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Curing severe acid reflux with diet



  • jacquih2981
    jacquih2981 Posts: 120 Member
    I think there are a number of reasons why people suffer with GERD and diet will only help if that is what causes your symptoms. If it is food then it is reasonably easy to fix - I was struggling with digestive 'issues' and decided to do an elimination diet. What I didn't expect was the quick relief of my GERD which I have subsequently found to be caused by dairy (along with all the other digestive stuff)

    An exclusion diet would be a good way to find out if this is one of your causes but given you are taking meds I would say do it under your Drs supervision
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    thanks, I don't drink milk, well I drink Almond milk but not cow's milk. Maybe cheese should be reduced as well, thanks I will give the elimination a shot, but see the DR first
  • lauraslinn947
    lauraslinn947 Posts: 10 Member
    I suffer badly from indigestion and heartburn when I'm overweight. Literally as soon as my bmi hits 25 I start to get pain. Lose a few pounds and I'm fine again. It's my inbuilt weight warning system ;) I also suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome when overweight, get sore knees/ankles and I snore! Lol. Bmi of 20-22 and I feel fabulous.

    I think there are a lot of people (not all obviously) on meds who would get off them and benefit in many other ways from losing weight.
  • lexmb1
    lexmb1 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi there. I finally put a stop to acide reflux (which I had since I can remember) by cutting meat and dairy out. I know, sounds extreme. But it worked. I have not had it (apart from when I have a little too much alcohol or greasy foods). It's been 6 years. It took about 10-12 days before I really noticed a difference. It changed my life as I had it almost on a daily basis. I'm 45 for reference.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    MellowGa wrote: »
    I feel I have GERD, I have not been tested yet, but I certainly have the signs in the last couple of months, I am working the overnight tour and I have been drinking 3-4 cups of Coffee a night, I am also a avid beer fan, and of course I love spicy food = disaster for me. So I am making the change to cutting out the alcohol, unless a special occasion and limiting myself to only a beer or two, Coffee will be difficult, but I need to do it, I come off nights in October, I am hoping to completely cut it out then, but until then I may downgrade to one cup before leaving for work. I plan on switching to more greens and veggies, I am not over weight nor a smoker, I am actually in pretty good shape I work out five days a week, but being on nights has really thrown my body into a tailspin these last two months, I sleep weird hours, I'm always tired, my body now has this GERD issue going on, I feel a constant burning in the back of my throat. I plan on seeing a doctor soon, I will document how I do, I have tried Nexium....no change after 14 days :( I plan on switching to lot's of greens and more chicken, Smoothies and water, trying to cut out as much acid as possible. I am so bummed by this, I love my coffee, my beer and my spicy food....but I must "divorce" it

    yes definitely see a dr many things can cause acid reflux and it may or may not be gerd. if you took meds and they didnt help its possible it could be something else. if you can get a gastroenterologist do a scope that would be best as they can see whats going on from the inside and see whats going on. gastritis is another thing that is awful and often doesnt respond to GERD meds.(I know I have had it)
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,872 Member
    MellowGa wrote: »
    I feel I have GERD, I have not been tested yet, but I certainly have the signs in the last couple of months, I am working the overnight tour and I have been drinking 3-4 cups of Coffee a night, I am also a avid beer fan, and of course I love spicy food = disaster for me. So I am making the change to cutting out the alcohol, unless a special occasion and limiting myself to only a beer or two, Coffee will be difficult, but I need to do it, I come off nights in October, I am hoping to completely cut it out then, but until then I may downgrade to one cup before leaving for work. I plan on switching to more greens and veggies, I am not over weight nor a smoker, I am actually in pretty good shape I work out five days a week, but being on nights has really thrown my body into a tailspin these last two months, I sleep weird hours, I'm always tired, my body now has this GERD issue going on, I feel a constant burning in the back of my throat. I plan on seeing a doctor soon, I will document how I do, I have tried Nexium....no change after 14 days :( I plan on switching to lot's of greens and more chicken, Smoothies and water, trying to cut out as much acid as possible. I am so bummed by this, I love my coffee, my beer and my spicy food....but I must "divorce" it

    Yeah, see the doctor: There are lots of possible causes. As mentioned asbove, my reflux turned out to be gallbladder adenomyomatosis (not stones or sludge, but a condition involving thickened walls, inflammation, and cholesterol). As soon as they took the GB out, no more reflux or heartburn.

