Need some tips for avoiding the office treats

One of my coworkers loves to bake and brings in goodies multiple times a week. I have previously asked her decrease how often she was baking and she did for a few weeks.
What is your advice for not picking up that fork? Make sure I'm not hungry? That I have enough food here to have some alternative healthy thing? Thanks!


  • NoraFoley
    NoraFoley Posts: 1 Member
    I do turkey and cheese roll ups.... or chick peas... cottage cheese and fruit... Greek yogurt with PB2 powder..... u can make ur own sweets too. Halo top ice cream --- breyers just also came out with one less than 300 calories a pint
  • RedSierra
    RedSierra Posts: 253 Member
    edited August 2017
    That's the biggest problem in offices. I was strongly tempted to quit a job once because of all the food everywhere.

    It's good if you can convince people to limit the treats to a breakroom or some other specific place where you can't see them unless you walk in there. I said I had health problems, which seemed to work the best (and it was true).

    I've tried to gross myself out (imagine hair in the food, etc.), but it didn't work more than once.

    You can also motivate yourself every day not to eat them. Remind yourself of your fitness and health goals. Put an inspiring photo or saying in a frame on your desk.
  • kayeroze
    kayeroze Posts: 146 Member
    You have three options:
    1. Eat the treat and work it off the rest of the week (not day)
    2. Eat a few bites of the treat and savor the sweetness to the point that is sickens you a bit, then drink water till it goes away or something bland
    3. Don't eat the treat, and politely refuse. Drink a cup of sweetend coffee or tea instead.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,069 Member
    I sometimes have them, I sometimes don't. If I do have some I will have a small portion, for example if someone brings scones in, I will have quarter, if there is cake I will take a tiny sliver. I normally have my own snacks so it tends to be rare that I want some.
  • ugofatcat
    ugofatcat Posts: 385 Member
    1. Drink tea or water instead.
    2. Chew gum or mints.
    3. Wait until the end of the day and then cut a treat in half and take half with you. Then you can't go back for seconds.
    4. Increase exercise on days with treats.
    5. Work it into you calories.