
Thinking of trying Slim-Fast as meal replacement. Wondering if anyone has tried it and if it worked? It seems like a good idea, problem is I'm afraid I'll be hungry! Any help would be great!!!


  • welloiledmachine
    welloiledmachine Posts: 1,147 Member
    I tried that 'junk' IMHO years ago and all it did was make me want to eat. I'm thinking the contents aren't so healthy and has a lot of sugar in it. Some people like it, but it never satisfied me. Not the best route to take when losing weight. And too costly when there are better options out there.
  • YasminR
    YasminR Posts: 54 Member

    i tried it but suffered from blinding headaches which forced me to give up after a week. I know it works for some people but didn't for me.

    Good luck whatever you decide to do.
  • ladiluvbug83
    ladiluvbug83 Posts: 38 Member
    I have used it before and the only problem is yes you get hungry. If you want to use a meal replacement. My recommendation is to use the Whey protien. Because it is made from protien it keeps you full longer. But please if you are going to do a meal replacement make sure you take a multivitamin. I hope this helps. Add me as a friend if you like and I can give you some of the protien mixes I have used and lost weight on.
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    I have thought about it too! I agree with the hungry part but I am sure that you could add fruits and vegetables in there and it would not be horrible. I have simply not tried it yet because I have still been loosing slowly. I may give it a try when I want to jump start the system again. Which I also believe you are still supposed to have a sensible meal for dinner when doing the slim fast diet. I also believe it is not ment for long term. So it would be slim fast for breakfast slim fast for lunch and a sensible dinner or any combination you like :) hope it gives you ideas :)
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I tried it for a month when I decided to start losing weight... Thought it would be an easier route to get me used to eating less... I did lose weight but got bored of them really quickly... I sometimes still use a shake as a breakfast replacement if I'm in a hurry, or at lunch time....

    It's not for everyone but I don't think it'll hurt to give it a go for a little while....

    Good luck x
  • Lantern823
    Lantern823 Posts: 115
    I modified the program a little bit: I only had one shake a day and i still saw a change even though i only tried it for like 2 weeks. in my experience i would definately try it, at least for a week to see how it works
  • ljmeep
    ljmeep Posts: 29
    I trie it kinda half way by only replacing breakfast with it. It didn't really seem to help, but when I did this it was before I was counting calories and I was most likely taking in far too many calories. I was still hungry off of it though. I dunno that it would be the case now though as I'm starting to lose the weight a bit and my stomach is starting to shrink back down.
  • MedievalFreak
    I actually really liked doing slim fast, and lost quite a bit of weight with it. The only problem is that it doesnt really teach you anything. This is a lifestyle change, and as soon as I stopped drinking it, I gained all of the weight back plus some. I think its much better to just fight with portion control than bothering with slim fast...
  • writinmama
    writinmama Posts: 15
    I've used them for meals on the go, but I didn't like the entire diet plan. I felt SO hungry and deprived. If I have to use one to replace a meal while I grocery shop so that I don't splurge, then that works great, but I didn't care a whole lot for the plan.
  • laurenkuta
    I would suggest making your own shakes...use protein powder, frozen fruit, skim milk, and greek yogurt. If you want it sweeter, buy that truvia sugar and put a little bit in. I even sometimes use fresh brewed green tea instead of milk so I can have a little caffeine. The slimfast shakes have a lot of ingredients in it that are not good for you. I know it is easier because it is already made, but part of weight loss is the planning and taking extra time to make sure you are eating healthy. It is an overall life style change with no short cuts.
  • Sarah_uk
    Sarah_uk Posts: 209
    I might get shot for saying this lol, but I like Slimfast. It has all the vitamins you need which is good. But the main reason why I like it,is because it keeps me organised and not having to think about what foods to have.

    I wouldn't do it long term though, but every once in a while I replace breakfast and lunch by a shake. Not so much for the weight loss,but I usually do that when I started to eat too much in between meal times,to force myself back on track.

    I would rather eat a small 215 cal (or however many calories they are) instead of a shake though.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,720 Member
    Thinking of trying Slim-Fast as meal replacement. Wondering if anyone has tried it and if it worked? It seems like a good idea, problem is I'm afraid I'll be hungry! Any help would be great!!!
    You're right, you'll be hungry. Liquid diets have been around forever and what's the chances that you'll keep them in your maintenance mode once your reach goal? I would bet none. Build your eating lifestyle around how you expect to eat once your reach goal.
  • coltonsmumma
    coltonsmumma Posts: 80 Member
    Sometimes I keep the meal bars at work and do somedays I'll do one instead of lunch which is particularly helpful when I forget my lunch. They are packed with vitamins, and the bars are pretty satisfying. The shakes give me the runs (TMI?) and do not keep me full.
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    I use slim fast as a way of limiting my calories, it works for me and keeps my blood sugars 'ok' I do add fruit as snacks and that works after riding (my horse) etc.
    I lost weight initially on it but have 'dwindled' in will power and had a stall I guess / lack of desire I think is partly responsible.

    I find the bars handy in college (soon to be Uni) and as said when I'm riding.. stops me hitting the canteen and biscuits at the horse yard! lol
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    The canned version of it made my tummy hurt and tasted chalky,thats the only time i tried it
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Slim fast is essentially junk food marketed as something healthy. If you want a meal replacement, look into a quality product with a good mixture of macronutrients. Keep in mind a meal replacement is just that - a meal replacement. It's not going to help or hinder your weight loss per se; it's just a convenient way to add calories and nutrients if you're too busy to prepare food for all the meals you need in a given day.

    Even something like whey powder and milk, whey and banana, whey and oats would be far better than slimfast. And I'm guessing cheaper as well.
  • Mixmode
    Mixmode Posts: 332

  • kfitz10103
    kfitz10103 Posts: 354
    I do the slim fast shakes for breakfast when I am in a hurry and use the meal bars as snacks. I like the cookie dough bars.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    When I was thin back in the good ole days, I would sometimes have the powdered stuff because I liked it. Never used it as a meal replacement. I didn't find it very filling.
  • kimberlv
    kimberlv Posts: 5 Member
    I have half a scoop of Slim Fast, half a scoop of Protein Powder, a scoop of Benefiber and Skim Milk every morning. I don't really like just Protein Powder so the Slim Fast sweetens it up and adds some other vitamins. I have never been able to stop for long enough to eat real food in the morning so this works really well for me, I have been doing it for about a month now and I think it is helping me slowly loose some weight.

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