30 minute workout, I lost 24 lbs and 40 inches in 6 months. I was healthy, well, er, and I looked amazing, felt great, loads of energy. 204 was my grade school weight and a size 14. 2 months after losing all that weight, and inches, I became pregnant, and was told I had to give up my arobics, (I was doing 3 a day at this point) due to the fact I was a high risk pregnancy.

    I gained 60 lbs. Now, With my daughter 1 year, no more risk, and 20 lbs gone, It's time to kick myself again to continue my goal after a long and large speed bump. 236.4 right now, more to go :)
  • NKF92879
    NKF92879 Posts: 601 Member
    Hello! I'm Nikki & I'll be 32 on September 28. I teach 7th grade (math, language arts, & reading) in New Holstein, WI. I live in Cleveland, WI, with my husband and our dog Bentley (a Brittany).

    I realized something needed to change when I could only fit into one pair of shorts and one pair of capris in my dresser and the scale said 143 (I'm only 5'1"). It gets pretty hot & humid when you live less than a mile from Lake Michigan, and I refuse to buy new clothes (except for working out). I'm hoping to have at least another 5-10 lbs off by the end of this challenge.
  • tasteoheavn
    tasteoheavn Posts: 47 Member
    Hello Samantha,

    I was in the Navy for 25 years and stayed very healthy and could keep up with the guys on our forced runs and marches. I retired in April 2008 and decided I no longer had to stay in shape because it wasn't required.

    One day 6 months ago I was short of breath after walking up a flight of stairs in my home. I knew then I had to either lose weight or start sleeping on the couch. Since I have a nice comfortable bed I didn't want to stop going upstairs. I got on the scale in my bedroom and weighed 175 pounds......for some people thats not a lot but for someone who never saw over 150 that was huge so it was at that point I decided to get myself back in shape and stay.

    I am currently on my way to making a life change.

  • tritta01
    tritta01 Posts: 311
    My name is Trista....I will be 27 this coming Tuesday. My start weight was on MFP was 165 but I think my heaviest was 170+ I was in a size 14 pants. I was also the heaviest at my wedding (not something to be proud of). I decided I really wasnt happy with myself and the way I looked. I want to start having kids and want to be at a healthy weight when I get pregnant. I joined MFP in January as one of my friends told me all about it :) Glad she did!!!
  • Hi! I'm Kelly! I was always chubby growing up. I never did anything about it. I knew what I looked like and I always accepted it. I was never really made fun of, (except for my brother & sister) so I never thought twice about it. My senior year of high school I happened to step on a scale and couldn't believe my eyes. I was almost at 240lbs! I knew I wanted to do something about it, I just didn't know how or what. I graduated high school in 2004 and started working at a day care center where I constantly found myself sick. Between the colds and tummy bugs, the weight started coming off. In February of 2005, I ended up with mono and tonsilitis, and ended up in the hospital. That's when the weight REALLY started coming off! I was so happy because I didn't even have to do anything. I was getting complimented left and right. The following year I met a guy who was my first "real" boyfriend. When he dumped me 6 months later I was heartbroken. Between being sick and the break up I lost a total of about 70lbs. Over the years I let myself go again and gained some back, but this time I am ready to see it go the HEALTHY WAY! I couldn't be happier to have such an awesome support group backing me up. WE CAN DO THIS!!!!
  • EliotMaree
    EliotMaree Posts: 104 Member
    Im currently on the run to loose 46 pounds! My highest weight being 230!! Its just time for a change. So im keeping it at a steady pace! I want to see how I would look at the weight of 180, the number doesnt matter so much, but if I dont like the way I look at that size, down 20 more ( which would be my healthy weight of 160-) Its defiently a goal, but with little success Ive had with past diets and excercise routines I think the main thing I lacked was SUPPORT! So Im here now and ready to kick butt!

