Hiya, new here

Hello i just joined mfp and i want to lose 60lbs. I still dont get how mfp works though, i tot it get meals to match your daily calories? I'd like to make friends who have loads to lose for support.I am a mom of 2.


  • CaptainAmerica1970
    hi, new!
  • BProudOfU
    BProudOfU Posts: 83 Member
    Welcome! I have about 100 lbs to lose. I love this site, everyone is very supportive. Hope you find lots of good motivation here.
  • SurfGirly
    SurfGirly Posts: 4
    hello and welcome!
  • Ellsqueak
    Ellsqueak Posts: 14

    I'm new too. I need to lose at least 56lbs (although I'd prefer 60-65lbs to be safely within the 'healthy' BMI range)... I'd like to do it within a year. I'm getting married in around 18 months so I'd love to be able to buy a wedding dress in a UK size 12!

    I've sent you a friend request.

  • TeneishaM
    TeneishaM Posts: 2
    hello you all can add me! I am new been on here about a week and I have about 60 pound to lose also!! and need a good support system
  • metsm
    metsm Posts: 2 Member
    Welcome! I'm new too. Just started this site on Friday.
    i beleive it is going to help me stay on track. My biggest challenge is journaling so this is making it very easy to do.
    I have about 45 pounds left to lose. In the past year I have lost 50. Good luck to you and just keep the faith!