I need HELP!!

Aundrea01 Posts: 5
edited September 30 in Fitness and Exercise
OK....I have struggled with my weight all of my life and have always had an "I hate to exercise" attitude. I REALLY need to know where to start because everytime I start and get going good, I inevitably quit. I know walking and I do that but I want to incorporate some cardio and strength as well but don't want to set myself up for failure. Can anyone please give me some tips on a way to start, not exactly slow but slowish?? lol thank you!


  • I HATE exercising...or at least I used to until about a month ago. I joined a gym and did 2 free weeks first to see if I would like it and LOVED it. Although I don't like to go to the gym when there are a lot of people there (during the day), so I go there in the evening or at night when I get off work and there's only 1 or 2 people there--or none! Also, my insurance covers some of the cost if I go 12 times a month.....so as long as I do that, I pay a cheaper amount! Otherwise if you don't want to join the gym, try finding someone to exercise with around you to, in a way, compete to lose weight.
  • bulldogsrule
    bulldogsrule Posts: 7 Member
    Start very slowly. Buy Leslie sans one walk at home videos. You can do as little as you want....one mile, two or three. I like it because I can do the DVD at home alone, etc. Promise yourself that you'll do it only twice this week. See what happens. Remember, ANY exercise is more than none. Period. Good luck!
  • ceschwartz
    ceschwartz Posts: 240 Member
    What do you like to do? Build on your interests so it seems like less of a chore and more like fun. Recruit your friends for support!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Do you have a gym membership? Group exercise, for me, changed my life. I have made best friends out of the members/instructors. It pushed me harder than I would myself, it made me keep going instead of quitting since I was around others. And it made it fun and go by quickly. It also helped things stayed switched up so I wouldn't get bored. I loved it so much, I'm now a spinning and Body Pump instructor. Seriously changed my LIFE!
  • bearsfan68
    bearsfan68 Posts: 85 Member
    Maybe just start slow with 15 minutes and work yourself up to 30 min or more dialy. You can do walking,hand weights or those toning bands. Start with some small changes that you can stick with long term. Good luck to you!
  • gec1266
    gec1266 Posts: 201 Member
    Don't put the "I-have-to-workout-but-I-hate-it" pressure on yourself. start slowly and build into a routine. Start with something you like..walking? If so,grab some 3 or 5 pound weights and start to incorporate weights into your routine. You will grow tired and be excited to see how much further you can push yourself.....I hope that this has helped a little...Best wishes on this lifestyle change...
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    i was in the same boat. for me i started walking and doing "fun" things like swimming, walking my parent's dogs (when i visit), biking, things like that. and now i feel weird if i don't get SOME exercise in. is there anything you really like to do? basketball, soccer, etc? perhaps start with that. and if you have access to a gym, don't be afraid to switch things up...i love the elliptical but it gets boring, so instead i challenge myself on the stairmaster :)
  • Shojuro
    Shojuro Posts: 3
    Hey there!

    Totally understand the battle that you are fighting and what I found works well for me is to take baby steps, both in diet and exercise. Start by eliminating one bad food from your diet per week and replacing it with something healthy. This was it's not so abrupt that you start having cravings. Do the same thing with the exercise component. Add in a walk here and there, and then just a little bit further or faster (but not both). Start out with weights 2-3 times per week, full body, high reps, a few sets, nothing that makes you so sore the next day or the day after that it keeps you from going again, but just enought that you feel it. Also try scheduling your workouts and calling them "me" time and not workouts. These two things together should help you conquer the battle in the loong run by changing your habits so slowly that your mind and stomach don't get a chance to sabotage you.

    Hope that is helpful and look forward to hearing about your success!!!!!!!!!
  • Pilates. Your lying on the floor most of the time. I did that for 2 months (3 times a week) while watching TV and then my body started wanting more. A month later I added cardio and then strength training. Now I do pilates, strength training and cardio 4 times a week.

    Learn how to be consistent first.
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    You need to commit to a schedule, any schedule. I would recommend 10-15 minutes 2-3x weekly. Walking is the easiest thing to do, but if you have an activity you enjoy such as biking, tennis, hiking, swimming,etc., Start with something that you like to do, and can commit to. I know it is hot outdoors this time of year, exercising indoors may be a good option. Walk in a mall, or find an exercise DVD to try. I like Leslie Sansone walking tapes, you can walk as much or as little as you want in a small space. The library often has a decent selection of DVD's you can loan and you can try it. I have found exercise can be contagious, and once a pattern is established, in time you will start to look forward to your schedule. Take one step at a time. I know you can do this.
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