    P.S- ANOTHER turn around for me was when I weighed as much as my crush! He was 226 and I was like 227! And he was the senior on our college football team!! =/// Time for change for sure!
  • RebelliousRibbons
    RebelliousRibbons Posts: 391 Member

    My name is Rachel, and I turn 22 on September 29th. I was always the chubby one growing up, but I didn't know what to do about it. When I was 14, I was about 140, and that was actually the thinnest I had ever been in my life (just had a growth spurt), but it didn't stop there. I was 165 by the time I graduated high school (at 5'2"), but since I had never exercised, I looked quite round. Then, freshman year of collage, I got to about 170-ish, but since I was more active, I lost my baby face. I'm not sure what happened after that, but I lost about 15 pounds, made it to 160, then found myself in a comfortable relationship and climbed from 160 to 195 in less than a year. It was when I stepped on the scale, saw how close I was to 200 that I said no, never, and started doing something about it.

    So, here I am. :)
  • Hello! My name is Cassandra and I am a married mother of two. In High School I weighed 125lb and looked great being only 5'2'' tall. I went off to college and gained the Freshman 15 and became too comfortable with that. When I met my husband I was 140lbs and his metabolism is nothing like mine and I gained so much weight while we were dating. Eventually I was up to 155lbs when we got engaged and lost some weight before I got married. Not where I wanted to be but 138 was better than 155. The weight came back on and when I got pregnant with my son I was 163lbs and gained 25. There are 21monthes between my children so the weight didn't really go anywhere. At 176lbs when I got pregnant with my daughter I hit my overall max of 189. I understand I was pregnant but it was still tramatic for me to see those numbers on the scale and my daughter even came early too.

    I'm tired of always giving every excuse in the book on why I don't exercise or take time out for me. Yes I am a mother of two children, ages 5 and 3 and they come first but I don't need to let myself be far behind them. Not on the bottom of the pile any more. Recently I saw some photos of myself and was completely disgusted. The years keep going by faster and faster and I am definitely not getting any younger. I'll be 30 on the 18th of September. My 20's were a huge struggle with my weight, my health, heart ache, and learning how to deal with toxic people. I am ready to take charge of my life and physcially feel like the woman I am inside. This weight won't come off on it's own and just eating right won't cut it with me. I need the exercise to help melt this weight off. My starting weight is 158lbs and I want to lose 33lbs to get me back to my High School weight of 125lbs.
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Hey everyone!

    My name is Joni, I'm 25 and I live in London. I've never been skinny but as I have quite an athletic frame I've always managed to get away with it somewhat, although I've never been happy with my weight. I met a boy last year who I believed to be the one and started using the implant as contraception, but within two months I had gained 15 pounds. At my heaviest I weighed 180 pounds, and seeing that number on the scale was a real shock. So I joined a gym, and found MFP.

    I became fitter as I was doing a lot of exercise and went down to 173, but I was trapped in the eternal cycle of eating healthy for 4 days then not so healthy at the weekend, since I was enjoying life with my boyfriend, and ended up losing and gaining the same 5 pounds over and over again. I always found excuses. A few weeks ago the boyfriend decided I was no longer the one for him, so I started going out every night, getting drunk until the early hours, eating crap food and really not caring.

    And then last week I decided it was enough, I had to stop feeling sorry for myself and move on. So I signed up for a 2-week bootcamp to kick my butt back into gear, and the trainers have also provided a meal guideline to follow (they even check my MFP diary!)

    And this time I know I'm going to make it. I am not going to stop until I reach my goal of 150 pounds. No more excuses!

    I'm really glad I found this group to help me on me journey.
  • Alexandria1213
    Alexandria1213 Posts: 152 Member
    My name is Alexandria I turn 19 in 3 days :) I am a full time student at SPSCC in Olympia Washington. I am also currently planning my wedding for next august :) I very much want to start eating healtheir and having a healthy lifestyle. I have gained 35 lbs in the last two years and I just don't know what happened and I want to fix it now before it becomes a major problem. My weight right now is 168 lbs and I am 5'2
  • tritta01
    tritta01 Posts: 311
    Andria1213 We have the same birthday!! :)
  • samanthalynne21
    samanthalynne21 Posts: 140 Member
    So glad you ladies posted :-) we didn't gain our weight overnight so it's best to remember it will take some time to get it off!!! Communication is key!! I'm here for anyone if ur feeling down or feel like somethings not working!! Let's change and change forever! We can sooo do this I am so happy you all joined!!! And we can be there for each other!!
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    Hi all,
    My name is Sheena. I'm 38 and had my son a year ago. I was in great shape when I got married and even better shape when i got pregnant. I gained 40 lbs just like the doc told me to. After my son was born 10 of those came off immediately. I had a plan to get the rest off when my husband blindsided me by telling me he didn't want to be married anymore. I was devastated and spent the next few months just trying to recover. Now I am ready to really focus on me and getting back to the woman I used to be. So far I am 9 lbs down and feeling better every day. I'm happy to be a part of this group. Come september maybe I will be sexy enough to start dating again!

