Warrior Dash!

So, I just completed the Warrior Dash in Michigan this weekend. It was insane, painful and exciting! I need to lose about 85 lbs so I was not even close to being in shape for this event but it was worth it. I felt accomplished and exhilarated! It was a huge push to keep working out and I am looking forward to the dash next year! I recommened this event to everyone...even if you crawl through the finish line (which I almost did!) :tongue:



  • KyleGA
    KyleGA Posts: 309 Member
    SWEET!!! Congrats to you!
  • mjawesome
    mjawesome Posts: 61 Member
    awesome! I'm doing mine in September and I can't wait!
  • Krae79
    Krae79 Posts: 49
    Congrats! Good job :)
  • Giraffe33991
    Giraffe33991 Posts: 434 Member
    That is awesome! I am glad you had a blast! I am doing the Warrior Dash in Central Florida in January 2012! Can't wait!

    We've also signed up for a similar event (same company produces them) in St. Petersburg Beach, FL on November 5th! It's called Beachpalooza!

    Thanks for sharing your experience! I am excited to do these events!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Woohoo! Congrats! It is a blast, isn't it?

    Mine was 7 weeks ago, and I still have a lump on my ankle/shin from where I fell across a downed tree. :embarassed: But I'd do it again in a heartbeat!
  • Kelly4877
    Kelly4877 Posts: 35 Member
    Thank you!!

    mjawesome: Good Luck! It's sooo much fun!!
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    You survived it!

    Mine was July 17. So much fun. SO grueling! If you're like me, you learned that it's more mental than physical (and the physical is immense). I learned I could overcome obstacles that I didn't want to do. I was scared...SCARED...of a couple of them. More proud of the Warrior Dash than the half Marathon I finished in June.

    If ANYONE had been crawling to the finish, I would have joined. I was DONE.
  • Kelly4877
    Kelly4877 Posts: 35 Member
    :glasses: Woohoo!! I love all the other warriors!! I am pretty beat up but they are badges of honor! LOL And, yes, it was much more mental than physical!
  • V44V
    V44V Posts: 366 Member
    Nice one.

    I have the the Men's Health "Survival of the Fittest" 12km, including river crossing on October 8th. Nervous anticipation is the phrase that springs to mind...
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    Still waiting for the knees to fully heal :)
  • kappyd
    kappyd Posts: 199 Member
    I had a great time doing the Dash in MN a couple of weeks ago. I was way out of shape so I am looking forward to next year; hopefully I will be in better shape.
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    Nice one.

    I have the the Men's Health "Survival of the Fittest" 12km, including river crossing on October 8th. Nervous anticipation is the phrase that springs to mind...

    Where is that???? Assuming 12k with obstacles? Holy cow!
  • torregro
    torregro Posts: 307
    I was at the Michigan Warrior Dash yesterday and it was SO much fun! Congratulations on finishing and hope you had a blast.
    My biggest NSV of the race was realizing that my 54 year old self beat the 40 year old aerobics instructor at my gym by 2 full minutes when I checked the online scores.....................sweeeeeeeeeeet! I would have run an even faster race, but had to keep waiting for my teammates and for my turn at some of the obstacles. LOVED the cargo nets and walls!
  • V44V
    V44V Posts: 366 Member
    It's in the UK, was going to do the Three Nations (Cardiff, Edinburgh and Nottingham),, but decided on my 1st try one would do, so I went for Nottingham.

    The Notts Survival course is part urban and part "rural". It’s a very green course and pretty flat which is good for you, as at nearly 12km in length, this is a long 10k too! We start with a really pleasant run out of the City Centre, along the river Trent using paths and minor roadways, connecting you with the National Watersports Centre at Holme Pierrepoint and back into the city again, via Adbolton and the Nottingham Forest Football club ground. As for the obstacles; first up and even before leaving the event village you will tackle our trademark hay bale wall. Once you have scaled it, you will run out of the event village to cheers from other racers and your supporters, cross the river Trent and front up to the next obstacle in the vicinity of Lady Bay Bridge. This is called "PK:" It's fast, fun and extremely entertaining. Having free-run through the parkour zone, it's out into the fields and along the southern side of the River Trent until you come face to face with the Army assault course.