    Yours likely won't be this, since it's unusual, but I mention it just to illustrate the range of things that happen.

    And even if it's 'simply' GERD, you don't want to mess around with that : It can progress to things that are much, much worse.
  • AudreyJDuke
    AudreyJDuke Posts: 1,092 Member
    The carbonated water suggestion works for me too!
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I used to make sure I always had tums or rolaids at hand and needed them almost daily. Since I lost weight, reduced portions and started eating better (no deep fried foods). I haven't had an antacid in years.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    rsclause wrote: »
    I used to make sure I always had tums or rolaids at hand and needed them almost daily. Since I lost weight, reduced portions and started eating better (no deep fried foods). I haven't had an antacid in years.

    thats what worked for you, its not going to work for everyone though,for many it may. my stomach produces too much acid no matter what my weight is.no matter how I change my diet,etc.
  • comptonelizabeth
    comptonelizabeth Posts: 1,701 Member
    rsclause wrote: »
    I used to make sure I always had tums or rolaids at hand and needed them almost daily. Since I lost weight, reduced portions and started eating better (no deep fried foods). I haven't had an antacid in years.

    thats what worked for you, its not going to work for everyone though,for many it may. my stomach produces too much acid no matter what my weight is.no matter how I change my diet,etc.

    Agreed. I've never been overweight. My acid reflux is caused by long term use of steroids for an autoimmune disease. Steroids have basically wrecked my stomach.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    rsclause wrote: »
    I used to make sure I always had tums or rolaids at hand and needed them almost daily. Since I lost weight, reduced portions and started eating better (no deep fried foods). I haven't had an antacid in years.

    thats what worked for you, its not going to work for everyone though,for many it may. my stomach produces too much acid no matter what my weight is.no matter how I change my diet,etc.

    Agreed. I've never been overweight. My acid reflux is caused by long term use of steroids for an autoimmune disease. Steroids have basically wrecked my stomach.

    thats probably partly my issue due to being on steroids off an on during my lifetime for asthma and other lung issues
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    Some who have been using medications may find the use of digestive microbes helpful. Many medications reduce the number and balance of the digestive biome. (I know many on here think this is rubbish but it really helps me and others similarly placed). I was fortunate to find someone who helped me discover the causes of my intolerances acquired by years of undiagnosed, therefore untreated Hashimoto's, which slows digestion, decreases digestive acid production, reducing microbes because of slow transit and low acid levels which contribute to poor nutrient absorption and then the number/range of enzymes the body can naturally create causing all manor of symptoms. I also used long term over the counter pain relief for my related joint pain under the advice of my doctor. Many doctors do not realise salicylate rich meals in some people increase their pain, when I reduced the salicylate content of my meals the pain resolved. Food was simply so restricted

    It really helps to have the support of someone, ideally a doctor with a functional understanding of our systems to work with in this way, to provide the nutrients rather than medication alone. I have digestive enzymes which take care of my casein issues and phenol intolerances support liver and pancreatic functions too, so my foods are not as restricted as they once were. I know I'm not able to give up using these supplements as yet but they have really helped me get my health back.
  • BrianAWeber
    BrianAWeber Posts: 82 Member
    This is probably an over simplification, but my heart burn goes away as soon as I increase my daily water intake, and remove/reduce alcohol and stop eating foods that trigger it.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    This is probably an over simplification, but my heart burn goes away as soon as I increase my daily water intake, and remove/reduce alcohol and stop eating foods that trigger it.

