Very cold and hungry?



  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    That's good to know. Thank you for posting that.

    Hi Lorraine,

    Thanks for your sarcastic comment. I will keep it in mind next time I feel I need help from a WEIGHT LOSS SUPPORT FORUM.



    Thanks everyone.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    You probably aren't eating enough, based on this last week's food diary entries. I've been feeling cold lately too, but my issue is probably a calendar issue. It's been getting cooler here, but I am still wearing my summer clothes. :laugh:
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    You probably aren't eating enough, based on this last week's food diary entries. I've been feeling cold lately too, but my issue is probably a calendar issue. It's been getting cooler here, but I am still wearing my summer clothes. :laugh:
    I will admit I had an extremely CRAP week last week, I thought I was doing better this week but maybe I'm just feeling the results of last week now.

    Thanks all for your advice.

    Also, I would say it's getting cooler here too, but it's never really warm to begin with. I don't know the meaning of summer clothes unfortunately hahaha.
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    When I had a problem with feeling cold, it was generally because I wasn't eating enough calories in general, and I wasn't eating enough fat.

    You could also have your iron levels checked to see if you are anemic. That can cause it as well.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I took a peek at your diary. It looks like your getting somewhere between 900 - 1300 calories a day. That is probably below your BMR which is not a good thing. And your protein is low. MFP settings are very should try and get between 80 - 100g's a day. I think your not getting enough calories and you need to up your protein. Especially if you're feeling hungry...your body is telling you it needs fuel!
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    I took a peek at your diary. It looks like your getting somewhere between 900 - 1300 calories a day. That is probably below your BMR which is not a good thing. And your protein is low. MFP settings are very should try and get between 80 - 100g's a day. I think your not getting enough calories and you need to up your protein. Especially if you're feeling hungry...your body is telling you it needs fuel!

    That is helpful. I was afraid they were too high, I obviously just have to adjust for a while and see if that helps... Trial and error! Thank you.
  • erfrerdbackup
    erfrerdbackup Posts: 1 Member
    edited September 2017
    Just some ideas

    I am often like this and the symptoms are same as of fasting long hours, could be low blood sugar which it feels like, but the difference is I am not fasting, and sometimes I just ate a lot all day. It might be due to strong insulin function. It feels like something is depleted but exactly what I don't know. Sometimes I can go a little hungry but still be happy, relaxed, warm and then I start feeling cold, sad, hungry and could even shake, was it just low blood sugar or did something else crash too? In order to overcome the cold I have to gulp down candy and warm fatty pasta meals, they use to increase my temp, but after a while, days, weeks, not even that does the trick. One trick I know to raise body temperature is to cook rice with vinegar, oh boy, but I get rashes after 3 hours then I feel even colder, maybe it's just individual allergy. Vinegar is acetic acid, which alcohol is broken down into, which is energy for mitochondria used in the krebs/citric acid cycle. Other options could be to sleep on wool bed sheet, take hot bath, do short solarium or buy massage machine with infrared heat lamp. I sometimes have to go out and take a hard walk to get up the temp. But if I overtrain I can get even colder. I often feel cold after caffeine intake which boosts adrenaline which can constrict blood vessels, but it can lead to vasodilation if there is enough of body heat and maybe dopamine or serotonin. I don't get vasoconstriction when I am warm, only when I'm cold. Was body temperature down first or was dopamine/serot/X depleted first?
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,943 Member
    Just some ideas

    I am often like this and the symptoms are same as of fasting long hours, could be low blood sugar which it feels like, but the difference is I am not fasting, and sometimes I just ate a lot all day. It might be due to strong insulin function. It feels like something is depleted but exactly what I don't know. Sometimes I can go a little hungry but still be happy, relaxed, warm and then I start feeling cold, sad, hungry and could even shake, was it just low blood sugar or did something else crash too? In order to overcome the cold I have to gulp down candy and warm fatty pasta meals, they use to increase my temp, but after a while, days, weeks, not even that does the trick. One trick I know to raise body temperature is to cook rice with vinegar, oh boy, but I get rashes after 3 hours then I feel even colder, maybe it's just individual allergy. Vinegar is acetic acid, which alcohol is broken down into, which is energy for mitochondria used in the krebs/citric acid cycle. Other options could be to sleep on wool bed sheet, take hot bath, do short solarium or buy massage machine with infrared heat lamp. I sometimes have to go out and take a hard walk to get up the temp. But if I overtrain I can get even colder. I often feel cold after caffeine intake which boosts adrenaline which can constrict blood vessels, but it can lead to vasodilation if there is enough of body heat and maybe dopamine or serotonin. I don't get vasoconstriction when I am warm, only when I'm cold. Was body temperature down first or was dopamine/serot/X depleted first?

    While it is unlikely that after 5 years the OP is still waiting for an answer, it is highly likely that the answer was: "eat more and move more". Sounded like adaptive thermogenesis to me ;-)
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    1) The weather has changed
    2) You are experiencing thyroid issues from overdieting
  • xvolution
    xvolution Posts: 721 Member
    I would get a blood test to be sure it's not medical related, since feeling cold is a symptom of anemia.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Peeps, this thread is from 2012 and the OP hasn't been around.