    Following this, it's time to get wet. Very, very wet. You will enter the National Watersports Centre (www.nationalsportscentres.co.uk) and make your way to our river crossing. Having crossed it, you slide back into the water and complete a traverse of a small lake with the help of a knotted rope. With safety swimmers and kayakers on hand you are never far from help if you do bottle it here. But keep your head above water and keep plodding onwards as you’re half way round now and it's time to turn around and make your way back towards the city.

    Out of the Watersports centre now and back onto minor roads that bring you back into the city. Next stop will be the Roadworks slalom. Our team of engineers and tradesmen will be on hand to coax you through the roadworks; don't be caught out by the traffic lights and make sure you are focused on finding your way through the Herras fence maze.
    You'll then come out into the open expands of parkland again and find yourselves at the "Urban Jungle." Think Kings of Dogtown – but for those of you who have seen the cult film which has inspired our obstacles, don't worry - you won't be skateboarding empty swimming pools. You WILL be negotiating an urban streetscene over parked cars, under urban street furniture and maybe even laying down some moves on the half-pipe too. This zone was a highlight last year and we will be going the extra mile this year in making this zone even bigger and even more “streetwise.”

    Having re-claimed the streets, it's down to Nottingham Forest Ground for the For Goodness Shakes stadium climb. This is not the highest stadium in the land, but it DOES have a huge amount of steps. Enjoy the peacefulness of the place and imagine the roar of the terraces as you literally roar over the terraces!

    Now you are homeward bound and you proceed back over the river on the route you left on; the final 2 obstacles await you in the event village itself. Having exerted yourself physically all the way here, you will now have to focus mentally on the penultimate obstacle; the Under Armour zone. Once you have engaged with this beast, you're on a glory lap of the field until you see quite possibly the most intimidating obstacle of the lot; the Men's Health Wall. This is where it all comes to a head; 12km of hard fought terrain, 9 obstacles and 1 to go. It's big, you are tired but the crowd are spurring you on. Conquer the wall and cross the line. You have done it.

    Congratulations - you have crossed the line and have completed the Nottingham Men's Health Survival of the Fittest 2011. Do it for England! And if you fancy taking on the Welsh of the Scots, there is an event the week before Notts and one afterwards too, in Wales and Scotland respectively.
  • Kelly4877
    Kelly4877 Posts: 35 Member
    Impressive!! Good luck! :happy:
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    It's in the UK, was going to do the Three Nations (Cardiff, Edinburgh and Nottingham),, but decided on my 1st try one would do, so I went for Nottingham.

    In your Sprints? I went with New Balance Trail Minimus instead of my KSO's :D
  • Kelly4877
    Kelly4877 Posts: 35 Member
    Torregro: Congrats on your NSV! That's awesome! BTW, how gross was that mud??
  • torregro
    torregro Posts: 307
    Torregro: Congrats on your NSV! That's awesome! BTW, how gross was that mud??

    That was some seriously smelly stuff! LOL
    There is a facebook page for Michigan's First Warrior Dash and someone posted a Groupon link for 1/2 off registration for the upcoming Dirty Dog Dash that's being held in Hell, Michigan on September 17th......I'm looking at it.
    The Groupon Link is at: http://www.groupon.com/deals/dirty-dog-dash-2?utm_campaign=UserReferral&utm_medium=facebook&utm_source=uu33847805 just in case you're interested! Rock on fellow warrior!
  • V44V
    V44V Posts: 366 Member
    It's in the UK, was going to do the Three Nations (Cardiff, Edinburgh and Nottingham),, but decided on my 1st try one would do, so I went for Nottingham.

    In your Sprints? I went with New Balance Trail Minimus instead of my KSO's :D

    It's in October, haven't done it yet. I think in the FF is a bit ambitious :D