I look like an egg on legs; apple-shape advise/tips/motivation?

I'm generally a happy, motivated and positive thinker. Except for one thing: My dreaded apple-shape. So far I've lost almost 30 pounds (a bit over 10 before I joined MFP) and I still need to lose about 80 more. While everything is going well, my belly does not seem to shrink as much as the rest of me. It's always been a problem, my whole life.

I have diligently read the 'most helpful' threads on how to lose bellyfat, and I will start doing specific exercises this week (finally cleared the weight limit for the equipment I bought, yay!). But even so, I'm really worried it won't help. I've read many comments saying the belly is the last to go, and even when I was younger and fitter my belly was big. Even as a kid. I get asked if I'm pregnant a few times a year. :-/ So I'm just worried that after my weight-loss I'll be skinny, with no cleavage, but STILL carry around that basketball on my tummy.
Do you guys have any extra tips or motivational words? I could really use some.

PS: I also posted this bit in 'getting started', but I would like to add some friends (all ages/nationalities) who have been dealt this unfair hand as well. Maybe we can find some understanding and motivation together. If this sounds like you, then please add me :-)


  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Patience. You cannot decide where to lose fat unfortunately. If at the end you are not happy at your goal, then reconsider if you might need losing more.
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    You cannot control where your body stores fat. What you can control is muscle mass. I had the opposite problem that you describe- I lost weight everywhere except for butt/hips/thighs and ended up being skinny on top and still too fat below the waist. The only way I have been able to reshape my body is by weight lifting. I am really really happy with the results and highly recommend it. It won't help you lost the belly, alas, but it will build you up in other areas, and the belly will gradually go down with weight loss and time.

    This is all assuming, of course, that you have no medical problems. If you have a medical problem causing this, it's a separate issue - so GlassAngy is right- check with your doc too.
  • NelwynnValala
    NelwynnValala Posts: 29 Member
    aggelikik wrote: »
    Patience. You cannot decide where to lose fat unfortunately. If at the end you are not happy at your goal, then reconsider if you might need losing more.

    Yes, and not being able to control that is daunting to say the least. I was never known for my patience. :-) I do have a goalweight that is about 5 kg above a good BMI, so I guess I'll still have some wiggle-room (or should I say wobble room) after reaching that!
  • NelwynnValala
    NelwynnValala Posts: 29 Member
    GlassAngyl wrote: »
    Talk with your doctor. My sister in law has the same issue.. she carries belly weight. She has banging legs, flat *kitten*, thin arms.. and a basketball. Her fertility doctor prescribed her metformin (spelling) to shrink her belly (and help her get pregnant).. It worked! Her belly went down! Until she got pregnant that is.. :lol:

    This is good advice. I've often wondered if there was an 'extra' issue. But since I've been overweight for quite a while, the advice is always to just lose weight to begin with. Once I have kitten-arms (aren't those paws, hehe) & still have the same problem I will certainly go in again!

    PS: Too funny about her gaining it back after pregnancy, hahaha
  • NelwynnValala
    NelwynnValala Posts: 29 Member
    kathleennf wrote: »
    You cannot control where your body stores fat. What you can control is muscle mass. I had the opposite problem that you describe- I lost weight everywhere except for butt/hips/thighs and ended up being skinny on top and still too fat below the waist. The only way I have been able to reshape my body is by weight lifting. I am really really happy with the results and highly recommend it. It won't help you lost the belly, alas, but it will build you up in other areas, and the belly will gradually go down with weight loss and time.

    This is all assuming, of course, that you have no medical problems. If you have a medical problem causing this, it's a separate issue - so GlassAngy is right- check with your doc too.

    Yes. Isn't it frustrating that after all that work you did, the proportions are still not what you might want them to be, or you only achieve it after a disproportionate amount of work? Gosh. It's not the worst problem to have in the world obviously, but it doesn't feel very fair either. Good for you for reshaping what can be reshaped! :-)
    I might get into lifting once I am comfortable with just simply working out. I've never done that, so starting *any* structured form of exercise is a huge step to begin with. Lifting feels very intimidating right now, but hopefully in a few months that will change!
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Focus on losing weight. With 80 lbs to go that has to be your focus. I, too, am apple shaped when overweight. Prepare to be patient because it will take you until the final few pounds to feel like you're proportional.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I would suggest weight lifting to bring balance to your body. Building muscle in your upper and lower body will help everything look more even. You can do this even in a calorie deficit since you are over weight. With time your body will hopefully recomp into less fat in the middle, more muscle everywhere.
  • NelwynnValala
    NelwynnValala Posts: 29 Member
    GlassAngyl wrote: »
    GlassAngyl wrote: »
    Talk with your doctor. My sister in law has the same issue.. she carries belly weight. She has banging legs, flat *kitten*, thin arms.. and a basketball. Her fertility doctor prescribed her metformin (spelling) to shrink her belly (and help her get pregnant).. It worked! Her belly went down! Until she got pregnant that is.. :lol:

    This is good advice. I've often wondered if there was an 'extra' issue. But since I've been overweight for quite a while, the advice is always to just lose weight to begin with. Once I have kitten-arms (aren't those paws, hehe) & still have the same problem I will certainly go in again!

    PS: Too funny about her gaining it back after pregnancy, hahaha

    @NelwynnValala .. Her son is 4 months now and her belly is shrinking without the metformin. She has always had issues in her middle but it's like the meds she was on "fixed" that issue. The doctor said it was something hormonal that was causing it and now it is regulated. Me, I lose like crazy in my waist.. it's my caboose that seems determined to attract stray astrological bodies and bring them into orbit.

    Ahhhh, if only we could balance it out between us, hahaha
  • NelwynnValala
    NelwynnValala Posts: 29 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    Focus on losing weight. With 80 lbs to go that has to be your focus. I, too, am apple shaped when overweight. Prepare to be patient because it will take you until the final few pounds to feel like you're proportional.

    Yes! And you know what? I have a feeling it will be down to the final grams, heh. Like if I am a 100 grams overweight, THAT is where it will be, a tiny hill around my navel. :smiley:
  • NelwynnValala
    NelwynnValala Posts: 29 Member
    I would suggest weight lifting to bring balance to your body. Building muscle in your upper and lower body will help everything look more even. You can do this even in a calorie deficit since you are over weight. With time your body will hopefully recomp into less fat in the middle, more muscle everywhere.

    Thanks for your suggestion. :-) I am going to try this for sure!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Is there any chance that you have undiagnosed metabolic issues?

    I was also an egg on legs, but there was an hourglass hiding under there. I will always have a belly due to health issues, but my body has balanced out a lot.
  • NelwynnValala
    NelwynnValala Posts: 29 Member
    Is there any chance that you have undiagnosed metabolic issues?

    I was also an egg on legs, but there was an hourglass hiding under there. I will always have a belly due to health issues, but my body has balanced out a lot.

    That is really encouraging to hear! (the hourglass, not the undiagnosed issues, heh)
    I think that right now I'm just still too fat to tell. When I was slimmer it was also an apple-shape, but not in an alarming way. I'm trying to lose a whole bunch now and after that I will talk to my doctor about it.
    I'm really happy for you, it's so good that it balanced out!