BodyPump Class!

So last week was my first time doing BodyPump.. i absolutely love it!

It is very challenging, but it is one of the best workouts i have ever done. The music is perfect for the moves you do and the class is full of many different people!

It helped my confidence, and its helping me with my Air Force goals.

I wanna do more of Les Mils' programs, but my gym just got BodyPump so i guess I'll live.

Has anyone else done it? and your opinions on other programs are welcome too!


  • Emily4H
    Emily4H Posts: 170
    I have yet to do "pump" but I do combat like 4 times a week - LOVE IT!!! I also do Bootcamp at my gym. I have taken Attack as well. My husband works out with me and Attack is to much "dancn" for him - but combat with all the boxing and kickboxing works well for him. I know the pump classes at my guy are very full. Good luck and have fun!!!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Love Body Pump, I try to get to 2 classes a week, and push myself to lift as heavy as I can. It's made a real difference in my overall definition and shape.

    I love Combat as well for a great cardio blast, but find Attack too noisy and high tempo. Balance is another one I try to get to once a week, it's really good for centring and calming the spirit.

    I've been doing Les Mills classes for years, and I think they're well designed and make sure you get a rounded workout. Some instructors are better than others, mind!
  • aprilgetsfit
    I have been doing BodyPump for years 2x a week...but sometimes fall off the wagon....since March I have really ramped it up and make sure that I do BodyPump 3x a week... though this did not result in much weight loss since I built up muscle which weighs more (but burns more calories). I have now added Les Mills BodyCombat 3x a week and I am seeing a much better drop in weight and inches as well as an improvement of the appearance of my muscles and lean body mass... I would highly suggest that you do BodyCombat as well as the BodyPump so that you don't just bulk up. I have a tendency to bulk up if I am not doing enough cardio and doing just weight training. I also do an occassional Zumba or Yoga class if time allows---or if my schedule does not allow me to get to my regular classes for Pump or Combat.

    I just wish this app would have the info figured out for popular classes like the Les Mills classes.
  • Violet319
    Violet319 Posts: 13 Member
    I just started adding Bodypump into my workout routine. I have done 2 classes so far. The second one was today. I love the class but am unsure of how much weight to be putting on the bar. My first class I did fine & made it thru the whole class, today I think I added a little to much weight because about 45 minutes in I felt like I was going to throw up. I actually had to leave the class & sit down for a few minutes. Its hard to stop in the middle of the class to change ur weights if u put too much on. Any suggestions??
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Build up your weights gradually - add on another small weight each time you do the class.

    I sometimes do stop for the 30 seconds opr so it takes to drop a bit of weight if I find it's too heavy. If the class isn't that busy, have 2 bars ready to go with a choice of weights, makes it easy to switch.
  • Joisgettingfit
    Joisgettingfit Posts: 160 Member
    I'm going to a body pump class for the first time later this week, i'm really looking forward to it :)