    Oh my starting weight on Mfp was 168. Cw 159.
  • Hi all. I am Jessica and I am 29 yrs old. 2 1/2 years ago I had my beautiful daughter Lorelei. I have been married 7 years and my weight has steadily climbed each year. I started my marriage around 135lbs and I tipped the scales at 216 during my pregnancy. There are many factors that lead up to my all time high- 2 misscarriages, 1 at 20 weeks, a job as a sales rep, marriage ups and downs. I just graduated nursing school in May, and I take my boards tomorrow, so now it is time for me to get in shape. No more stress of school and tests. I would like to enter my 30's the way I started my 20's- 104lbs, lean and strong. My current weight as of today is 180.8 I have lost almost 10 lbs on MFP and I am so excited to be part of this group!

    Good luck to all!
  • katiee3
    katiee3 Posts: 4
    Best wishes, Jessica, on your boards. You have climbed quite a mountain to get ready and you will do great!
  • Libby81
    Libby81 Posts: 734 Member

    What a nice thread.

    My name is Libby (really Elizabeth but since I've always fancied a nickname I've decided to run with this for the new me). I will be 30 in September this year and it's never really bothered me at all but when I went through a few rough patches the last year and a half and my pants were getting bigger, I deceided that I didn't want to be fat when I hit the 30 milestone. So that is my timescale for hitting my target weight.

    At my heaviest I was 168lbs and I'm aiming for 140lbs. I've made a decent headway in to that already. I've had a few plateaus which are so tough, and I'm the only one in the household trying to watch their eating so that's another pressure. Slowly but surely I'm getting there.

    I'm 5'7" and throughout my Comprehensive school days and teenage years I was always flexible between 91/2 and 10 stone so if I can get to my target weight I will fantastically happy.

    Good luck to everyone on here, I hope you all achieve your goals xxx
  • katiee3
    katiee3 Posts: 4
    Hi there. My name is Katie and I am 45 years old. i first want to tell you all that I am so so moved by your stories of struggle, perseverance, and amazing faith in yourselves and your bodies. You are a powerful bunch of women!

    I was always the super skinny kid--thinking I was too skinny, if you can imagine! And then one day this spring I looked at my beautiful daughter, turning 18 years old, graduating from high school, long, and thin, and able to wear absolutely everything, and I thought, my life is basically it's her turn.

    Amazingly, considering the challenges I have overcome with my health, my marriage, my work, and my children in the past five years, I just let that comment hang there, as if it were true! But I know better. I have learned to know better. My weight, which is in the "obese" category and 35 pounds from where I wish it were, is completely within my control--just like my attitude about what's ahead for me in life! I can do this--with your support and encouragement--and I can take this accomplishment with me into the best years of my life!
  • Howdy!

    My name is Angie and I am ready to get fit again! I used to be in pretty good shape in HS (marching band and latin dance club) but senior year of HS I got lazy and ate everything I could. I was basically addicted to fast food and eating when I felt stressed or depressed. That and I LOVE eating. Also, that's when I decided to let my inner bad girl out (I've been a goodie two shoes my whole life) and well you know how that is once you let loose! :smokin: :drinker:

    NOW I'm a junior in college and I'm ready to take control of my weight AND life again. After looking through old photos and thinking back on my life, I realize how confident I used to be and how afraid of life I had become. I'm ready to start living again. I'm 20 years old almost 21 and I KNOW I can do this. I'm starting a NEW life. :happy:
    Healthy, confident, positive, inspiring, and gorgeous. These are the things I'm striving to be.
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