I've fallen off the wagon bigtime??

dave_in_ni Posts: 533 Member
edited September 2017 in Health and Weight Loss
This summer has really screwed me guys and I'm not sure how to get the motivation to get back on track.

18 months or so before July I counted every single thing that passed my lips, I lifted weights 5-6 times per week, was careful with my macros etc and I lost 60lbs or so.

I guess I am lucky that over the entire summer I've only gained about 2-3 lbs, probably because I starve myself during the week to make up for the weekend binges. I do OK I guess during the week but at weekends I am going totally over board and I'm not logging anything because of the shame, I used to love working out also and while I still do my hearts, not in it, I have to force myself and I rush it to get it over with.

My entire mindset has shifted and I'm not liking where its going. I start every Monday saying "Right this is it, from today" but as the week goes on the will power goes. I am all or nothing, I can't just have a bit and be satisfied I have to stuff myself, similar with alcohol, I just can't do moderation, I can't factor in treats I have to give them up.

Anyone any advice folks?


  • GrumpyHeadmistress
    Have you tried to analyse why you binge? Is it that you're being too restrictive, boredom, lack of willpower to say "no"? Until you've identified why you fall off the wagon and work out a plan to counteract it, it's going to keep happening.

    I certainly don't always want to exercise but habit and greed keep me going. Find something that you enjoy, an audio book that you want to read and make exercise a habit again. You did it once, you've proved you can do it again.
  • rmgnow
    rmgnow Posts: 375 Member
    Hahaha. I feel you.
    I try to lose more weight thani planned ideally, so I can go crazy and gain those pounds back B)

    Also if you're serious about losing or maintaining weight logging is the only way to do it.
    So if you're really serious, go back and log those calories.
  • dave_in_ni
    dave_in_ni Posts: 533 Member
    Have you tried to analyse why you binge? Is it that you're being too restrictive, boredom, lack of willpower to say "no"? Until you've identified why you fall off the wagon and work out a plan to counteract it, it's going to keep happening.

    I certainly don't always want to exercise but habit and greed keep me going. Find something that you enjoy, an audio book that you want to read and make exercise a habit again. You did it once, you've proved you can do it again.

    I've got stuck in a cycle I guess, I binge at weekend so I counteract this by eating very little during the week which then makes me binge at the weekends again.

    What I have identified is that I can't do moderation. I can't have 1 piece of chocolate or even 1 bar, I have to eat until I sicken myself.

    I think whats really demotivated me is I workout from home. We have a spare room and I got a bench and squat rack and plates and barbells and I really loved that little room, its my own little space. The landlord told us he's selling so there is a good chance I'm gonna have to sell everything as we can't find a big enough house to set up another gym room. I know myself I would never go to a public gym, hell in 36 years I've never been in one as I'm too self-conscious. It would mean the end of my working out and that kills me as I actually found a hobby I enjoy.
  • rmgnow
    rmgnow Posts: 375 Member
    edited September 2017
    dave_in_ni wrote: »
    Have you tried to analyse why you binge? Is it that you're being too restrictive, boredom, lack of willpower to say "no"? Until you've identified why you fall off the wagon and work out a plan to counteract it, it's going to keep happening.

    I certainly don't always want to exercise but habit and greed keep me going. Find something that you enjoy, an audio book that you want to read and make exercise a habit again. You did it once, you've proved you can do it again.

    I've got stuck in a cycle I guess, I binge at weekend so I counteract this by eating very little during the week which then makes me binge at the weekends again.

    What I have identified is that I can't do moderation. I can't have 1 piece of chocolate or even 1 bar, I have to eat until I sicken myself.

    I think whats really demotivated me is I workout from home. We have a spare room and I got a bench and squat rack and plates and barbells and I really loved that little room, its my own little space. The landlord told us he's selling so there is a good chance I'm gonna have to sell everything as we can't find a big enough house to set up another gym room. I know myself I would never go to a public gym, hell in 36 years I've never been in one as I'm too self-conscious. It would mean the end of my working out and that kills me as I actually found a hobby I enjoy.

    The reason why you have more than one piece of chocolate is because you don't log it
  • dave_in_ni
    dave_in_ni Posts: 533 Member
    rmgnow wrote: »
    dave_in_ni wrote: »
    Have you tried to analyse why you binge? Is it that you're being too restrictive, boredom, lack of willpower to say "no"? Until you've identified why you fall off the wagon and work out a plan to counteract it, it's going to keep happening.

