The Better Than Ever Challenge!

pffssas Posts: 128 Member
This challenge is about becoming your best you. Its about digging deep and beating the one person who has kept you from achieving your healthy eating and fitness goals, UNTIL NOW. It's a new day. This challenge is not about fad diets or extreme fitness. This challenge is about looking yorself in the mirror and deciding that you deserve to win. You deserve to be healthy inside and out.
week 1 challenge
a) post on this forum how you are holding yourself back and how you will guarantee your success over the next 91 days
b) set your goals and post them on your signature, on this forum or email them to me (include your reward)
c) 1st eating challenge - consume all of your calories (EXCEPT YOUR FITNESS CALORIES!). Do not go below your calories and go no higher than 50 above your calories.
d) 1st exercise challenge - spend at least 60 minutes moving around and burning calories NOT INCLUDING work every day this week.
WELCOME TO THE BETTER THAN EVER CHALLENGE!!! *this weeks challenge is about truth and commitment. will you be true to you?*

here are my holds, goals and commitments!!!
a) i hold myself back by eating late at night and by procrastinating - i will stop eating by 8pm every evening and i will have my workout complete by 6pm every day.
b) my sw is 228lbs, my gw is 130lbs, i will lose 50lbs over the next 90 days of this challenge. my reward to myself at the end of this challenge is a 65" flat screen tv with blu ray and surround sound for my bedroom.
c) i am committed to consuming only 1200 calories every day this week.
d) i am committed to spending 60 minutes outside every day with my daughter in addition to my daily fitness.

By the way, here are two sites that i love!

challengers : yellow unicorn, pffssas, kwianjel, 4n6junkie, sunshinel397, jdownes89, thatscrystal4u, carletta36, thatgoodone
champions!! : to be announced 10/31/11
p.s. this challenge is open to the public with a maximum of 20. if you'd like to join the challenge please email me!!!


  • Skmellyg
    Skmellyg Posts: 158 Member
    Thank you, will be posting my information tomorrow!
  • pffssas
    pffssas Posts: 128 Member
  • YellowUnicorn
    1. I always eat when i'm emotional- I'll slap my hand everytime i reach for junk foods and unhealthy crap that i'm not suppose to eat. not more eating when not suppose to!
    2. I'm scare that nothing will change even if i work my butt off- With my friends on MFP i'll be a stronger person and brave of what to come.

    Goals: (keep in mind that i'm only 5'1)
    **** My cw is 127 lbs, I want to be around 105, so probably will lose around 22 lbs...wait i meant I WILL BE 105 AND WILL LOSE 22 LBS by the end of this challenge.
    **** I will reward myself by shoping till i drop, I will buy new clothes for my new body and new attitude. But the most rewarding of all will be saying "danggggg girl who's that hotty in the mirror?" and knowing that I got myself back

    Commitments: ( Upon my words ladies, please kick my butt if i'm not true to them)

    a) I will workout twice a day, 6x a week. don't matter if i'm tired, buzy or lazy. I'm committed to this. THIS TIME i'm PUSHING BEYOND MY LIMIT ( cal burns : 700 per day)
    b) I will only eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. myb snack with only raw fruits and veggi

    I don't know how to thank you :) also to all: THIS IS A CHALLENGE THAT YOU WON'T LOSE, EVERYONE WILL WIN IN THE END!
  • 4N6junkie
    4N6junkie Posts: 35
    What is holding me back:
    A wicked sweet tooth, laziness, and time!
    How I will overcome this:
    Resisting my sugar cravings, working past my laziness, and managing/scheduling my time better.

    My Overall Goal:
    SW: 267 GW: 240 by 11/1/11. I don’t want to lose too quickly because I would rather keep off the loss and maintain rather then bouncing back after the challenge.

    My Overall Reward:
    I get to buy myself a new complete outfit. (Top/Bottom or Dress, New shoes, New (hopefully smaller) undies!, Accessories)

    Week 1 Goals: (8/1- 8/8)
    I will consume only my recommended calories this week (disregarding calories burned through exercise).
    I will spend 60 minutes moving around/burning calories each day on top of my planned exercise/fitness.

    Mini-reward for Week 1: Go out to the movies!
  • jdownes89
    jdownes89 Posts: 8
    Holds: (1 )I never feel like i have time, or when i am done work i feel that im too tired to excercise!
    (2) I have a problem saying no to junk food!
    (3) if i i am sitting watching tv i feel like i need to eat

    Overall goal: SW: 138 GW: 125 - I want to feel good again when i look at myself in the mirror, i want to feel "hot" for myy boyfriend..BUT not just for him i want this for my self too!!!!

    Reward: If/When i get to my goal wait seeing that number on the scale will be the biggest reward to myself!! I will go out and shop for a new wardrobe!

    Commitments: I commit to staying with the 1200 calories and no more then 50 over!... I also commit to goin to the gym even on my lunch if i have to at least 5 times a week, and doing sit ups ( even just 20 ) every night before bed.

    THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!... I cant wait to do this and share this experience with you guys!
    We are here for eachother during this encourage and motivated.. I believe in everyone of you!..Lets reach our goals!!
  • Skmellyg
    Skmellyg Posts: 158 Member
    1.Being too lazy and not having any accountability but myself
    2.Not thinking that I can do this or that I don't deserve this and overall on how I truely view myself, which is not good
    3. Not having energy

    ****By October 31, 2011 I want to be 175, I currently weight 207.6
    ****TO be able to see definition in my arms
    **** I will reward myself by getting my nails done and by an outfit my size (if money allows of course, on a tight budget these days)


    a) I will workout/run/walk 6 times for a max of 30 minutes early morning (only time I have to myself with little ones running around) starting off and as I increase in stamina and ability length of time will increase to an hour.
    b) I will only eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. and in between snacks of fresh veggies and fruits
    C. I will do push ups every morning 3 sets of 10 to start.
    d.) For my 60 minutes: I will spend time with my kids without the tv on either outside (weather permitting) everyday. They need me to be an active mother then just watching them grow up and not be involved.
  • futurekilousky
    I would love to join this challenge.

    My Holds:
    I have been overweight for so long, I feel destined to be like this forever. I have a huge late night snacking problem as well. It can be really hard for me to motivate myself to workout everyday but I need to. My biggest weakness is sweets/sugars.

    My Ultimate goal is to be at 160 lbs, a healthy BMI for my height. I am 274 right now. After I complete this goal, I will reward myself by getting a brand new outfit and a laptop!

    My goal for this three month challenge is to lose 30 pounds. If I succeed, I
    Will get myself a fitness Nintendo Wii game.

    First week starting Aug 1st commitments:

    Food- I will stay within the recommended amount of grams of sugar and drink 4 liters of water a day

    Fitness- I will go outside for a walk, of some length everyday.
  • Mel7759
    Mel7759 Posts: 8
    Hi everyone, think I might be joining you. Know what I need to do, just struggling to get into it. This will be a good way to get back to basics and just focus.

    In the middle of getting kids organised for school. But will post starting stats and goals later( after I've been to gym first of course ;-) )
  • thatgoodone
    My holds: eating late, eyes bigger then stomach, not active, and never stick with it. I could be doing good and just stop!
    My goals: lose weight! not sure how much I will lose to be honest haven't done the math.
    Really not into telling my weight but since I don't look it ... im 5'10 295-298,kissing 300.
    Rewards :a new dress and heels!
    Commitment :stop eating late, drink more water, get active and exercise, and most important STICK WITH IT!
    This is exactly what I know I need and that's support and motivation. A person or group of people that's serious about themselves and me, being the best them and me being the best me! So feel free to help me and give advice. I like what yellounicorn said " everyone will win in the end ". :-)
  • Unwrapping_Candy
    Unwrapping_Candy Posts: 487 Member

    - not eating enough at work, eating way too much at home after work and on days off
    - fast food
    - emotional eating


    - lose 40 pounds during challenge
    - lose it healthily

    -for challenge completion: new pair of Danskos
    -for challenge victory: Danskos and pocket organizer :D

    - Eat healthier on days off and after work.
    - Eat more and eat healthy during work.
    - Don't give up or give in.
  • 4N6junkie
    4N6junkie Posts: 35
    My holds: eating late, eyes bigger then stomach, not active, and never stick with it. I could be doing good and just stop!
    My goals: lose weight! not sure how much I will lose to be honest haven't done the math.
    Really not into telling my weight but since I don't look it ... im 5'10 295-298,kissing 300.
    Rewards :a new dress and heels!
    Commitment :stop eating late, drink more water, get active and exercise, and most important STICK WITH IT!
    This is exactly what I know I need and that's support and motivation. A person or group of people that's serious about themselves and me, being the best them and me being the best me! So feel free to help me and give advice. I like what yellounicorn said " everyone will win in the end ". :-)

    Hey thatgoodone, I suggest making practical and specific goals. If you don't give yourself specific goals, even mini-ones you will never know if you have succeeded and attained those goals. That is the only way to check yourself and see if you are or aren't doing what you should/nt be doing. Your goals don't have to be extreme. Just practical. If you EXCEED your goals.. then fantastic.. think of it as a bonus, but, without setting your goals/self-restrictions for the challenge, you won't know what needs to be accomplished day-to-day to meet those goals. Yes, we can set our own goals, but it can't be "open-ended" because then you can't be held accountable! :)

    In general, these goals and restrictions are a good idea. Especially for us who need/would like to lose more than 50+ lbs, we need these challenges and mini-goals to overcome before we get to our final goal. For example, I would like to lose 100 lbs total. That number alone is overwhelming to think about. It seems unattainable.. impossible, ridiculous... but! I set my challenge goal for 27 lbs. That is a much more manageable number to deal with.. physically, mentally, AND emotionally. If we set these mini-goals and reward ourselves when we reach those milestones, it gives us incentive to work harder.
  • pffssas
    pffssas Posts: 128 Member
    hey ladies!!! hope uv all had an amazing weekend. tomorrow marks the beginning of an incredible journey...i'm so proud of everyone for committing to be BETTER THAN EVER!!! good luck everyone!
  • Mel7759
    Mel7759 Posts: 8

    Time and organisation- I need to sit down on the weekend and menu plan for the week, and do a mass entry into my diary for basic, breakfast, lunch and dinner and then add snacks in throughout the week.

