FINALLY, time for me!

Hi - I just joined today! I am in a place in life where it is ALL ABOUT ME! I'm in the right place, at the right time, with the right tools
and now I want to make it happen. My goal - 40 lbs. loss by the time my daughter returns from deployment in January 2012
I've been working out at the Y - 3 days per week, and now I am ready to get serious about portion control and calories. I am a healthy eater, but a prime example of how if you are not doesn't seem to matter. You WON'T loose. At 57, I feel like this is my last chance. Get on your mark, get set, GO! Looking for friends in the same boat!


  • espinozAgal
    espinozAgal Posts: 160 Member
    Good Luck!! You can do it..just believe in yourself and keep positive people around you!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Good for you Susan! You sound like you have the right mind set to get it done!
  • susan9700
    susan9700 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm impressed by your current wt. status. I never seem to get passed 212. 210 becomes a fluke and then I forget all about what I am doing. Short attention span? Truth is I start to feel good and then eventually the weather changes and we repeat the process - EVERY YEAR! My challenge is going to get past that first hang up of 210 pounds and then 200. One other obstacle - I have an athletic build, and people never believe how well I carry. This HURTS me because it gives me a false sense of reality.
  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 805 Member
    Welcome to My Fitness Pal! :happy:
  • Helendec1962
    Hi, welcome Susan and good luck on your jouney. You def came to the right place for motivation, this site is full of positive and motivational members. Together, we can do this!!
  • geesdubya
    geesdubya Posts: 38 Member
    Good luck! Sounds like you have a great plan. I have found my fitness pal the place to be for support. It has worked so far for me - I am honest with myself and put in every bite of food that goes in my mouth. I also work out at least 3 days a week at 24 hour fitness. in 118 days I have lost 28 pounds. so if I can do it, I know YOU can do it!
  • Wladzia
    Wladzia Posts: 3
    With your wonderful attitude - you can do it! I too feel that this is my last chance (at 63) to shed some 50 lbs so I can feel better and look better.

    I'm sure you're marking the days off on the calender till your daughter comes home and then you'll have two reasons to celebrate - her homecoming and your weitht loss. Good luck!