Potato chipaholic



  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    edited August 2017
    I rarely eat chips because they don't satisfy my hunger. If I eat one I want to eat as many as are in the house. So I avoid them and eat something else. Plain yogurt with olives is salty and more filling. A fruit shake in the blender can make my tummy feel nice and bloated.

    If I really want chips, I make sure to measure them and eat them with a protein, e.g. cheese melted on tortilla chips or a light sour cream dip for potato chips. Also, I'm more able to limit unsalted chips than salted ones.

    Yeah, this is me. I love the taste of them, but I have a very hard time judging when I'm full and am very likely to eat until I feel sick. I'm all for moderation whenever possible, but chips are just not great for me to have around. A single serving is just so tiny, I figure "well, maybe a serving and a half" or "maybe two little packages". I have better luck with popcorn, although I can go to town on that too if I'm not careful. Cheese and olives have become my go-to snack now - they're still super delicious, but I can actually stop after 100-150 calories. The last time I had chips was on a long car trip in mid-July, and I ate 640 calories worth of Cheetos. My stomach hurts just thinking about it.

    ETA: I totally forgot that I ate a single-serving bag of baked Lays when I donated blood last week. But I figure anything you can eat out of the free stash during your 15 minute recovery is fair game. I had some apple juice too, and I almost never drink calories that aren't alcoholic. I'm weirdly looking forward to having some Oreos when I go back in a couple of months, which is funny, because we have Oreos in the house all the time and I pretty much never want them.
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    I just eat the little individual bags.

    I usually have enough willpower to stop at one bag.

    I also only buy a couple of the little bags at a time so if I do eat two it isn't a big deal and I don't have any more.
  • tklivory
    tklivory Posts: 46 Member
    I am a cheap *kitten*, so what I do is buy the party size bags, then one night after I finished eating a nice dinner (so i'm less hungry when I do it), I portion them out with little snack packs into 1oz portions. That seems to work to satisfy my cravings, control my portions, and save me a wee bit of money than buying them in individual bags.
  • ktekc
    ktekc Posts: 879 Member
    i like the pringles snack stacks and the stacys cinnamon pita chips. If i want regular chips i stick to the baked lays. Though i did try the taco flavored lays when we went to subway this weekend. .They were awesome and i even managed to give half the little bag to my husband because i ate my giant steak and cheese chopped salad before i tried them. (i know me so well. . he he he)
  • macclone
    macclone Posts: 85 Member
    Love chips. But I love losing weight more so I don't eat them currently.
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    I can't keep chips in the house. I could eat an entire bag in one sitting. No discipline around them. Sucks...but they are banned from my house.
  • lucerorojo
    lucerorojo Posts: 790 Member
    I can't eat regular potato chips. I was a potato chip addict!! Like some others, no matter what bag I would get I'd eat them ALL. I think 80% of my extra fat is due to potato chips because I was eating them every day. Most of the bags sold in the stores that "look like" individual size, really are not. I didn't realize this until I got on MFP and started paying more attention to labels. They have 2 or 2.5 servings in those small bags!

    So I'm basically cold turkey, but now and then I'll get the pop chips, which come in a small bag and are only 100 calories. I can only buy ONE little bag.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,571 Member
    A small bag isn't going to satisfy me, and there isn't really a substitute. Three times per year I probably eat all the chips I want in one sitting and move on.

    Popcorn works because I can eat it in pretty high volume. I'd still do it but I make it so salty. Between that and the carbs I get puffy and it's not cute.
  • jasummers76
    jasummers76 Posts: 225 Member
    I just eat chips. But I never buy the full size bags. I get those snack size bags, eat one, log it and I'm all good. If I buy the full size bags, all it takes is a moment of weakness and I'm on the couch with a bag watching a movie, mindlessly eating until 1/2 of the bag is gone.

    Only half.. Rookie.. ;-)
  • jelleigh
    jelleigh Posts: 743 Member
    edited August 2017
    I'm a total chip junkie too. I find that pretzel sticks I eat slower and are a bit lower cal. Or air popped popcorn with lots of salt. If I really need something lower cal than that, I do crunchy dill pickles. Or sometimes I've done up snack Melba toasts with honey mustard, tomato slices, salt , pepper and a small sprinkle of feta. It's crunchy, salty, and filling.

    Edit to add: sometimes I use low fat sour cream or yogurt and French onion soup mix to make up a really salty Dip. It makes cucumber slices or carrots seem not so veggie like but if you really hate veggies maybe that won't cut it.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    When I was muy gordo, I, too, was a chipaholic. My poison was Nacho Doritos.

    I suppose I'm cured. My daughter has half a bag of Flaming Hot Nacho Doritos on the couch, unguarded, open, at arms length from my seat ... and I don't want 'em.

    There's hope for you.

    And damn my nearby Wal-Mart for offering then withdrawing Beanitos.