Stomach fat and home workout.

Hello, Since July 18th I have lost a total of 20 pounds. I started out at 226, now I am 206. I am sticking with my calorie count and walking 3-5 miles a day, with sunday off. I am also using the "30 day fitness challenge" app.

The question I have, i still have a lot of belly fat that just doesn't want to go away. Is there a better app to use? I am not able to aford going to a gym right now so mainly sticking to body weight training, which still at 206 is hard. I do the legs, abs, butt, and arms workout every night and rest on day four. Been at it for about two weeks now. I am losing inches off my waist and can tell a difference, it just my belly fat is starting to hang lower now without getting smaller.

Am I doing something wrong? Any adive would be great or suggeations for better total body bodyweight training apps.

Thank you.


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Keep going. Some places are the last to go, and for many people that's the belly.
  • jasummers76
    jasummers76 Posts: 225 Member
    Belly fat can be a problem that only continued weight loss will solve. There are exercises that can tighten and tone but the fat is gonna remain on top of that muscle even if you do ab workouts daily. Genetics play a big role in this as well. My cousin lost around 30 pounds but had stubborn areas of fat that would not come off. She got to the point of being at a low weight for her height and age. She gained back some weight which was needed and decided to have the liposuction of the two areas that no matter how hard she dieted and trained would not come off. Training to burn fat off a specific body area is difficult especially the stomach. Areas like the thighs can be replaced with muscle easier than the stomach but you are still going to have to eliminate the excess weight. Good news is all the training you are doing is building muscle and that will burn more cals per day.

    206 probably is not your ideal body weight, just give it time. I would love for my double chin to be gone. But I hope in time it will be. I am done from 350 to 271.. Long way to go and I do not want to come across as a *kitten* just my thoughts.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Be patient, you are doing the right things and it will continue to improve. As you get more able, you may want to move on from bodyweight to real lifting, but that's in the future. You can do a lot without money - water bottles and gallon jugs filled with water make great dumbbells. But the main thing is patience and persistence. Tummies are stubborn and like to stick around.
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    it's been two weeks? keep at it long term if you want to see a difference...
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Patience and perseverance, you didn't get fat in a month.
    A good start is just that - a start.
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    What all the other posters have written, fat reduction occurs across the entire body, and not just where you hope it will occur, and you should be prepared to live with excess skin at some point. Depending on how old you are it may shrink... i have not lost a lb... but I have lost inches from my waist. Take measurements and try not to rely on the scale to determine your progress... weight can fluctuate from day to day... measurements won't... for home workouts buy some sandbags and weigh out 2-1/2 lbs of sand and fill freezer ziplocs, then duct tape them closed so they won't spill... then buy some small duffle bags to load them into... google sand bag workouts... alternately, you could buy 10 and 20lb bags of sugar or flour. To add some weight to your workouts