
So I've been one to be on the 'yo yo' diet, and in the past 12 months have lost a total of 60 pounds. I'm 5'7 and weight 160, and want to get to 149. my problem is that my husband has recently started making comments about my stomach being a pillow and the up/down road I've been taking. I know he loves me and is only worried about my health. Background is back in high school I was majorly anerexia. So, I really want to lose this weight big time. my birthday is Septembe 2nd, and I'd like to see a huge jump start by then. Does anybody have tricks up their sleeve that can help me jump start? If you ddo, and don't want to post it, please put me as a friend and e-mail me. this means a ton to me! many thanks!!!!!::happy:


  • lilcrittert
    lilcrittert Posts: 105
    Get rid of carbs (rice, potatoes, bread, sugar, etc) and processed will eat more food but the weight will come off. Replace the unhealthy processed carbs with fruit because you'll probably have sugar withdrawals. Get rid of aspartame (artificial sweeteners in diet drinks/food) it causes weight gain around the midriff. I've lost 79 pounds since January following this plan.
  • Timeforme714
    Timeforme714 Posts: 189 Member
    I'm a little pissed at your husband right now. It sounds like he is being jerky. You have lost 60 pounds and only have 11 to go! That is great!!!! I think you might need to kick his butt. Sorry, just my opinion!
  • stephqj
    stephqj Posts: 20
    Try a couple of days of no carbing. High protein and veggies, plus some fat (salad dressing or butter). 3-4 days max of no carbs. Low carb after is fine, if you choose, especially if it's fruit-based.