Trust the Cravings?

Today I am craving carbs. Like... REALLY craving carbs. I had oatmeal for breakfast and mac and cheese and a potato for lunch. I'm still going to be in a caloric deficit for the day (and I'm going to workout tonight when it's not a million degrees out) but my question is this; Should I trust my cravings and allow myself more carbs today? Should I not? I'm trying to make this a lifestyle change and I've been pretty successful so far, but I just don't know how far I should let intuitive eating take me. Anyone relate? Any advice?


  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    There's nothing wrong with eating carbs, I would just make sure you're getting a solid amount of protein or tomorrow might be harder to stick to your goal. As for whether to just roll with it you'll have to figure that one out for yourself. I know that when I am craving carbs I do need to eat extra, but I also know I need to cut myself off at some point or the next few days will go downhill.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    If I didn't trust my cravings (while sticking to my calorie limit), life would be pretty boring and I'd have no idea what to have for meals.

    Also, It's nice to browse recipes and stores and get "cravings" for new things, or things I haven't had in a while.
  • womanisadevil
    womanisadevil Posts: 52 Member
    I ate four friggen slices of bread last week on my I need carbs day.
    And like 300 calories in oatmeal.
    And rice.
    Annnnnd it was all delcious and I needed it.

    Either that or I can be depressed about depriving myself and end up binging.
    I'ma just eat the damn bread haha!
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    I define two different types of cravings for this.
    There are the 'specific cravings' that are usually based on boredom, availability and wanting to indulge in a specific taste. Those I try not to give in to, because they just lead to overeating of the wrong things.
    Then there are the 'complicated cravings', where I get the strange feeling that I lack something. Those are very basic tastes or types of food I crave, like carbohydrates, sugar. salt, salad (seems to be my fiber craving food). Those I trust. I believe they are based on something my body needs. They are not as urgent, more lurking in the back of my mind. They don't want me to eat snacks and additional meals, they urge me to select a given choice for my next meal.
    It is hard to explain. It took me a while to distinguish the 'specific, mind based cravings' from the 'complicated, body based ones'.
  • Mkneedtogetfit
    Mkneedtogetfit Posts: 93 Member
    I had the same craving yesterday. I am just making sure that I weigh my food. 30g of uncooked oats for breakfast, 50g of brown rice with chicken and a toast pre workout. I assumed if my portions are controlled, I should be okay
  • farmgirlco
    farmgirlco Posts: 118 Member
    This is basically the reason you can find me here and not on the WW message boards anymore. It allowed no room for things my body was telling me it needed. We know what is best for our body. Trust it and do what you have to!!
  • kenyonhaff
    kenyonhaff Posts: 1,377 Member
    It depends because carbs aren't evil but too much make a craving cycle. At least for me. I try to figure out if I really want chips or will crunchy veggies do.