    Peer pressure (yes even at my age)- just not worry about the girls at work, and certain friends. If they want to eat it, then they can. I don't particularly want to.


    To stick my to my calories each day, with only one cheat meal a week.

    To commit to gym 6 days a week

    To lose 3kg over the 90 days


    Massage, pedicure, manicure at end of challenge.


    Bascially the same as my goals.

    I commit to becoming healthier over the next 90 days, to stick with my program. And to turn for help when I'm struggling or having a bad day. Instead of turning to food, will turn to human support.
  • pffssas
    pffssas Posts: 128 Member
    GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!:smile:
  • cvrobinson
    Here are my hold's
    1) finding a eating schedule that works with my night shift.
    2) no motivation and become discouraged so easily.
    1) manage my meals better ,try adjusting to my night shift schedule with my eating habbits.
    2) no exuses must get @ least 5 days of cardio "No Exucuses"
    My Commitments
    1) to be dedicated in making a healthier me.Staying within my calories each day.and logging without failure.
    My ..sw=182lbs, my gw=152...I will loose 32 pounds in 90 days with all the help and motivation I can get from Mfp..
    2)This week I will not miss logging not one single day !!!
  • carletta36
    Hello all,
    I am so excited about joing the Challenge this is motivation I really need to get me started.
    My holds before is I always put everyone before myself. I have to learn how to make better choices while eating out. I am an emotional eatier thats my way of solving problems.

    Goals : My goals through this challenge is to lose 10 at least every month so my goal is to be 30 pounds lighter by the end of this 90 Day Challenge. I will learn to exercise everyday even if it is 10 minutes at a time but will focus on getting in at least 60 minutes a day.
    Rewards at the end of this challenge is to get a complete make over and just be happier with my self.
  • sunshinel397
    My holds barring me from being successful in weight loss are:
    a) I have a terrible sweet tooth
    b) I love to snack at night
    c) I have trouble with portion control
    d) my job involves long hours and lots of meals at restaurants
    e) making myself stay on track

    To help me overcome these roadbumps, I plan on upping my cardio and strength training and working out in the morning so I have no excuses to not exercise when I get home at night.
    To help with my eating I am going to plan out my menus for the week and stick to my grocery list. I also will limit my eating after 8:00PM and trade desserts for sweet fruit like pineapple.
    Lastly, I am going to be more accoutnable and log everything on MFP.

    If I can complete this challenge, I am going to reward myself with a hot new outfit and nice pair of shoes!

    It will be nice getting to know everyone these next few weeks! Good luck and stay focused!
  • jnchorn
    jnchorn Posts: 250 Member
    Whats holding me back:
    -late night munching with my hubby
    -settling for just getting by on my 3 walks a week
    -stinkin' thinkin' I am way to critical of myself

    -I have been trying to lose 15 pounds a month
    -drink more water
    -exercise 2-3 days a week on top of my walks
    -no more eating after 9PM

    -walk at least 3 times a week
    -eat more fruits and vegetables
    -have one day a week be vegetarian
  • tanksmom104
    tanksmom104 Posts: 10 Member
    I am so excited about this! Thanks for the invite.

    a) I hold myself back by always finding an excuse to not exercise. I also wait till the last moment to eat, and then I am starving and eat anything I can get my hands on.

    b) My goals
    G1: Lose 10 pounds by September 1st.
    G2: Lose 25 pounds by November 18th, reward, going to opening of Breaking Dawn part 1
    G3: Exercise! Exercise! Exercise! At lease 3 times a week for 30 minutes if not more!

    c) Eating challenge 1, I am aiming for that today!

    d) Exercise challenge: I head back to work this week and will be back on a schedule and routine, this will help me with my exercise challenge.
  • pffssas
    pffssas Posts: 128 Member
    Hey ladies! Day one is here...commit to YOURSELF!!! This is your chance to push through those barriers and achieve your success...let no one and NOTHING stand in your way. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
    The hardest part has been conquered, that was being honest about what holds you back. Now comes the easy part...divide this weeks goals into bite sized attainable pieces and tackle them one at a time.
    One of the wise women on this challenge told me to not try to achieve my goals all at once...pace yourself and yes even PUSH yourself, but don't try to transform yourself overnite. The goal is to be beautiful for a lifetime...not to jump from fad to fad and diet to diet!!!
    The current challengers are:
    Yellow Unicorn
    welcome to all the challengers...if i've missed someone please forgive me! (then email me a reminder...)
    GOOD LUCK TO US ALL!!!! Its time to become BETTER THAN EVER!!!
    p.s. please feel free to post recipe ideas, articles, suggestions, eating and fitness ideas...this challenge is to help us each BECOME BETTER. we welcome and WANT positive, encouraging suggestions!!!