    for me if I drink too much water it makes it worse. and trigger foods dont always trigger it.my body just produces too much acid so
  • hazeleyez26
    hazeleyez26 Posts: 71 Member
    Severe acid reflux can be cured with diet. I struggled with it every day for years. I had the start of an ulcer and the doctors told me I needed to take medication for it to heal or else it would get worse. I didn't take the medication and it did get worse.. I could barley eat or drink because of it.. I couldn't sleep. Someone suggested I read the book, "Wheat Belly".. and so I did. I was blown away by the information I read. I eliminated all wheat (and eventually all grains)... within 3 days, I had no acid reflux! It is now 1 year and 8 months that I have eliminated grains.. within that time I have only had a small handful of episodes with reflux and they were no where near as bad as I had it in the past. And it was mainly when I would eat something that I shouldn't or accidentally was exposed to some grains. I have heard of multiple other stories with people no longer having acid reflux... along with many other things being cured. It isn't easy to change your diet, but it is so worth it.. feeling better and not having to rely on medication that can hurt your body in the long run. Wheatbellyblog.com is where you can get information.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    edited September 2017
    Severe acid reflux can be cured with diet. I struggled with it every day for years. I had the start of an ulcer and the doctors told me I needed to take medication for it to heal or else it would get worse. I didn't take the medication and it did get worse.. I could barley eat or drink because of it.. I couldn't sleep. Someone suggested I read the book, "Wheat Belly".. and so I did. I was blown away by the information I read. I eliminated all wheat (and eventually all grains)... within 3 days, I had no acid reflux! It is now 1 year and 8 months that I have eliminated grains.. within that time I have only had a small handful of episodes with reflux and they were no where near as bad as I had it in the past. And it was mainly when I would eat something that I shouldn't or accidentally was exposed to some grains. I have heard of multiple other stories with people no longer having acid reflux... along with many other things being cured. It isn't easy to change your diet, but it is so worth it.. feeling better and not having to rely on medication that can hurt your body in the long run. Wheatbellyblog.com is where you can get information.

    for you grains was your trigger. its not that way for everyone. I can eat wheat and grains and have no issue. some days water alone causes it. I have even tried cutting out certain things and still get it. some of us produce too much acid,some too little. and for some acid reflux is from an underlying health issue. knowing what is causing it is the key. some of us need meds as well. so saying it can be cured with diet alone ,is not going to be the case with everyone. same for those who may have migraines,some may control it with diet and others need meds or other things.
  • comptonelizabeth
    comptonelizabeth Posts: 1,701 Member
    Severe acid reflux can be cured with diet. I struggled with it every day for years. I had the start of an ulcer and the doctors told me I needed to take medication for it to heal or else it would get worse. I didn't take the medication and it did get worse.. I could barley eat or drink because of it.. I couldn't sleep. Someone suggested I read the book, "Wheat Belly".. and so I did. I was blown away by the information I read. I eliminated all wheat (and eventually all grains)... within 3 days, I had no acid reflux! It is now 1 year and 8 months that I have eliminated grains.. within that time I have only had a small handful of episodes with reflux and they were no where near as bad as I had it in the past. And it was mainly when I would eat something that I shouldn't or accidentally was exposed to some grains. I have heard of multiple other stories with people no longer having acid reflux... along with many other things being cured. It isn't easy to change your diet, but it is so worth it.. feeling better and not having to rely on medication that can hurt your body in the long run. Wheatbellyblog.com is where you can get information.

    for you grains was your trigger. its not that way for everyone. I can eat wheat and grains and have no issue. some days water alone causes it. I have even tried cutting out certain things and still get it. some of us produce too much acid,some too little. and for some acid reflux is from an underlying health issue. knowing what is causing it is the key. some of us need meds as well. so saying it can be cured with diet alone ,is not going to be the case with everyone. same for those who may have migraines,some may control it with diet and others need meds or other things.

