No results after 1 month

joeljamespaul Posts: 4 Member
edited September 2017 in Motivation and Support

I'm James from India. I am 21 years old and my goal is to lose 50kgs

Its been a mont since I started working out.. I weighed 132kg at the beginning of last month and I only managed to lose 2.5 over a month
( I dint log my deit and workouts so often)
I do cardio every morning for an hour
I follow very high protein and fibre diets
I hit the gym (5 times a week) for 2hours (strength training)
I have at least 3 cheat meals a week
I get about 4.5 hours of sleep
I take Omega-3(ON), whey protein (muscle blaze) , extreme fat burner (muscleblaze), multivitamin (muscletech)

Can someone tell me where I went wrong?
I feel so disappointed because everyone says its easy to lose weight at the beginning... I never worked this hard before and there is still a long long way to go to reach my goal weight...

Thank you


  • Momepro
    Momepro Posts: 1,509 Member
    In my case, it was because I was measuring, but not weighing my food. It turns out, I was eating more than twice as much as I thought, going by cups, oz, and serving size, rather than actual scale weight. Once I got the scale,I adjusted the portion sizes and did much better.

    Logging helps you know how much you're eating, to make sure you are eating at a deficit. Try to get more sleep, several studies say lack of sleep contributes to obesity. If nothing else, being well rested makes it easier to workout and improves your ability to make good choices. Don't worry about cheat meals, just adjust your calorie budget to fit in goodies, by eating a few less calories someplace else.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You're not eating in a deficit
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member

    ( I dint log my deit and workouts so often) Here is the biggest mistake. Do it. Definitely log your food diligently. You might eat way more than you think.
    I do cardio every morning for an hour Okay, cool. Try to eat at least some of the burned calories back.
    I follow very high protein and fibre diets That's okay. The problem is, high protein might be high calorie as well
    I hit the gym (5 times a week) for 2hours (strength training) That is a lot of strength training. To get the 'gains' you would also have to eat in a surplus and lots of protein to build the muscle. Unfortunately, eating in a surplus means NOT losing weight. For a training while in deficit, together with the one hour of cardio this sounds a little too much.
    I have at least 3 cheat meals a week Oh great. You don't even log your food in the first place and then you cheat? How does that work? What is a cheat meal for you?
    I get about 4.5 hours of sleep That might be too little. It is of course a individual thing, but low sleep will keep your body on higher cholesterol levels and make it hard to lose weight.
    I take Omega-3(ON), whey protein (muscle blaze) , extreme fat burner (muscleblaze), multivitamin (muscletech)
    In my opinion, the omega-3, whey and multivitamin are fine. The fat burner... not a fan. But that is my opinion.
    Thank you You're welcome.
  • boredloser
    boredloser Posts: 119 Member
    Yeah, start by telling us how many calories you eat a day and your height.
    If you aren't already, weighing your food is a good way to go.

    You mentioned 3 cheat meals a week, maybe try cutting down to one or two? It depends on how many calories etc is in them.
  • zjpq
    zjpq Posts: 198 Member
    2.5kg in a month is 5.5lbs... that sounds like weight loss to me?
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    edited September 2017
    zjpq wrote: »
    2.5kg in a month is 5.5lbs... that sounds like weight loss to me?

    That is a great weight loss.

    You need to change is your expectation. Over 1lb a week is fine. You didn't gain it in a few months so it will take more than a few months to lose it.

    And drop the stupid fat burner pills, they just make you lose the wrong type of £s
  • jyotisidhu123456
    I think it's becoz u r not sleeping enough.. u need to take good 8 hour sleep..
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    A pound a week is 50# a year. Start counting your calories and logging. Every day. And then you might get to 2# a week weight loss. Eat back half of your exercise calories. And get it put into mfp. We humans are really really good at thinking we're eating fewer calories than we actually are. MFP is really really good at over estimating the calories burned in exercising which is why many just eat half back. You're doing great!
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    So, I will contribute to this.

    You have to start with what you were eating before you started this new journey. You also need to know - roughly - your basal metabolic rate and your maintenance calories.

    Since you do not track (I believe that you stated that) it will be impossible to know what those numbers were before you started your journey.

    What are your numbers now? How many calories? What are the macro break-downs?

    VERY GENERAL COMMENT: What happens with a lot of people who have a great deal of weight to loose is that they have been terribly under-eating for a long time. The solution - generally speaking - to consider is a reverse diet. So, bring your calories up slowly, week by week. Once you get to a good space, stay there for several weeks. Then, you can start cutting (read: caloric deficit). I know that sounds counter-intuitive and likely makes no sense, but it works. Again, VERY GENERAL COMMENT.

    So, start counting. Use MFP to keep track. Also, what I find is useful, is to make sure that your serving sizes are accurate. One can very easily be eating a whole lot more food - calorically speaking - because their serving sizes are way off. Very easy to do. We have all been there, done that! :-)

    And it does sound like you have been making some gains. Roughly five pounds in one month is about right (well, again, depends on your goals....there are specific numbers depending on how aggressive you want to be with this).

    What are your goals? What is your expected time frame? I would suggest cutting down on the cardio. What does your training look like? Two hours a day is a very long training session! All depends on how you have that structured. Could be the case due to longer-ish rest between sets. I would echo what someone else said - generally speaking, 4.5 hours of sleep with all of this exercise is not enough. For most, anyway. Who knows? I might be more than enough for you.

    You mentioned three cheat meals a week. I really do not like that term, but that is my issue. What does a "cheat meal" look like? Are you maybe doing Carb Cycling? How are the cheat meals scheduled? Meaning, do you have a cheat meal on the days that you are doing a heavy leg day?

    Do you do flexible dieting? Do you do IIFYM? Do you do Intermittent Fasting?

    How is your overall energy? How many glasses of water are you drinking a day? Eight? 10? 12?

    Anyway, what is really important is to have the proper mind set! Followed by having the right expectations! Then having a program that you can follow (read: adherence). This is going to be a long journey....and, hopefully, will become a life-style change.

    You can do this. We are here to help. Good luck, man! Look forward to your comments.
  • scarlett_k
    scarlett_k Posts: 812 Member
    You lost 2.5 kg in a month - that is a result!