Food discipline

One of my greatest struggles is that I have basically NO DISCIPLINE when it comes to food. I can eat healthy alll day but then I get a craving for something sweet and it's like if I don't get it I'm gonna go crazy...does anyone have any tips on how to develop discipline with my food choices? It's the only thing holding me back on my weight loss since I exercise almost everyday of the week


  • kayeroze
    kayeroze Posts: 146 Member
    I get massive sweet cravings as well that makes the diet implode into forgotten dust. I've found cutting out MOST added sugars helps reduce the sugar cravings and subbing it throughout the day with better sweet things. So I'll have coffee with 1 tablespoon of flavored creamer, an apple after lunch, and if I have the room, half a peanut butter sandwich. For things like candy, the mini bars or check-out line sized versions are my limits because if you walk down the candy aisle, at least for me, that bag of sour gummies can be eaten within the day.

    So I guess, in conclusion, find substitutes that can satisfy your sweet cravings as well as reduce the amount you have on the daily.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    No easy answer. I think this site would be closed down if most of us didn't have trouble with either sweets, chips, alcohol, or any combination of those. Keep logging and if/when you go over, log it and move on.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I have sweet/low calorie options in my diet. Some people can moderate it but I can't so I've changed my way of eating. I have dessert every single night though. I save 150-250 calories for it.
  • dkennard1
    dkennard1 Posts: 4 Member
    Can fruit help? Some is naturally sweet. Cantalope or mellon. One thing... don't deprive yourself totally or you crave more and over do it.. i have a problem in evening for some reason.
  • BFunkRailroad
    BFunkRailroad Posts: 1 Member
    dkennard1 wrote: »
    Can fruit help? Some is naturally sweet. Cantalope or mellon. One thing... don't deprive yourself totally or you crave more and over do it.. i have a problem in evening for some reason.

    Agree with the fruit idea. Fresh strawberries and maybe some light cool whip?

    Have you also thought about subbing a protein bar that's low in sugar? I eat the Pure Protein Bars (chocolate, peanut butter chocolate, or salted caramel) Couple of grams of sugar per bar, but we aware of the carbs if you're also watching those. It's not a candy bar, but it's sweet and familiar enough to work for me.
  • _Arty_
    _Arty_ Posts: 53 Member
    For me it's a "would you rather game". Of course I want pizza and burgers. But I would rather have chicken from Nandos.
  • hydechildcare
    hydechildcare Posts: 145 Member
    I also have low food discipline. I cannot stop at just a little. I found not keeping it on hand helps. If I want ice cream I have to go and get it. Now my husband keep treats on hand but he makes sure to get things that I am not a fan out. I am not a huge fan of nuts and I think it ruins everything. So his ice cream and chocolate have nuts. I find the better of a day that I have had with my eating and working out I don't want to ruin all the work so it is easier for me to pass it up. I will save my sweet treats for the holidays that are coming up, when I am surround by people and I have to share the brownies I want. I also find eating fruit in between one of my meals helps with the sugar cravings.
  • OliveGirl128
    OliveGirl128 Posts: 801 Member
    No need to cut out the foods you enjoy, you just need to learn how to fit them into your calorie goals. If you enjoy sweet treats then work them in.
  • blh202
    blh202 Posts: 31 Member
    I try to find healthy replacements for my sweet cravings as once I get started on the chocolate I cannot stop. I have recently found Halo Top ice cream has satisfied this craving for very low calorie count. Also protein bars are filling and satisfy this. The struggle is real!!!! I keep committing and recommitting to this change and eventually it will stick. Good luck with your journey!
  • OliveGirl128
    OliveGirl128 Posts: 801 Member
    blh202 wrote: »
    I try to find healthy replacements for my sweet cravings as once I get started on the chocolate I cannot stop. I have recently found Halo Top ice cream has satisfied this craving for very low calorie count. Also protein bars are filling and satisfy this. The struggle is real!!!! I keep committing and recommitting to this change and eventually it will stick. Good luck with your journey!

    HT is awesome and I'm not even a fan of ice cream lol. Impatiently waiting to try the new flavors!
  • mail2dijaw
    mail2dijaw Posts: 36 Member
    go easy on things you love to eat and do not stop them completely. Abrupt stop can lead to more temptations and ruin your weightloss schedule. Plan your food ahead within limits include a victory celebration meal may end of the week. Most importantly keep logging :smile:
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    The words "food discipline" together kind of make me cringe. It makes eating sound like a punishment. We are all free to make choices and to make those choices work. Like others have said, leave some extra calories for your sweet tooth or find different options.
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    blh202 wrote: »
    I try to find healthy replacements for my sweet cravings as once I get started on the chocolate I cannot stop. I have recently found Halo Top ice cream has satisfied this craving for very low calorie count. Also protein bars are filling and satisfy this. The struggle is real!!!! I keep committing and recommitting to this change and eventually it will stick. Good luck with your journey!

    I like Halo Top too, but have you tried Enlightened? REALLY good!
  • 2011rocket3touring
    2011rocket3touring Posts: 1,346 Member
    If you buy sweets, portion them out either in baggies or individual containers.
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    I have found I had to give up added sugar completely, now I don't have sweet cravings. I haven't cut out carbs, incl. fruit, just no added sugars or sugar substitutes. I did it gradually, but it's the only thing that worked for me. I understand for many that allowing yourself a small sweet treat does the trick, but if I have a little I only want MORE so I can't sick to that for long. It remains to be seen how long I'll be able to stay sugar free, but it's been a month (with a few small exceptions) and I can honestly say no cravings every night like I used to have.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Don't buy the stuff you don't want to eat. If it MUST be in the house for someone else, work out a plan to keep it out of sight, in a cupboard or separate part of the refrigerator. I found that I had to eliminate some trigger foods completely for 6 months or so, then I could gradually reintroduce them and exercise some moderation.