    It's great that some can control it with diet. However we are all different and some of us have no option but to use meds, as you say. For me, long term steroid use led to acid reflux and gastritis. I struggled on without meds (I was already on a cocktail for other conditions),ended up with gastric bleeding and severe anaemia.
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    I am a little bit late to this party, but I was going to suggest Apple Cider Vinegar. It is so very good for so many thing. Generally speaking, i strongly suggest that everyone add this to the water that they drink (because we are all drinking eight - 10 glasses of water every day, right?). It is really good.

    Yes - you can clean your toilette with this stuff. Weird, right? I struggled with that fact for a minute. Got over it and so glad that I did.....

    Anyway, everyone needs to make his/her own decisions. I am a VERY STRONG yes on Apple Cider Vinegar.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    Severe acid reflux can be cured with diet. I struggled with it every day for years. I had the start of an ulcer and the doctors told me I needed to take medication for it to heal or else it would get worse. I didn't take the medication and it did get worse.. I could barley eat or drink because of it.. I couldn't sleep. Someone suggested I read the book, "Wheat Belly".. and so I did. I was blown away by the information I read. I eliminated all wheat (and eventually all grains)... within 3 days, I had no acid reflux! It is now 1 year and 8 months that I have eliminated grains.. within that time I have only had a small handful of episodes with reflux and they were no where near as bad as I had it in the past. And it was mainly when I would eat something that I shouldn't or accidentally was exposed to some grains. I have heard of multiple other stories with people no longer having acid reflux... along with many other things being cured. It isn't easy to change your diet, but it is so worth it.. feeling better and not having to rely on medication that can hurt your body in the long run. Wheatbellyblog.com is where you can get information.

    for you grains was your trigger. its not that way for everyone. I can eat wheat and grains and have no issue. some days water alone causes it. I have even tried cutting out certain things and still get it. some of us produce too much acid,some too little. and for some acid reflux is from an underlying health issue. knowing what is causing it is the key. some of us need meds as well. so saying it can be cured with diet alone ,is not going to be the case with everyone. same for those who may have migraines,some may control it with diet and others need meds or other things.

    It's great that some can control it with diet. However we are all different and some of us have no option but to use meds, as you say. For me, long term steroid use led to acid reflux and gastritis. I struggled on without meds (I was already on a cocktail for other conditions),ended up with gastric bleeding and severe anaemia.

    yeah I had gastritis a few months ago and had to take meds for 2 months then the meds caused side effects after 2 months so I had to stop taking them. I took a round of pylera because they think it could be h pylori again and 5 days later of a 14 day treatment I had to stop as it just screwed up my body big time so now Im working on getting back to semi normal. I know we are all different but someone telling people that the answer is to cut out all wheat and grains is not the way to go. if wheat and grains cause those issues then sure, but its not going to be the case for everyone..
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    I am a little bit late to this party, but I was going to suggest Apple Cider Vinegar. It is so very good for so many thing. Generally speaking, i strongly suggest that everyone add this to the water that they drink (because we are all drinking eight - 10 glasses of water every day, right?). It is really good.

    Yes - you can clean your toilette with this stuff. Weird, right? I struggled with that fact for a minute. Got over it and so glad that I did.....

    Anyway, everyone needs to make his/her own decisions. I am a VERY STRONG yes on Apple Cider Vinegar.

    no,a person who has GERD or acid reflux need to find out the root cause, ACV may give temporary relief but underlying causes can cause these issues and knowing what the issue is and how to treat it is best. some GERD can turn into whats called barretts esophagus if not treated.,it can be caused by H,pylori which can cause severe ulcers and other health issues.for some people the valve in their stomach doesnt function properly and it can be repaired,for others meds may be needed, for others it could be caused by meds or a medical issue. not to mention if a person produces too much acid acv could make it worse.