How Did you go from Gym Avoider to Gym Regular

If you used to avoid going to the gym but now love to go to the gym and go regularly, please share your secret!

I am tired of not getting my money's worth out of my gym membership and really want to use it and enjoy it!


  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    At first I just went and walked on the treadmill. It was the only thing I really knew how to do and it was also my escape time from my kids.

    Eventually I did a few things on the machines (only after watching others do them).

    Then I found a program on that was short and simple. They had videos for everything. I took that in and actually used the dumbbells.

    I enjoyed my "me time" and I liked how the exercise made me feel, so I kept going. The trick is simply to explore things and find something you love. If you really like what you are doing you'll want to keep doing it.
  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member
    I just made a goal to go every single day. I felt that making it a persistent part of my day would make it easiest to continue. That was 7 years ago and I've averaged probably 355/365 days a year ever since.
  • DebLaBounty
    DebLaBounty Posts: 1,172 Member
    I put workout classes (yoga, Zumba, BodyPump) on my calendar and treated them as appointments I had to keep. Usually go three times a week, sometimes four. Then it became a habit. My gym is $25 a month and I get my money's worth.
  • Mirelle242
    Mirelle242 Posts: 63 Member
    I'd say hire a trainer to help you learn the ropes or carry a gym rat friend with you to work out with you for a little while.
    Then what I usually do is just still ear buds in my ear and ignore the world.
    Happy training
  • ladyhusker39
    ladyhusker39 Posts: 1,406 Member
    I found things I enjoy doing at the gym and accepted that there are things I don't enjoy, so I don't do them no matter what someone else tells me I "should" do. I go 5 - 6 times a week now.
  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
    88olds wrote: »

    Want to watch the game? The gym is a great place to watch sports.

    Hah, I'm glad I'm not the only one that does this. I didn't have cable and my gym was not even a block away, so it was where I went to watch Packer games. Best part is the gym was always empty.

    OP, another thing I did for myself to get over the gym anxiety I had was to set a time to go to the gym and treat it like work or an appointment. I wouldn't randomly skip out on a day of work, so why should the gym be any different? It really helped getting into a routine.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    What is your reason for not going? Are you anxious about going? Are you not sure what to do when you get there? Do you not like it when you go? Just don't feel like going? All of these have different resolutions. But it really depends on what is keeping you from going now.
  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    You build momentum, and start to show progress which builds more momentum... Soon you just can't stop!

    The only difference really between who I was and what I've become is momentum!
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I cannot say I was ever an avoider.
    But when I first started going to the gym, I went for the hot tub and steam room and sauna.
    The gym we went to, which was very typical for the day, had chrome dumbbells and weight machines and, maybe, two benches for bench pressing.
    We'd spend five minutes in the weight room and then head to the back for the tanning lamps.
    But, you know what? We gradually learned that it felt better in the back if you had worked up a sweat in the front first, and it grew from there, until the best part of it was the working out and the feeling that left you with, sauna or no sauna.
    I might suggest you find that kind of gym, the kind where you can get an easy reward like that, one that will make you want to go in.
  • Shells918
    Shells918 Posts: 1,070 Member
    I found the right kind of gym for me. I used to go to a general kind of gym, and I basically went for the classes or the personal training. When I moved, I tried Curves, but the clientele was not in my age range and the workout was not to my liking. Then I went to a yoga studio, and while I enjoyed the classes, the people were unfriendly and it wasn't a friendly environment. The place I'm going now is the most positive environment I've ever worked out in and there are people there of all ages shapes and sizes working at their own pace, and everyone is friendly.
    My thought process is, it's only an hour, just go and get it over with.
  • myrightweight
    myrightweight Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you all so much for your replies! I have read and reread your posts several times and given a lot of thought to why I am not going to the gym and what it is I really enjoy.

    So, I have a plan now that incorporates your ideas. I only need to go to the gym at least once a week to get my money's worth, so I will schedule that in like an appointment and make sure it is something I enjoy each time I go. No need to feel guilty if I choose not to go more than that. I won't be intimidated by anyone at the gym - I have my own goals!

    The gym is not my whole health and fitness plan! I started an at home walk program today that I will do every morning to get me moving. I found out about it, "Walk With Leslie", in another discussion. I will include doing something active outdoors everyday, or add on another home fitness session in the evening if I haven't been at the gym that day. I have set a weight loss goal with an end date in mind to reach my goal by losing 1lb a week.

    Bonus if I go to the gym more than once a week and lose more than 1lb per week but it's important for me to have very achievable goals!

    Thanks again and good luck with your goals.

  • sarahjacqulin1212
    sarahjacqulin1212 Posts: 7 Member
    I know everyone knocks it, but try crossfit. Find a good gym! Try a few different ones. I hated three different boxes (crossfit gyms) before I found one that I get along with the people and it's so much fun to go! They care a lot about my body and limitations and always do their best to scale things for me
  • dancoon7469
    dancoon7469 Posts: 20 Member
    For me it was just a case of I'm shelling out the money so I'm going to get my money's worth. The gym I use is open 24/7 so there really is no excuse not to go. I told myself I would definitely go on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and one weekend day but I've found myself going Wednesday and the other weekend day too as I quite enjoy it.
  • asianolikeyou
    asianolikeyou Posts: 393 Member
    I used to hate the gym, but I learned to feel comfortable in that space and now I go regularly. Initially I'd stick to the treadmill, then I progressed to taking classes like Zumba and Kickboxing, eventually worked my way over to lifting weights.