    I certainly don't always want to exercise but habit and greed keep me going. Find something that you enjoy, an audio book that you want to read and make exercise a habit again. You did it once, you've proved you can do it again.

    I've got stuck in a cycle I guess, I binge at weekend so I counteract this by eating very little during the week which then makes me binge at the weekends again.

    What I have identified is that I can't do moderation. I can't have 1 piece of chocolate or even 1 bar, I have to eat until I sicken myself.

    I think whats really demotivated me is I workout from home. We have a spare room and I got a bench and squat rack and plates and barbells and I really loved that little room, its my own little space. The landlord told us he's selling so there is a good chance I'm gonna have to sell everything as we can't find a big enough house to set up another gym room. I know myself I would never go to a public gym, hell in 36 years I've never been in one as I'm too self-conscious. It would mean the end of my working out and that kills me as I actually found a hobby I enjoy.

    The reason why you have more that one piece of chocolate is because you don't log it

    Good point
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Most of us have the too-frequent over-calorie day. The way you describe it is that you intend to have an over-calorie day on each of Saturday and Sunday.

    A recent Hello Healthy article drew attention to the possibility of getting free access to a gym as an employee perq for part-time coverage of weekend and evening duties.

    If you've got so much time on weekends that you can have self-destructive eating binges, try taking on another job, at a gym, and prime your opportunities to get more exercise and avoid weekend binges.

    Or, get a different hobby. Eat more properly during the week and have something to do to keep you busy on the weekends.
  • candjmunoz
    candjmunoz Posts: 30 Member
    What works for me is creating a streak and sticking to it. I have exercised 10 minutes or more for 3 months straight. At first I just wanted to get in the habit and I reasoned that I could probably do 10 minutes every single day. Then I started tracking calories every day, even if I was ashamed of what I ate. From there I started having leftover calories at the end of the day.

    On days I don't feel like exercising I realize that I now have to break a 100+ day streak. Starting again at day 1 deters me from making the choice not to exercise.

    If I were giving myself advice, I would say pick one tiny thing and do it. Exercise OR logging calories OR meeting a calorie goal. Don't jump in to doing everything at once. Tiny successes, especially when you make them daily occurrences, get you motivated to do one more day or one more thing. If I try to start with too many things to focus on at once, I find it far to easy to give up
  • swim777
    swim777 Posts: 599 Member
    I know there are no "bad" foods, but when I'm struggling, there are some I don't keep in the house. Why make it harder? So candy and chips are not something I have available. Make sure you have snacks around that you can have. Pre logging has really helped me when I'm trying to lose. Also, as someone else mentioned once, look back at your diary and look at the foods you were eating and enjoying when you were successful.
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Analyse yourself. Think about why you might have changed your mindset. What factors have influenced you? Is it the season, something new or different in your life, boredom, stress? Do you just need new inspiration? Figure out your own triggers and then learn how to flick your own switches.
  • hedwardsb
    hedwardsb Posts: 201 Member
    Right now it just feels like you've fallen off the wagon "big time." You said you've only gained back a few pounds. Now is the time to get back to your logging and exercise schedule. By logging your weekend binges, you'll be able to see how close to the weekly goal you can keep it. You can do it now!
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,679 Member
    If you lose your apartment, look for a place with a garage. Turn that into a weight room. Or find a place close to a gym so it's easy to go there - no excuses. On weekends, look for activities that will take you outside and away from the house. Go for a hike, a bike ride, a swim, skating, etc. If being with friends is encouraging lots of alcohol and food, find activities to do that aren't food/drink centered.

    I think that the extra restriction during the week is triggering the binging on the weekends, but you are also choosing that response. If you can say no during the week, you can say no on Saturday. You don't have to be 'all or nothing'. Eat more on a daily basis and see if that keeps you from the sense of deprivation that causes you to overeat. If you eat something you wish you hadn't, instead of blowing off the entire weekend, go back to eating on plan at the next meal.
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    I don't have a room set aside for weightlifting, but I do work out at home. I keep my dumbbells and a bench hidden behind a couch and just pull them out when I need to use them.